206 research outputs found

    Strain and order-parameter coupling in Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy

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    Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility experiments have been used to characterize strain coupling phenomena associated with structural and magnetic properties of the shape-memory Heusler alloy series Ni50+x_{50+x}Mn25−x_{25-x}Ga25_{25} (x=0x=0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5). All samples exhibit a martensitic transformation at temperature TMT_M and ferromagnetic ordering at temperature TCT_C, while the pure end member (x=0x=0) also has a premartensitic transition at TPMT_{PM}, giving four different scenarios: TC>TPM>TMT_C>T_{PM}>T_M, TC>TMT_C>T_M without premartensitic transition, TC≈TMT_C\approx T_M, and TC<TMT_C<T_M. Fundamental differences in elastic properties i.e., stiffening versus softening, are explained in terms of coupling of shear strains with three discrete order parameters relating to magnetic ordering, a soft mode and the electronic instability responsible for the large strains typical of martensitic transitions. Linear-quadratic or biquadratic coupling between these order parameters, either directly or indirectly via the common strains, is then used to explain the stabilities of the different structures. Acoustic losses are attributed to critical slowing down at the premartensite transition, to the mobility of interphases between coexisting phases at the martensitic transition and to mobility of some aspect of the twin walls under applied stress down to the lowest temperatures at which measurements were made.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Strain Coupling, Microstructure Dynamics and Acoustic Mode Softening in Germanium Telluride

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    GeTe is a material of intense topical interest due to its potential in the context of phase-change and nanowire memory devices, as a base for thermoelectric materials and as a ferroelectric. The combination of a soft optic mode and a Peierls distortion contributes large strains at the cubic - rhombohedral phase transition near 625 K and the role of these has been investigated through their influence on elastic and anelastic properties by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. The underlying physics is revealed by softening of the elastic constants by ~30-45%, due to strong coupling of shear and volume strains with the driving order parameter and consistent with an improper ferroelastic transition which is weakly first order. The magnitude of the softening is permissive of the transition mechanism involving a significant order/disorder component. A Debye loss peak in the vicinity of 180 K is attributed to freezing of the motion of ferroelastic twin walls and the activation energy of ~0.07 eV is attributed to control by switching of the configuration of long and short Ge-Te bonds in the first coordination sphere around Ge. Precursor softening as the transition is approached from above can be described with a Vogel-Fulcher expression with a similar activation energy, which is attributed to coupling of acoustic modes with an unseen central mode that arises from dynamical clusters with local ordering of the Peierls distortion. The strain relaxation and ferroelastic behaviour of GeTe depend on both displacive and order/disorder effects but the dynamics of switching will be determined by changes in the configuration of distorted GeTe6 octahedra, with a rather small activation energy barrier

    Strain behavior and lattice dynamics in Ni50Mn35In15

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    The lattice dynamics in the polycrystalline shape-memory Heusler alloy Ni50Mn35In15 have been studied by means of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS). RUS spectra were collected in a frequency range 100–1200 kHz between 10 and 350 K. Ni50Mn35In15 exhibits a ferromagnetic transition at 313 K in the austenite phase and a martensitic transition at 248 K accompanied by a change of the magnetic state. Furthermore it displays a paramagnetic to ferrimagnetic transition within the martensitic phase. We determined the temperature dependence of the shear modulus and the acoustic attenuation of Ni50Mn35In15 and compared it with magnetization data. Following the structural softening, which accompanies the martensitic transition as a pretransitional phenomenon, a strong stiffening of the lattice is observed at the martensitic magneto-structural transition. Only a weak magnetoelastic coupling is evidenced at the Curie temperatures both in austenite and martensite phases. The large acoustic damping in the martensitic phase compared with the austenitic phase reflects the motion of the twin walls, which freezes out in the low temperature region

    Magnetic field and in situ stress dependence of elastic behavior in EuTiO3 from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy

