231 research outputs found

    Medium Energy Ion Scattering of Gr on SiC(0001) and Si(100)

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    Depth profiling of graphene with high-resolution ion beam analysis is a practical method for analysis of monolayer thicknesses of graphene. Not only is the energy resolution sufficient to resolve graphene from underlying SiC, but by use of isotope labeling it is possible to tag graphene generated from reacted ethylene. Furthermore, we are able to analyze graphene supported by oxidized Si(100) substrates, allowing the study of graphene films grown by chemical vapor deposition on metal and transfered to silicon. This introduces a powerful method to explore the fundamentals of graphene formation

    Tricuspid valve disease with significant tricuspid insufficiency in the fetus: Diagnosis and outcome

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    AbstractThe echocardiographic studies and clinical course of 27 fetuses (mean gestationl age 26.9 weeks) diagnosed in utero with tricuspid valve disease and significant tricuspid regurgitation were reviewed. The diagnosis of Ebstein's anomaly was made in 17 of the fetuses, 7 had tricuspid valve dysplasia with poorly developed but normally attached leaflets and 2 had an unguarded tricuspid valve orifice with little or no identifiable tricuspid tissue. One fetus was excluded from data analysis because a more complex heart lesion was documented at autopsy. All fetuses had massive right atrial dilation and most who were serially studied had progressive right-sided cardiomegaly. Hydrops fetalis was found in six cases and atrial flutter in five.Associated cardiac lesions included pulmonary stenosis in five cases and pulmonary alresia in six. Four fetuses with normal forward pulmonary artery flow at the initial examination were found at subsequent study to have retrograde pulmonary artery and ductal flow in association with the development of pulmonary stenosis (n = 1) and pulmonary atresia (n = 3). On review of the clinical course of the 23 fetuses (excluding 3 with elective abortion), 48% of the fetuses died in utero and 35% who were liveborn died despite vigorous medical and, when necessary, surgical management, many of whom had severe congestive heart failure. Of the four infants who survived the neonatal period, three had a benign neonatal course, all of whom were diagnosed with mild to moderate Ebstein's anomaly; only one had pulmonary outflow obstruction. An additional finding at autopsy was significant lung hypoplasia documented in 10 of 19 autopsy reports.Tricuspid valve anomalies with tricuspid insufficiency can be identified echocardiographically in the fetus and should be searched for in the presence of right atrial enlargement. The prognosis for the fetus diagnosed in utero with significant tricuspid valve disease is extremely poor, with a prenatal course that includes progressive right heart dilation, with cardiac failure and lung hypoplasia in many and development of pulmonary stenose or pulmonary atresia later in gestation in some

    Pathway to the PiezoElectronic Transduction Logic Device

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    The information age challenges computer technology to process an exponentially increasing computational load on a limited energy budget - a requirement that demands an exponential reduction in energy per operation. In digital logic circuits, the switching energy of present FET devices is intimately connected with the switching voltage, and can no longer be lowered sufficiently, limiting the ability of current technology to address the challenge. Quantum computing offers a leap forward in capability, but a clear advantage requires algorithms presently developed for only a small set of applications. Therefore, a new, general purpose, classical technology based on a different paradigm is needed to meet the ever increasing demand for data processing.Comment: in Nano Letters (2015

    Shape Transition in the Epitaxial Growth of Gold Silicide in Au Thin Films on Si(111)

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    Growth of epitaxial gold silicide islands on bromine-passivated Si(111) substrates has been studied by optical and electron microscopy, electron probe micro analysis and helium ion backscattering. The islands grow in the shape of equilateral triangles up to a critical size beyond which the symmetry of the structure is broken, resulting in a shape transition from triangle to trapezoid. The island edges are aligned along Si[110]Si[110] directions. We have observed elongated islands with aspect ratios as large as 8:1. These islands, instead of growing along three equivalent [110] directions on the Si(111) substrate, grow only along one preferential direction. This has been attributed to the vicinality of the substrate surface.Comment: revtex version 3.0, 11 pages 4 figures available on request from [email protected] - IP/BBSR/93-6

