77 research outputs found

    In Re: Diet Drugs

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    USDC for the Eastern District of Pennsylvani

    Documents from the March 12, 2005 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

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    Documents from the March 12, 2005 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), including an agenda and meeting minutes

    Il catalano nella Corte Aragonese a Napoli riflesso in documenti bilingui della cancelleria di Ferrante. Uno studio storico-sociale

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    Riassunto: Nel presente lavoro viene analizzato il fenomeno del code switching in una prospettiva storico-sociale. In particolare, focalizzeremo la nostra attenzione su cinque lettere bilingui del Codice Aragonese (1458-1460), un registro cancelleresco della corte aragonese a Napoli, in cui si passa dal catalano o dal castigliano al napoletano e viceversa. Analizzando il contesto storico e sociale nel quale le lettere sono state scritte, proveremo a trarre delle conclusioni sulle motivazioni per cui si è realizzato il rispettivo cambio di codice linguistico. Nello stesso modo cercheremo di spiegare la tendenza di esprimersi in catalano in situazioni emozionali o di tensione politica, ma anche in contesti personali, per creare un’atmosfera di prossimità o di intimità.Parole chiave: Catalano, Napoletano, Sociolinguistica, Corte aragonese, Bilinguismo, Code switchingAbstract: This article is devoted to the phenomenon of code switching, related to a sociohistorical perspective. Particularly, we focuse on five bilingual documents of the Codice Aragonese, a codex from the chancellery of the Aragonese Crown at Naples in the 15th century. We analyze the historical and social context in which the letters have been written, in order to outline the motivation to change the linguistic code, this is, from the Catalan or Castilian language to the Neapolitan one, or vice versa. At the same time, we like to demonstrate the tendency of writing in Catalan in emotional situations or under strong political tension, but also in familiary contexts to create proximity and intimacy.Keywords: Catalan, Neapolitan, sociolinguistics, Catalan-Aragonese Crown, Bilingualism, Code switchin

    Documents from the March 15, 2006 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

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    Documents from the March 15, 2006 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), including an agenda and meeting minutes with associated exhibit documents

    Documents from the March 15, 2006 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

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    Documents from the March 15, 2006 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), including an agenda and meeting minutes with associated exhibit documents

    Switzerland: Political Developments and Data in 2021

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    In 2021, as in the previous year, political dynamics in Switzerland were strongly influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Institutionally, the ‘special situation’ according to the Federal Law of Epidemics affected the power distribution between federal government and the subnational units. Moreover, compared with the first pandemic year, 2021 was marked by strong polarization of society and the political parties on several pandemic-related issues. One consequence of this were two referendums held on the Covid-19 law, which served as a legal basis for the Federal Council to mitigate the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic on society and the economy. While voters supported the federal government in both cases, the rich direct-democratic year in Switzerland was otherwise dominated by a rejection of the other main governmental proposition, namely the revised CO2 law

    Documents from the November 16, 2005 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)

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    Documents from the November 16, 2005 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), including an agenda and meeting minutes with associated exhibit documents

    Computational Models for Creating Homogeneous Magnetic Field Generation Systems

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    Cada vez es más común el uso de campos magnéticos a nivel celular para evaluar su interacción con los tejidos biológicos. La estimulación se hace generalmente con bobinas Helmholtz que generan un campo magnético uniforme en el centro del sistema. Sin embargo, evaluar el comportamiento celular con diferentes características del campo magnético puede ser un proceso largo y costoso. Para esto, se pueden utilizar modelos computacionales para estimar previamente el comportamiento celular debido a la variedad de características de campo antes de la estimulación in vitro en un laboratorio. En este artículo se presenta una metodología para el desarrollo de tres modelos computacionales de sistemas de generación de campos magnéticos homogéneos para su posible aplicación en la estimulación de células. Los modelos fueron desarrollados en el entorno de ANSYS Workbench y se evaluó el comportamiento de la densidad de campo magnético en diferentes configuraciones. Los resultados fueron validados con los cálculos teóricos a partir de la ley de Biot-Savart. Los modelos validados serán acoplados al ambiente Ansys APDL con el fin de evaluar la respuesta del sistema en estado armónico.It is increasingly common to use magnetic fields at the cellular level to assess their interaction with biological tissues. The stimulation is usually done with Helmholtz coils which generate a uniform magnetic field in the center of the system. However, assessing cellular behavior with different magnetic field characteristics can be a long and expensive process. For this, it can be used computational models to previously estimate the cellular behavior due to variety of field characteristics prior to in-vitro stimulation in a laboratory. In this paper, we present a methodology for the development of three computational models of homogeneous magnetic field generation systems for possible application in cell stimulation. The models were developed in the Ansys Workbench environment and it was evaluated the magnetic flux density behavior at different configurations. The results were validated with theoretical calculations from the Biot-Savart law. Validated models will be coupled to Ansys APDL environment in order to assess the harmonic response of the system

    Charles Darwin geologo

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    Charles Darwin è passato alla storia come lo scienziato che ha elaborato una nuova e rivoluzionaria teoria che spiega la trasformazione delle specie vegetali e animali tramite la selezione naturale. Tuttavia, agli esordi della sua formazione come naturalista, e durante gli anni a bordo del brigantino Beagle, egli si interessò soprattutto di geologia, come testimoniano i suoi numerosi scritti su questa materia. Darwin diede contributi originali sull’orogenesi delle Ande, l’origine delle scogliere coralline, i ghiacciai, la formazione dei massi erratici e i fossili di vertebrati. Fu inoltre la geologia a condurlo all’elaborazione delle sue concezioni sull’evoluzione; grazie infatti alle sue conoscenze sulle forze e i processi dinamici che modellano la superficie terrestre Darwin intuì l’adattamento degli organismi che popolano la Terra ad ambienti fisici e climatici in continua mutazione. Da questo punto di vista il suo approccio allo studio delle scienze naturali può essere considerato di tipo olistico

    Reply to Cunha et al

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