50 research outputs found

    El álbum poético en portugués y en español: sinergia estética entre palabras e ilustraciones

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    Este estudo procurou problematizar a relação textual que se observa entre a palavra e a imagem em um tipo de texto especialmente concebido para crianças: o álbum poético. Para tal, utilizamos alguns exemplos textuais significativos desse subgênero literário/editorial ainda em emergência tanto em Portugal quanto na Espanha, e propusemos uma definição e uma caracterização baseadas no comentário de sequências poéticas nas quais a ilustração sustenta o conteúdo verbal. Efetivamente, centrando a atenção no álbum poético de potencial recepção infanto-juvenil, sugere-se uma análise de diversos títulos de autoria portuguesa e espanhola, assente em uma leitura dialógica do texto verbal e do visual. A sinergia que se concretiza entre as duas componentes enunciadas alicerça essa nova construção estética que tem, na verdade e na sua essência, a poesia como matriz e, em larga medida, é devedora dos efeitos expressivos da metáfora.This study aimed to discuss the relation between words and images in a type of text especially directed to children: the picture-poetry book. From significant examples of this literary subgenre still emerging in both Portugal and Spain, we propose a definition and characterization based on the review of poetic sequences in which illustrations support the verbal content. By focusing on picture-poetry books potentially aimed for adolescents and children, we present an analysis of several titles by Portuguese and Spanish authors, based on the dialogic reading between verbal and visual texts. The synergy found between these two components creates de foundantions of a new aesthetic construction which, in truth and in essence, has poetry as its matrix and owes its expressive effects to metaphors.Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo discutir la relación textual que existe entre la palabra y la imagen en un tipo texto especialmente creado para niños: el álbum poético. Para ello, utilizamos algunos ejemplos textuales significativos de un subgénero literario en emergencia tanto en Portugal cuanto en España, y hemos propuesto una definición de este subgénero y su caracterización a partir del comentario de secuencias poéticas en las cuales la imagen sustenta el contenido verbal. De hecho, centrando la atención en el álbum poético de potencial recepción infantil y juvenil, proponemos un análisis de diversos títulos de autoría portuguesa y española basado en la lectura dialógica entre el texto verbal y el texto ilustrativo. La sinergia que se establece entre estos dos componentes enunciados facilita una nueva construcción estética que da pie, en su esencia, a un tipo de poesía que, en gran medida, es deudora de los efectos expresivos de la metáfora.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), Portugal. Fundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) no âmbito do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, da Universidade do Minho) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predicting serious complications in patients with cancer and pulmonary embolism using decision tree modelling: the EPIPHANY Index

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    Background: Our objective was to develop a prognostic stratification tool that enables patients with cancer and pulmonary embolism (PE), whether incidental or symptomatic, to be classified according to the risk of serious complications within 15 days. Methods: The sample comprised cases from a national registry of pulmonary thromboembolism in patients with cancer (1075 patients from 14 Spanish centres). Diagnosis was incidental in 53.5% of the events in this registry. The Exhaustive CHAID analysis was applied with 10-fold crossvalidation to predict development of serious complications following PE diagnosis. Results: About 208 patients (19.3%, 95% confidence interval (CI), 17.1-21.8%) developed a serious complication after PE diagnosis. The 15-day mortality rate was 10.1%, (95% CI, 8.4-12.1%). The decision tree detected six explanatory covariates: Hestia-like clinical decision rule (any risk criterion present vs none), Eastern Cooperative Group performance scale (ECOG-PS; = 2), O-2 saturation (= 90%), presence of PE-specific symptoms, tumour response (progression, unknown, or not evaluated vs others), and primary tumour resection. Three risk classes were created (low, intermediate, and high risk). The risk of serious complications within 15 days increases according to the group: 1.6, 9.4, 30.6%; P<0.0001. Fifteen-day mortality rates also rise progressively in low-, intermediate-, and high-risk patients: 0.3, 6.1, and 17.1%; P<0.0001. The cross-validated risk estimate is 0.191 (s.e. = 0.012). The optimism-corrected area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is 0.779 (95% CI, 0.717-0.840). Conclusions: We have developed and internally validated a prognostic index to predict serious complications with the potential to impact decision-making in patients with cancer and PE

