28 research outputs found

    Zones humides et marais d'eau douce

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    National audienceCet article d'ouvrage de deux pages développe des notions de base sur le fonctionnement, la dynamique et le devenir des zones humides et marais d'eau douce, dans le contexte du changement global et de l'anthropocène

    Role of the United Nations General Assembly in the norm life cycle, The

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    2013 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.In the last few decades the study of norms coupled with a constructivist approach has brought new insights into the area of international relations. The UNGA is the premier global IGO making it an important and interesting topic of study in terms of global legislation. This research fills a gap in the literature, which does not sufficiently cover the relationship between norms and the UNGA. The case studies here yield individual and comparative results which may help to answer broader questions dealing with both global governance and international relations. This research finds that the UNGA is able to play an influential role in the norm life cycle, which is expanded from Finnemore and Sikkink's (1998) iteration. The type of issue, the type of promoting state, and the type of state benefiting from the norm all seem to play a role in the level of UNGA participation as well as how and when the UNGA participates in the norm life cycle

    The Definition of Damage Resulting from Transboundary Movements of Living Modified Organisms in Light of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

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    P. 319-342The concept of risk requires preventative measures as well as measures of liability and redress in the case that damage is actually caused. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety limits itself in Article 27 to the establishment of a mandate for the elaboration of norms and procedures in regard to liability and redress. The development of this Article 27 requires firstly a definition of the concept of damage to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, secondly a survey of the extent of damages to health, and the consideration of socioeconomic aspects. With this aim, we will analyse the concept of damage in the international instruments which deal with this material, taking into account levels of implantation. We will conclude by presenting the definition of damage in the context of the tasks to develop the content of the Article 27 determining an administrative focus as regards the liability of the status and the concept of damage for a civil liability fitting with national rights. - La idea de riesgo requiere tanto medidas de prevención como de responsabilidad y compensación en el supuesto de que se origine un daño. El Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety se limita a establecer, en su artículo 27, un mandato para la elaboración de unas normas y procedimientos sobre responsabilidad y compensación. El desarrollo del artículo requiere la delimitación del concepto de damage to the conservation an sustainable use of biological diversity, el estudio de la extensión a los daños a la salud, y la consideración de aspectos socioeconómicos. Con esta finalidad, se analiza la idea de daño en los instrumentos internacionales que abordan esta materia teniendo presente su grado de implantación. Concluye exponiendo la definición de daño en el marco de los trabajos de desarrollo del artículo 27 determinando un enfoque administrativo sobre la responsabilidad de los Estados y una noción de daño para una responsabilidad civil acorde con los derechos nacionalesS

    Nathalie Carcaud, Gilles Arnaud-Fassetta et Caroline Evain (dir.), 2019, Villes et rivières de France, Paris CNRS Éditions, 296 pages.

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    Villes et rivières de France est un ouvrage collectif qui analyse le rapport de cohabitation qu'entretiennent 29 villes françaises avec leurs cours d'eau. À travers des monographies illustrées par de nombreux documents iconographiques et cartographiques, les éditeurs visent à « revisiter l'une des relations primordiales du citadin à la nature ». Pour chacun des sites étudiés, de Paris à Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, des spécialistes de la géographie des milieux naturels, des urbanistes, des histor..

    Le Corbusier and Louis Soutter: ‘Complications and Attacks on the Beauty of Unity'

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    The sources of Le Corbusier’s status as the most influential architect of the twentieth-century may be traced above all to his theoretical writing, as communicated in his own carefully supervised book publications. A detailed and profound response to them comes in the form of unique artist’s books made from several of these works by the architect’s own cousin Louis Soutter, an artist often categorized as an ‘art brut’ visionary. This essay examines the ways in which Soutter’s dense figurative and decorative marginal drawings on the books emphasize the ambivalent tensions and exchanges between the two men and their apparently contradictory but equally complex world views. Krzysztof Fijalkowski is Professor of Visual Culture at Norwich University of the Arts. Recent publications include: Surrealism and Photography in Czechoslovakia (Ashgate, 2013, with Michael Richardson and Ian Walker); ‘Poétique/Politique: Picasso, Surrealism and Politics after 1944’, in Jonathan Harris and Richaerd Koeck, eds, Picasso and the Politics of Visual Representation (Liverpool University Press, 2013); and the translation and introduction of Gherasim Luca’s The Passive Vampire (Twisted Spoon Press, 2008)

    The Impact of the Precautionary Principle on the Circular Economy Objectives of End-of-Waste in the EU

