211 research outputs found

    The solid surface combustion space shuttle experiment hardware description and ground-based test results

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    The Lewis Research Center is developing a series of microgravity combustion experiments for the Space Shuttle. The Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE) is the first to be completed. SSCE will study flame spreading over thermally thin fuels (ashless filter paper) under microgravity conditions. The flight hardware consists of a combustion chamber containing the sample and a computer which takes the data and controls the experiment. Experimental data will include gas-phase and solid-phase temperature measurements and motion pictures of the combustion process. Flame spread rates will be determined from the motion pictures

    Code Generation for Higher Inductive Types

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    Higher inductive types are inductive types that include nontrivial higher-dimensional structure, represented as identifications that are not reflexivity. While work proceeds on type theories with a computational interpretation of univalence and higher inductive types, it is convenient to encode these structures in more traditional type theories with mature implementations. However, these encodings involve a great deal of error-prone additional syntax. We present a library that uses Agda's metaprogramming facilities to automate this process, allowing higher inductive types to be specified with minimal additional syntax.Comment: 16 pages, Accepted for presentation in WFLP 201

    Quotient inductive-inductive types

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    Higher inductive types (HITs) in Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) allow the definition of datatypes which have constructors for equalities over the defined type. HITs generalise quotient types and allow to define types which are not sets in the sense of HoTT (i.e. do not satisfy uniqueness of equality proofs) such as spheres, suspensions and the torus. However, there are also interesting uses of HITs to define sets, such as the Cauchy reals, the partiality monad, and the internal, total syntax of type theory. In each of these examples we define several types that depend on each other mutually, i.e. they are inductive-inductive definitions. We call those HITs quotient inductive-inductive types (QIITs). Although there has been recent progress on the general theory of HITs, there isn't yet a theoretical foundation of the combination of equality constructors and induction-induction, despite having many interesting applications. In the present paper we present a first step towards a semantic definition of QIITs. In particular, we give an initial-algebra semantics and show that this is equivalent to the section induction principle, which justifies the intuitively expected elimination rules

    Needle & knot : binder boilerplate tied up

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    To lighten the burden of programming language mechanization, many approaches have been developed that tackle the substantial boilerplate which arises from variable binders. Unfortunately, the existing approaches are limited in scope. They typically do not support complex binding forms (such as multi-binders) that arise in more advanced languages, or they do not tackle the boilerplate due to mentioning variables and binders in relations. As a consequence, the human mechanizer is still unnecessarily burdened with binder boilerplate and discouraged from taking on richer languages. This paper presents Knot, a new approach that substantially extends the support for binder boilerplate. Knot is a highly expressive language for natural and concise specification of syntax with binders. Its meta-theory constructively guarantees the coverage of a considerable amount of binder boilerplate for well-formed specifications, including that for well-scoping of terms and context lookups. Knot also comes with a code generator, Needle, that specializes the generic boilerplate for convenient embedding in COQ and provides a tactic library for automatically discharging proof obligations that frequently come up in proofs of weakening and substitution lemmas of type-systems. Our evaluation shows, that Needle & Knot significantly reduce the size of language mechanizations (by 40% in our case study). Moreover, as far as we know, Knot enables the most concise mechanization of the POPLmark Challenge (1a + 2a) and is two-thirds the size of the next smallest. Finally, Knot allows us to mechanize for instance dependentlytyped languages, which is notoriously challenging because of dependent contexts and mutually-recursive sorts with variables

    Extending scientific computing system with structural quantum programming capabilities

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    We present a basic high-level structures used for developing quantum programming languages. The presented structures are commonly used in many existing quantum programming languages and we use quantum pseudo-code based on QCL quantum programming language to describe them. We also present the implementation of introduced structures in GNU Octave language for scientific computing. Procedures used in the implementation are available as a package quantum-octave, providing a library of functions, which facilitates the simulation of quantum computing. This package allows also to incorporate high-level programming concepts into the simulation in GNU Octave and Matlab. As such it connects features unique for high-level quantum programming languages, with the full palette of efficient computational routines commonly available in modern scientific computing systems. To present the major features of the described package we provide the implementation of selected quantum algorithms. We also show how quantum errors can be taken into account during the simulation of quantum algorithms using quantum-octave package. This is possible thanks to the ability to operate on density matrices

    A Machine Checked Model of Idempotent MGU Axioms For Lists of Equational Constraints

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    We present formalized proofs verifying that the first-order unification algorithm defined over lists of satisfiable constraints generates a most general unifier (MGU), which also happens to be idempotent. All of our proofs have been formalized in the Coq theorem prover. Our proofs show that finite maps produced by the unification algorithm provide a model of the axioms characterizing idempotent MGUs of lists of constraints. The axioms that serve as the basis for our verification are derived from a standard set by extending them to lists of constraints. For us, constraints are equalities between terms in the language of simple types. Substitutions are formally modeled as finite maps using the Coq library Coq.FSets.FMapInterface. Coq's method of functional induction is the main proof technique used in proving many of the axioms.Comment: In Proceedings UNIF 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Extended Call-by-Push-Value: Reasoning About Effectful Programs and Evaluation Order

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    Traditionally, reasoning about programs under varying evaluation regimes (call-by-value, call-by-name etc.) was done at the meta-level, treating them as term rewriting systems. Levy’s call-by-push-value (CBPV) calculus provides a more powerful approach for reasoning, by treating CBPV terms as a common intermediate language which captures both call-by-value and call-by-name, and by allowing equational reasoning about changes to evaluation order between or within programs. We extend CBPV to additionally deal with call-by-need, which is non-trivial because of shared reductions. This allows the equational reasoning to also support call-by-need. As an example, we then prove that call-by-need and call-by-name are equivalent if nontermination is the only side-effect in the source language. We then show how to incorporate an effect system. This enables us to exploit static knowledge of the potential effects of a given expression to augment equational reasoning; thus a program fragment might be invariant under change of evaluation regime only because of knowledge of its effects