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    Magneto-electric coupling phenomena in EuTiO3 are of considerable fundamental interest and are also understood to be key to reported multiferroic behavior in strained films, which exhibit distinctly different properties to the bulk. Here the magneto-elastic coupling of EuTiO3 is investigated by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy with in-situ applied magnetic field and stress as a function of temperature ranging from temperatures above the structural transition temperature, Ts, to below the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature Tn. One single crystal and two polycrystalline samples are investigated and compared to each other. Both paramagnetic and diamagnetic transducer carriers are used, allowing an examination of the effect of both stress and magnetic field on the behaviour of the sample. The properties are reported in constant field/variable temperature and in constant temperature/variable field mode where substantial differences between both data sets are observed. In addition, elastic and magnetic poling at high fields and stresses at low temperature has been performed in order to trace the history dependence of the elastic constants. Four different temperature regions are identified, characterized by unusual elastic responses. The low temperature phase diagram has been explored and found to exhibit rich complexity. The data evidence a considerable relaxation of elastic constants at high temperatures, but with little effect from magnetic field alone above 20 K, in addition to the known low temperature coupling.MAC acknowledges support from NERC and EPSRC (grants NE/B505738/1 and EP/I036079/1, respectively). CP acknowledges financial support in Greece through FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1, and in Singapore through Award No. NRF-CRP-4-2008-04 of the Competitive Research Programme. LJS acknowledges the support of the National Science Centre (NCN) through grant MAESTRO no. DEC-2012/04/A/ST3/00342. Dr Albert Migliori (Los Alamos National Laboratory) is thanked for invaluable assistance in creating the RUS system with in-situ magnetic field. Prof Jim Scott (U. Cambridge) is thanked for his advice and assistance in interpreting the data and improving the manuscript. Tony Dennis (U. Cambridge) collected the SQUID data.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Physical Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.93.05410

    Magnetoelastic relaxations in EuTiO3

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    The multiferroic properties of EuTiO3 are greatly enhanced when a sample is strained, signifying that coupling between strain and structural, magnetic or ferroelectric order parameters is extremely important. Here resonant ultrasound spectroscopy has been used to investigate strain coupling effects, as well as possible additional phase transitions, through their influence on elastic and anelastic relaxations that occur as a function of temperature between 2 and 300 K and with applied magnetic field up to 14 T. Antiferromagnetic ordering is accompanied by acoustic loss and softening, and a weak magnetoelastic effect is also associated with the change in magnetization direction below . Changes in loss due to the influence of magnetic field suggest the existence of magnetic defects which couple with strain and may play a role in pinning of ferroelastic twin walls

    Strain relaxation behaviour of vortices in a multiferroic superconductor.

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    The elastic and anelastic properties of a single crystal of Co-doped pnictide Ba(Fe0.957Co0.043)2As2 have been determined by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy in the frequency range 10-500 kHz, both as a function of temperature through the normal-superconducting transition (T c ≈ 12.5 K) and as a function of applied magnetic field up to 12.5 T. Correlation with thermal expansion, electrical resistivity, heat capacity, DC and AC magnetic data from crystals taken from the same synthetic batch has revealed the permeating influence of strain on coupling between order parameters for the ferroelastic (Q E) and superconducting (Q SC) transitions and on the freezing/relaxation behaviour of vortices. Elastic softening through T c in zero field can be understood in terms of classical coupling of the order parameter with the shear strain e 6, λe 6 Formula: see text, which means that there must be a common strain mechanism for coupling of the form λ Formula: see text Q E. At fields of ~5 T and above, this softening is masked by Debye-like stiffening and acoustic loss processes due to vortex freezing. The first loss peak may be associated with the establishment of superconductivity on ferroelastic twin walls ahead of the matrix and the second is due to the vortex liquid-vortex glass transition. Strain contrast between vortex cores and the superconducting matrix will contribute significantly to interactions of vortices both with each other and with the underlying crystal structure. These interactions imply that iron-pnictides represent a class of multiferroic superconductors in which strain-mediated coupling occurs between the multiferroic properties (ferroelasticity, antiferromagnetism) and superconductivity

