11,719 research outputs found

    The order parameter of the chiral Potts model

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    An outstanding problem in statistical mechanics is the order parameter of the chiral Potts model. An elegant conjecture for this was made in 1983. It has since been successfully tested against series expansions, but as far as the author is aware there is as yet no proof of the conjecture. Here we show that if one makes a certain analyticity assumption similar to that used to derive the free energy, then one can indeed verify the conjecture. The method is based on the ``broken rapidity line'' approach pioneered by Jimbo, Miwa and Nakayashiki.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. Citations made more explicit and some typos correcte

    Ex-nihilo: Obstacles Surrounding Teaching the Standard Model

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    The model of the Big Bang is an integral part of the national curriculum for England. Previous work (e.g. Baxter 1989) has shown that pupils often come into education with many and varied prior misconceptions emanating from both internal and external sources. Whilst virtually all of these misconceptions can be remedied, there will remain (by its very nature) the obstacle of ex-nihilo, as characterised by the question `how do you get something from nothing?' There are two origins of this obstacle: conceptual (i.e. knowledge-based) and cultural (e.g. deeply held religious viewpoints). The article shows how the citizenship section of the national curriculum, coming `online' in England from September 2002, presents a new opportunity for exploiting these.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted for publication in Physics E

    Some comments on developments in exact solutions in statistical mechanics since 1944

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    Lars Onsager and Bruria Kaufman calculated the partition function of the Ising model exactly in 1944 and 1949. Since then there have been many developments in the exact solution of similar, but usually more complicated, models. Here I shall mention a few, and show how some of the latest work seems to be returning once again to the properties observed by Onsager and Kaufman.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, section on six-vertex model revise

    Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model and the algebraic Bethe ansatz

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    We connect two alternative concepts of solving integrable models, Baxter's method of auxiliary matrices (or Q-operators) and the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The main steps of the calculation are performed in a general setting and a formula for the Bethe eigenvalues of the Q-operator is derived. A proof is given for states which contain up to three Bethe roots. Further evidence is provided by relating the findings to the six-vertex fusion hierarchy. For the XXZ spin-chain we analyze the cases when the deformation parameter of the underlying quantum group is evaluated both at and away from a root of unity.Comment: 32 page

    Conformal invariance studies of the Baxter-Wu model and a related site-colouring problem

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    The partition function of the Baxter-Wu model is exactly related to the generating function of a site-colouring problem on a hexagonal lattice. We extend the original Bethe ansatz solution of these models in order to obtain the eigenspectra of their transfer matrices in finite geometries and general toroidal boundary conditions. The operator content of these models are studied by solving numerically the Bethe-ansatz equations and by exploring conformal invariance. Since the eigenspectra are calculated for large lattices, the corrections to finite-size scaling are also calculated.Comment: 12 pages, latex, to appear in J. Phys. A: Gen. Mat

    Auxiliary matrices on both sides of the equator

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    The spectra of previously constructed auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at roots of unity are investigated for spin-chains of even and odd length. The two cases show remarkable differences. In particular, it is shown that for even roots of unity and an odd number of sites the eigenvalues contain two linear independent solutions to Baxter's TQ-equation corresponding to the Bethe ansatz equations above and below the equator. In contrast, one finds for even spin-chains only one linear independent solution and complete strings. The other main result is the proof of a previous conjecture on the degeneracies of the six-vertex model at roots of unity. The proof rests on the derivation of a functional equation for the auxiliary matrices which is closely related to a functional equation for the eight-vertex model conjectured by Fabricius and McCoy.Comment: 22 pages; 2nd version: one paragraph added in the conclusion and some typos correcte

    Theory of the Quantum Critical Fluctuations in Cuprates

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    The statistical mechanics of the time-reversal and inversion symmetry breaking order parameter, possibly observed in the pseudogap region of the phase diagram of the Cuprates, can be represented by the Ashkin-Teller model. We add kinetic energy and dissipation to the model for a quantum generalization and show that the correlations are determined by two sets of charges, one interacting locally in time and logarithmically in space and the other locally in space and logarithmically in time. The quantum critical fluctuations are derived and shown to be of the form postulated in 1989 to give the marginal fermi-liquid properties. The model solved and the methods devised are likely to be of interest also to other quantum phase transitions

    Analyticity and Integrabiity in the Chiral Potts Model

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    We study the perturbation theory for the general non-integrable chiral Potts model depending on two chiral angles and a strength parameter and show how the analyticity of the ground state energy and correlation functions dramatically increases when the angles and the strength parameter satisfy the integrability condition. We further specialize to the superintegrable case and verify that a sum rule is obeyed.Comment: 31 pages in harvmac including 9 tables, several misprints eliminate

    Star-Triangle Relation for a Three Dimensional Model

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    The solvable sl(n)sl(n)-chiral Potts model can be interpreted as a three-dimensional lattice model with local interactions. To within a minor modification of the boundary conditions it is an Ising type model on the body centered cubic lattice with two- and three-spin interactions. The corresponding local Boltzmann weights obey a number of simple relations, including a restricted star-triangle relation, which is a modified version of the well-known star-triangle relation appearing in two-dimensional models. We show that these relations lead to remarkable symmetry properties of the Boltzmann weight function of an elementary cube of the lattice, related to spatial symmetry group of the cubic lattice. These symmetry properties allow one to prove the commutativity of the row-to-row transfer matrices, bypassing the tetrahedron relation. The partition function per site for the infinite lattice is calculated exactly.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, 3 figures, SMS-079-92/MRR-020-92. (corrupted figures replaced

    On kernel engineering via Paley–Wiener

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    A radial basis function approximation takes the form s(x)=∑k=1nakϕ(x−bk),x∈Rd,s(x)=\sum_{k=1}^na_k\phi(x-b_k),\quad x\in {\mathbb{R}}^d, where the coefficients a 1,
,a n are real numbers, the centres b 1,
,b n are distinct points in ℝ d , and the function φ:ℝ d →ℝ is radially symmetric. Such functions are highly useful in practice and enjoy many beautiful theoretical properties. In particular, much work has been devoted to the polyharmonic radial basis functions, for which φ is the fundamental solution of some iterate of the Laplacian. In this note, we consider the construction of a rotation-invariant signed (Borel) measure ÎŒ for which the convolution ψ=ÎŒ φ is a function of compact support, and when φ is polyharmonic. The novelty of this construction is its use of the Paley–Wiener theorem to identify compact support via analysis of the Fourier transform of the new kernel ψ, so providing a new form of kernel engineering