    Rendimiento del ASAS Health Index en pacientes con Espondiloartritis de la vida real

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    Introducción: el cuestionario “Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Health In- dex” (ASAS-HI) fue desarrollado para medir de manera global la funcionalidad y el estado de salud en pacientes con espondiloartritis (EspA). Se han propuesto puntos de corte para determinar diferentes estados de salud que fueron poco evaluados en pacientes de la vida real. Objetivos: describir el estado de salud medido por ASAS-HI en pacientes argentinos con EspA axial (EspAax) y periférica (EspAp) en la práctica diaria y evaluar los factores asociados al pobre estado de salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, analítico y multicéntrico. Se incluyeron consecutivamente pacientes con EspAax y EspAp según criterios ASAS, de 15 centros argentinos. Análisis estadístico: se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis bivariado y multivariado (regresión logística múltiple) para evaluar los factores asociados al pobre estado de salud (ASAS-HI ≥12). Para analizar la validez de constructo de la herramienta se realizó correlación de Spearman entre el ASAS-HI y otros parámetros de evaluación de la enfermedad. Resultados: se incluyeron 274 pacientes con EspA, con una edad media de 49 (±14) años y una duración mediana de la enfermedad de 62 meses (p25-75: 24-135), 155 (56,6%) de los pacientes eran de sexo masculino, 129 pacientes (47%) con EspAax y 145 (52,9%) EspAp. Según el ASAS-HI 119 pacientes (43,4%) presentaban buen estado de salud, 117 (42,7%) tenían estado de salud moderado y 38 (13.9%) pobre estado de salud. En los pacientes con EspAp el valor de ASAS-HI mediano fue de 7 (p25-75: 3-10). El ASAS-HI correlacionó positivamente con: DAS28: rho: 0.5 (p<0.001) y HAQ: rho: 0.54 (p<0.001). La variable asociada de manera independiente con pobre estado de salud fue el DAS28 (OR: 1.9, IC95% 1.1- 3.4, p: 0.029). En los pacientes con EspAax el valor de ASAS-HI mediano fue de 6 (p25-75: 2.75-10). El ASAS-HI mostró correlación con: BASDAI: rho: 0.7 (p<0.001), ASDAS-ERS: rho: 0.7 (p<0,001), ASQoL: rho: 0.8 (p<0.001), BASFI rho: 0.75 (p<0.001). La variable que se asoció de manera independiente a pobre estado de salud fue el ASDAS-ERS (OR 6.6, IC95% 2-22, p 0.002). Conclusión: Un pobre estado de salud se asoció independientemente a mayor actividad de la enfermedad en pacientes con EspAax y EspAp. El ASAS-HI correlacionó con otros parámetros de la enfermedad, lo que refuerza la validez de constructo de esta nueva herramienta

    Deep learning-based lesion subtyping and prediction of clinical outcomes in COVID-19 pneumonia using chest CT

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    The main objective of this work is to develop and evaluate an artificial intelligence system based on deep learning capable of automatically identifying, quantifying, and characterizing COVID-19 pneumonia patterns in order to assess disease severity and predict clinical outcomes, and to compare the prediction performance with respect to human reader severity assessment and whole lung radiomics. We propose a deep learning based scheme to automatically segment the different lesion subtypes in nonenhanced CT scans. The automatic lesion quantification was used to predict clinical outcomes. The proposed technique has been independently tested in a multicentric cohort of 103 patients, retrospectively collected between March and July of 2020. Segmentation of lesion subtypes was evaluated using both overlapping (Dice) and distance-based (Hausdorff and average surface) metrics, while the proposed system to predict clinically relevant outcomes was assessed using the area under the curve (AUC). Additionally, other metrics including sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were estimated. 95% confidence intervals were properly calculated. The agreement between the automatic estimate of parenchymal damage (%) and the radiologists' severity scoring was strong, with a Spearman correlation coefficient (R) of 0.83. The automatic quantification of lesion subtypes was able to predict patient mortality, admission to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) and need for mechanical ventilation with an AUC of 0.87, 0.73 and 0.68 respectively. The proposed artificial intelligence system enabled a better prediction of those clinically relevant outcomes when compared to the radiologists' interpretation and to whole lung radiomics. In conclusion, deep learning lesion subtyping in COVID-19 pneumonia from noncontrast chest CT enables quantitative assessment of disease severity and better prediction of clinical outcomes with respect to whole lung radiomics or radiologists' severity score