    Elastic and anelastic relaxation behaviour of perovskite multiferroics I: PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3(PZT)-PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3(PNF)

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    Perovskites in the ternary system PbTiO3 (PT)–PbZrO3 (PZ)–Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 (PFN) have attracted close interest because they can display simultaneous ferroelectric, magnetic and ferroelastic properties. Those with the most sensitive response to external fields are likely to have compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) which lies close to the binary join Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 (PZT)–PFN. In the present study, the strength and dynamics of strain coupling behaviour which accompanies the development of ferroelectricity and (anti)ferromagnetism in ceramic PZT–PFN samples have been investigated by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Elastic softening ahead of the cubic–tetragonal transition does not fit with models based on dispersion of the soft mode or relaxor characteristics but is attributed, instead, to coupling between acoustic modes and a central peak mode from correlated relaxations and/or microstructure dynamics. Softening of the shear modulus through the transition by up to ~50 % fits with the expected pattern for linear/quadratic strain/order parameter coupling at an improper ferroelastic transition and close to tricritical evolution for the order parameter. Superattenuation of acoustic resonances in a temperature interval of ~100 K below the transition point is indicative of mobile ferroelastic twin walls. By way of contrast, the first-order tetragonal–monoclinic transition involves only a small change in the shear modulus and is not accompanied by significant changes in acoustic dissipation. The dominant feature of the elastic and anelastic properties at low temperatures is a concave-up variation of the shear modulus and relatively high loss down to the lowest temperature, which appears to be the signature of materials with substantial local strain heterogeneity and a spectrum of strain relaxation times. No evidence of magnetoelastic coupling has been found, in spite of the samples displaying ferromagnetism below ~550 K and possible spin glass ordering below ~50 K. For the important multiferroic perovskite ceramics with compositions close to the MPB of ternary PT-PZ-PFN, there must be some focus in future on the role of strain heterogeneity

    Elastic and anelastic relaxation behaviour of perovskite multiferroics II: PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 (PZT)–PbFe0.5Ta0.5O3 (PFT)

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    Elastic and anelastic properties of ceramic samples of multiferroic perovskites with nominal compositions across the binary join PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3–PbFe0.5Ta0.5O3 (PZT–PFT) have been assembled to create a binary phase diagram and to address the role of strain relaxation associated with their phase transitions. Structural relationships are similar to those observed previously for PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3–PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 (PZT–PFN), but the magnitude of the tetragonal shear strain associated with the ferroelectric order parameter appears to be much smaller. This leads to relaxor character for the development of ferroelectric properties in the end member PbFe0.5Ta0.5O3. As for PZT–PFN, there appear to be two discrete instabilities rather than simply a reorientation of the electric dipole in the transition sequence cubic–tetragonal–monoclinic, and the second transition has characteristics typical of an improper ferroelastic. At intermediate compositions, the ferroelastic microstructure has strain heterogeneities on a mesoscopic length scale and, probably, also on a microscopic scale. This results in a wide anelastic freezing interval for strain-related defects rather than the freezing of discrete twin walls that would occur in a conventional ferroelastic material. In PFT, however, the acoustic loss behaviour more nearly resembles that due to freezing of conventional ferroelastic twin walls. Precursor softening of the shear modulus in both PFT and PFN does not fit with a Vogel–Fulcher description, but in PFT there is a temperature interval where the softening conforms to a power law suggestive of the role of fluctuations of the order parameter with dispersion along one branch of the Brillouin zone. Magnetic ordering appears to be coupled only weakly with a volume strain and not with shear strain but, as with multiferroic PZT–PFN perovskites, takes place within crystals which have significant strain heterogeneities on different length scales
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