231 research outputs found

    Disruption of the Lipid-Transporting LdMT-LdRos3 Complex in Leishmania donovani Affects Membrane Lipid Asymmetry but Not Host Cell Invasion

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    Maintenance and regulation of the asymmetric lipid distribution across eukaryotic plasma membranes is governed by the concerted action of specific membrane proteins controlling lipid movement across the bilayer. Here, we show that the miltefosine transporter (LdMT), a member of the P4-ATPase subfamily in Leishmania donovani, and the Cdc50-like protein LdRos3 form a stable complex that plays an essential role in maintaining phospholipid asymmetry in the parasite plasma membrane. Loss of either LdMT or LdRos3 abolishes ATP-dependent transport of NBD-labelled phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine from the outer to the inner plasma membrane leaflet and results in an increased cell surface exposure of endogenous PE. We also find that promastigotes of L. donovani lack any detectable amount of phosphatidylserine (PS) but retain their infectivity in THP-1-derived macrophages. Likewise, infectivity was unchanged for parasites without LdMT-LdRos3 complexes. We conclude that exposure of PS and PE to the exoplasmic leaflet is not crucial for the infectivity of L. donovani promastigotes

    Gut Bacterial Communities in the Giant Land Snail Achatina fulica and Their Modification by Sugarcane-Based Diet

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    The invasive land snail Achatina fulica is one of the most damaging agricultural pests worldwide representing a potentially serious threat to natural ecosystems and human health. This species is known to carry parasites and harbors a dense and metabolically active microbial community; however, little is known about its diversity and composition. Here, we assessed for the first time the complexity of bacterial communities occurring in the digestive tracts of field-collected snails (FC) by using culture-independent molecular analysis. Crop and intestinal bacteria in FC were then compared to those from groups of snails that were reared in the laboratory (RL) on a sugarcane-based diet. Most of the sequences recovered were novel and related to those reported for herbivorous gut. Changes in the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were observed when the snails were fed a high-sugar diet, suggesting that the snail gut microbiota can influence the energy balance equation. Furthermore, this study represents a first step in gaining a better understanding of land snail gut microbiota and shows that this is a complex holobiont system containing diverse, abundant and active microbial communities

    Características das Famílias, Estruturação da Produção e Estratégias de Comercialização em um Assentamento de Reforma Agrária

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    Resumo: A estruturação dos estabelecimentos rurais está associada às características das famílias e às suas estratégias de inserção no mercado, em termos de geração de renda e exposição a riscos. Para entender essa associação foram estudados os casos de sete famílias assentadas em Araraquara (SP), região dominada por cana-de-açúcar e citros. Os indicadores foram o valor agregado total, o valor agregado por trabalhador, a estrutura e a dinâmica familiar e a organização do trabalho. Os casos incluíram dois estabelecimentos integrados à agroindústria (cana e frango, leite e frango), três estabelecimentos produtores de hortaliças (venda em atacado, semiatacado e direta ao consumidor), um caso de produção exclusivamente para consumo doméstico e um sem nenhuma produção econômica. As famílias vinculadas à agroindústria obtiveram valores agregados mais elevados, mas precisaram fazer investimentos maiores, o que fragilizou seus sistemas de produção frente a riscos. A crise financeira mundial de 2008 quebrou as agroindústrias integradoras e, com elas, as duas propriedades integradas. Para os produtores de hortaliças, para o mercado local, o valor agregado foi inferior ao do das integradas, como também seus investimentos em infraestrutura. A opção pela via de escoamento das hortaliças foi associada ao tamanho, ao conhecimento tecnológico e do mercado pelas famílias