    Alcohol marketing and drunkenness among students in the Philippines: findings from the nationally representative Global School-based Student Health Survey

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    BACKGROUND: A largely unaddressed issue in lower income countries and the Philippines, in particular, is the role of alcohol marketing and its potential link to early alcohol use among youth. This study examines the associations between exposures to alcohol marketing and Filipino youths’ drinking prevalence and drunkenness. METHODS: Cross-sectional analyses were used to examine the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) conducted in Philippines (2011). The self-administered questionnaires were completed by students primarily 13 to 16 years of age (N = 5290). Three statistical models were computed to test the associations between alcohol marketing and alcohol use, while controlling for possible confounding factors. RESULTS: Alcohol marketing, specifically through providing free alcohol through a company representative, was associated with drunkenness (AOR: 1.84; 95% CI = 1.06–3.21) among youths after controlling for demographic and psychosocial characteristics, peer environment, and risky behaviors. In addition, seeing alcohol ads in newspapers and magazines (AOR: 1.65, 95% CI = 1.05–2.58) and seeing ads at sports events, concerts or fairs (AOR: 1.50, 95% CI = 1.06–2.12) were significantly associated with increased reports of drunkenness. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant associations between alcohol marketing exposure and increased alcohol use and drunkenness among youth in the Philippines. These findings highlight the need to put policies into effect that restrict alcohol marketing practices as an important prevention strategy for reducing alcohol use and its dire consequences among vulnerable youth

    The epistemological trends of Social Work in the latin american context

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    ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to share some of the results of the research State of the Art of the Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Professional Intervention of Social Work in Latin America. It analyzes the epistemological dimension of professional intervention in Social Work by reviewing scholarly production in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia from 1998-2008. The discussion seeks to advance in the configuration of the disciplinary status of Social Work, by consolidating intervention as the foundational and structuralizing axis of the profession, emphasizing its scientific and transformative character in the realm of the social sciences.RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como finalidad compartir algunos de los resultados de la investigación Estado del arte sobre la fundamentación teórica y metodológica de la intervención profesional en Trabajo Social en América Latina. Se aborda la problematización de la dimensión epistemológica en la intervención profesional en Trabajo Social a partir de la revisión de esta producción en cuatro países: Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Colombia, en el periodo comprendido ente 1998-2008. La discusión que se propone, pretende avanzar en la configuración del estatuto disciplinar en Trabajo Social, a partir de la consolidación de la intervención como eje fundante y estructurante de la profesión, reivindicando su carácter científico y transformador en el concierto de las ciencias sociales

    Agroforesterie et services écosystémiques en zone tropicale

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    Respectueux de l’environnement et garantissant une sécurité alimentaire soutenue par la diversification des productions et des revenus qu’ils procurent, les systèmes agroforestiers apparaissent comme un modèle prometteur d’agriculture durable dans les pays du Sud les plus vulnérables aux changements globaux. Cependant, ces systèmes agroforestiers ne peuvent être optimisés qu’à condition de mieux comprendre et de mieux maîtriser les facteurs de leurs productions. L’ouvrage présente un ensemble de connaissances récentes sur les mécanismes biophysiques et socio-économiques qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement et la dynamique des systèmes agroforestiers. Il concerne, d’une part les systèmes agroforestiers à base de cultures pérennes, telles que cacaoyers et caféiers, de régions tropicales humides en Amérique du Sud, en Afrique de l’Est et du Centre, d’autre part les parcs arborés et arbustifs à base de cultures vivrières, principalement de céréales, de la région semi-aride subsaharienne d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Il synthétise les dernières avancées acquises grâce à plusieurs projets associant le Cirad, l’IRD et leurs partenaires du Sud qui ont été conduits entre 2012 et 2016 dans ces régions. L’ensemble de ces projets s’articulent autour des dynamiques des systèmes agroforestiers et des compromis entre les services de production et les autres services socio-écosystémiques que ces systèmes fournissent