    Impurity-induced diffusion bias in epitaxial growth

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    We introduce two models for the action of impurities in epitaxial growth. In the first, the interaction between the diffusing adatoms and the impurities is ``barrier''-like and, in the second, it is ``trap''-like. For the barrier model, we find a symmetry breaking effect that leads to an overall down-hill current. As expected, such a current produces Edwards-Wilkinson scaling. For the trap model, no symmetry breaking occurs and the scaling behavior appears to be of the conserved-KPZ type.Comment: 5 pages(with the 5 figures), latex, revtex3.0, epsf, rotate, multico

    Reversed anisotropies and thermal contraction of FCC (110) surfaces

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    The observed anisotropies of surface vibrations for unreconstructed FCC metal (110) surfaces are often reversed from the "common sense" expectation. The source of these reversals is investigated by performing ab initio density functional theory calculations to obtain the surface force constant tensors for Ag(110), Cu(110) and Al(110). The most striking result is a large enhancement in the coupling between the first and third layers of the relaxed surface, which strongly reduces the amplitude of out-of-plane vibrations of atoms in the first layer. This also provides a simple explanation for the thermal contraction of interlayer distances. Both the anisotropies and the thermal contraction arise primarily as a result of the bond topology, with all three (110) surfaces showing similar behavior.Comment: 13 pages, in revtex format, plus 1 postscript figur

    Towards the fabrication of phosphorus qubits for a silicon quantum computer

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    The quest to build a quantum computer has been inspired by the recognition of the formidable computational power such a device could offer. In particular silicon-based proposals, using the nuclear or electron spin of dopants as qubits, are attractive due to the long spin relaxation times involved, their scalability, and the ease of integration with existing silicon technology. Fabrication of such devices however requires atomic scale manipulation - an immense technological challenge. We demonstrate that it is possible to fabricate an atomically-precise linear array of single phosphorus bearing molecules on a silicon surface with the required dimensions for the fabrication of a silicon-based quantum computer. We also discuss strategies for the encapsulation of these phosphorus atoms by subsequent silicon crystal growth.Comment: To Appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Comm. 5 pages, 5 color figure

    Real-time fermions for baryogenesis simulations

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    We study how to numerically simulate quantum fermions out of thermal equilibrium, in the context of electroweak baryogenesis. We find that by combining the lattice implementation of Aarts and Smit [1] with the "low cost" fermions of Borsanyi and Hindmarsh [2], we are able to describe the dynamics of a classical bosonic system coupled to quantum fermions, that correctly reproduces anomalous baryon number violation. To demonstrate the method, we apply it to the 1+1 dimensional axial U(1) model, and perform simulations of a fast symmetry breaking transition. Compared to solving all the quantum mode equations as in [1], we find that this statistical approach may lead to a significant gain in computational time, when applied to 3+1 dimensional physics

    Vicinal Surface with Langmuir Adsorption: A Decorated Restricted Solid-on-solid Model

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    We study the vicinal surface of the restricted solid-on-solid model coupled with the Langmuir adsorbates which we regard as two-dimensional lattice gas without lateral interaction. The effect of the vapor pressure of the adsorbates in the environmental phase is taken into consideration through the chemical potential. We calculate the surface free energy ff, the adsorption coverage Θ\Theta, the step tension γ\gamma, and the step stiffness γ~\tilde{\gamma} by the transfer matrix method combined with the density-matrix algorithm. Detailed step-density-dependence of ff and Θ\Theta is obtained. We draw the roughening transition curve in the plane of the temperature and the chemical potential of adsorbates. We find the multi-reentrant roughening transition accompanying the inverse roughening phenomena. We also find quasi-reentrant behavior in the step tension.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures (png format), RevTeX 3.1, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transverse-spin dependence of the p-p total cross section ΔσT from 0.8 to 2.5 GeV/c

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    The difference ΔσT=σ(↓↑)-σ(↑↑) between the proton-proton total cross sections for protons in pure transverse-spin states, was measured at incident momenta 0.8 to 2.5 GeV/c in experiments performed at the Los Alamos Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility and the Argonne Zero Gradient Synchrotron. In agreement with other data, peaks were observed at center-of-mass energies of 2.14 and 2.43 GeV/c2, where 1D2 and 1G4 dibaryon resonances have been proposed