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    The precautionary principle is one of the key principles guiding the EU environmental policy mentioned in the TFEU. The precautionary principle must be taken into consideration in End-of-Waste (EoW) practice as well. One of the main environmental objectives of the EU is the shift to circular economy (CE), and utilization of EoW is one of the policy options for supporting that shift. After waste material has completed the EoW procedure, its status as waste ceases and the material is legally seen as a product again. The conditions for material to complete the EoW procedure have been laid out in Article 6 of the amended Waste Framework Directive. This study will focus on the fourth criterion, according to which the use of the substance or object that has completed the EoW procedure must not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts. The precautionary principle becomes part of the EoW assessment due to the fourth criterion. In addition, risk analysis becomes a central topic of discussion, as the presence of adverse impacts is determined in the analysis. The study aims to examine how the precautionary principle affects the CE objectives which the use of EoW targets to promote. The study is executed by using an approach of combining multiple methods. Important sources are CJEU rulings, Commission Communications, legal literature and literature on risks and the concept of scientific certainty. In the study, EoW is used as example of the wider scale impacts that the precautionary principle may have on the CE objectives of EU. The subject is relevant especially from the point of view of evaluating whether the EU environmental policy objectives are achieved. A central conclusion of the study is that the precautionary principle has a two-fold role – it is both a prerequisite for achieving of the CE goals, and a potential barrier for the promotion of CE, if its scope of application is too wide and threshold for its application too low. It is important to execute a comprehensive risk analysis, where both the environmental disadvantages of both cessation and continuation of waste status are compared. Extensive evaluation of risk trade-offs, executed between action and inaction, is a key element of the assessment of adverse environmental impacts, and it is only after such analysis when the precautionary principle can be utilized in the best possible way in environmental risk management.Ennalta varautumisen periaate on yksi keskeisistä Euroopan unionin toiminnasta tehdyssä sopimuksessa mainituista ympäristöoikeutta ohjaavista periaatteista. Ennalta varautumisen periaate tulee ottaa huomioon myös jätteeksi luokittelun päättymismenettelyssä (EoW). EoW-menettelyä voidaan hyödyntää kiertotalouteen siirtymisessä, joka on yksi keskeisistä EU:n ympäristötavoitteista. Jätemateriaalin käytyä läpi EoW-menettelyn, sen jätestatus lakkaa ja jätteestä tulee lain silmissä taas tuote. Jätteeksi luokittelun päättymisen edellytykset on määritelty uudistetun jätepuitedirektiivin artiklassa 6. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan erityisesti kyseisten edellytysten neljättä kriteeriä, jonka mukaisesti EoW-menettelyn läpikäyneen aineen tai esineen käytöstä ei saa aiheutua haitallisia kokonaisvaikutuksia ympäristölle eikä ihmisten terveydelle. Ennalta varautumisen periaate nivoutuukin EoW-menettelyyn nimenomaan artiklan 6 neljännen kriteerin kautta. Keskeiseksi tarkastelun kohteeksi nousee myös riskianalyysi, jossa arvioidaan haitallisten kokonaisvaikutusten olemassaoloa. Tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, miten ennalta varautumisen periaatteen soveltaminen vaikuttaa niihin kiertotaloustavoitteisiin, joita jätteeksi luokittelun päättymisellä pyritään edistämään. Tutkimuksessani käytän monimetodillista lähestymistapaa. Keskeisiä lähteitä ovat EUTI:n ratkaisut ja komission kommunikaatiot, sekä oikeustieteellinen ja laajemmin riskeihin ja tieteelliseen varmuuteen liittyvä kirjallisuus. Tutkimuksessa jätteeksi luokittelun päättymistä hyödynnetään esimerkkinä ennalta varautumisen periaatteen vaikutuksesta laajemmin EU:n kiertotaloustavoitteiden toteutumiseen. Aihe on tärkeä ensisijaisesti EU:n ympäristöllisten toimenpidetavoitteiden toteutumisen arvioinnin kannalta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä nousee esiin ennalta varautumisen periaatteen keskeisyys yhtäältä kiertotalouden tavoitteiden toteutumisen varmistamisen kannalta, että sen mahdollinen jarruttava vaikutus, mikäli sitä sovelletaan liian laajasti ja matalalla kynnyksellä. Keskeistä olisikin suorittaa kattava riskianalyysi, jossa otetaan huomioon sekä jätestatuksen loppumisesta, että sen jatkumisesta aiheutuvat ympäristölliset haitat. Kattava riskien punninta, joka tehdään toiminnan ja toimimatta jättämisen välillä, on keskeinen osa haitallisten ympäristöllisten kokonaisvaikutusten arvioinnissa, ja vain sellaisen arvioinnin pohjalta ennalta varautumisen periaatetta on mahdollista hyödyntää parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ympäristöriskien hallinnassa