347 research outputs found

    On examples of two-dimensional periodic continued fractions

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    This paper is a short survey of the recent results on examples of periodic two-dimensional continued fractions (in Klein's model). In the last part of this paper we formulate some questions, problems and conjectures on geometrical properties concerning to this subject.Comment: 18 pages, 13 Postscript figure

    Smart EMI monitoring of thin composite structures

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    This paper presents a structural health monitoring (SHM) method for in-situ damage detection and localization in carbon fibre reinforced plates (CFRP). The detection is achieved using the electromechanical impedance (EMI) technique employing piezoelectric transducers as high-frequency modal sensors. Numerical simulations based on the finite element method are carried out so as to simulate more than a hundred damage scenarios. Damage metrics are then used to quantify and detect changes between the electromechanical impedance spectrum of a pristine and damaged structure. The localization process relies on artificial neural networks (ANN) whose inputs are derived from a principal component analysis of the damage metrics. It is shown that the resulting ANN can be used as a tool to predict the in-plane position of a single damage in a laminated composite plate

    La littéracie. Autour de Jack Goody, Pratiques 131-132, déc. 2006.

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    Le numéro 131/132 de la revue Pratiques (déc. 2006) rassemble de nombreux auteurs autour de la notion de littéracie et des travaux de J. Goody. J. Goody occupe une place de choix dans ce numéro. Tout d’abord, dans la première partie, grâce à une traduction inédite en français, de deux chapitres extraits de Litteracy in Traditional Societies suivie de deux entretiens. Ceux-ci constituent un ensemble de « textes fondateurs » qui situent cette notion de littéracie à travers la recherche de J. Go..

    Three examples of three-dimensional continued fractions in the sense of Klein

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    The problem of investigation of the simplest n-dimensional continued fraction in the sense of Klein for n>2 was posed by V.Arnold. The answer for the case of n=2 can be found in the works of E.Korkina and G.Lachaud. In present work we study the case of n=3

    Design Challenges for GDPR RegTech

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    The Accountability Principle of the GDPR requires that an organisation can demonstrate compliance with the regulations. A survey of GDPR compliance software solutions shows significant gaps in their ability to demonstrate compliance. In contrast, RegTech has recently brought great success to financial compliance, resulting in reduced risk, cost saving and enhanced financial regulatory compliance. It is shown that many GDPR solutions lack interoperability features such as standard APIs, meta-data or reports and they are not supported by published methodologies or evidence to support their validity or even utility. A proof of concept prototype was explored using a regulator based self-assessment checklist to establish if RegTech best practice could improve the demonstration of GDPR compliance. The application of a RegTech approach provides opportunities for demonstrable and validated GDPR compliance, notwithstanding the risk reductions and cost savings that RegTech can deliver. This paper demonstrates a RegTech approach to GDPR compliance can facilitate an organisation meeting its accountability obligations

    Advanced Ablative TPS

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    Early NASA missions (Gemini, Apollo, Mars Viking) employed new ablative TPS that were tailored for the entry environment. After 40 years, heritage ablative TPS materials using Viking or Pathfinder era materials are at or near their performance limits and will be inadequate for future exploration missions. Significant advances in TPS materials technology are needed in order to enable any subsequent human exploration missions beyond Low Earth Orbit. This poster summarizes some recent progress at NASA in developing families of advanced rigid/conformable and flexible ablators that could potentially be used for thermal protection in planetary entry missions. In particular the effort focuses technologies required to land heavy (approx.40 metric ton) masses on Mars to facilitate future exploration plans

    Natural Parasitism in Acromyrmex landolti Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Pastures of Bahia, Brazil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of natural parasitism in Acromyrmex landolti Forel, identify parasitoids associated to the species and to estimate parasitism rates. The experiment was conducted from January to May 2012 in Itapetinga, BA. 20 nests were excavated, removing eggs, larvae, pupae and adults for counting and evaluating parasitism, isolating adult parasitoids and parasitized ant larvae. Parasitism by Mimopria sp. (Diapriidae: Diapriini) occurred in nine nests, with an average rate of 12% of parasitized larvae. It is the first record of parasitism of Mimopria Holmgren in an Attini species

    Le Prince, le despote, le tyran: figures du souverain en Europe de la Renaissance aux Lumières. The Prince, the Despot, the Tyrant: figures of the Sovereign in Europe from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, sous la direction de M.-I. Ducrocq et de L. Ghermani

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    Alla concettualizzazione e alle rappresentazioni della figura del sovrano nell’Europa della prima modernità sono stati dedicati negli ultimi anni numerosi e importanti studi: in questa sede ricorderemo almeno L’invraisemblance du pouvoir. Mises en scène de la souveraineté au xviie siècle (dir. J.-V. Blanchard e H. Visentin, Paris, Presses de l’Université de la Sorbonne, 2005), Le prince au miroir de la littérature politique de l’Antiquité aux Lumières (dir. F. Lachaud e L. Scordia, Rouen, Pre..

    Natural Parasitism in Acromyrmex landolti Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Pastures of Bahia, Brazil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of natural parasitism in Acromyrmex landolti Forel, identify parasitoids associated to the species and to estimate parasitism rates. The experiment was conducted from January to May 2012 in Itapetinga, BA. 20 nests were excavated, removing eggs, larvae, pupae and adults for counting and evaluating parasitism, isolating adult parasitoids and parasitized ant larvae. Parasitism by Mimopria sp. (Diapriidae: Diapriini) occurred in nine nests, with an average rate of 12% of parasitized larvae. It is the first record of parasitism of Mimopria Holmgren in an Attini species