5,234 research outputs found

    Robustness of a high-resolution central scheme for hydrodynamic simulations in full general relativity

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    A recent paper by Lucas-Serrano et al. indicates that a high-resolution central (HRC) scheme is robust enough to yield accurate hydrodynamical simulations of special relativistic flows in the presence of ultrarelativistic speeds and strong shock waves. In this paper we apply this scheme in full general relativity (involving {\it dynamical} spacetimes), and assess its suitability by performing test simulations for oscillations of rapidly rotating neutron stars and merger of binary neutron stars. It is demonstrated that this HRC scheme can yield results as accurate as those by the so-called high-resolution shock-capturing (HRSC) schemes based upon Riemann solvers. Furthermore, the adopted HRC scheme has increased computational efficiency as it avoids the costly solution of Riemann problems and has practical advantages in the modeling of neutron star spacetimes. Namely, it allows simulations with stiff equations of state by successfully dealing with very low-density unphysical atmospheres. These facts not only suggest that such a HRC scheme may be a desirable tool for hydrodynamical simulations in general relativity, but also open the possibility to perform accurate magnetohydrodynamical simulations in curved dynamic spacetimes.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. D (brief report

    Measuring the black hole spin direction in 3D Cartesian numerical relativity simulations

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    We show that the so-called flat-space rotational Killing vector method for measuring the Cartesian components of a black hole spin can be derived from the surface integral of Weinberg's pseudotensor over the apparent horizon surface when using Gaussian normal coordinates in the integration. Moreover, the integration of the pseudotensor in this gauge yields the Komar angular momentum integral in a foliation adapted to the axisymmetry of the spacetime. As a result, the method does not explicitly depend on the evolved lapse α\alpha and shift βi\beta^i on the respective timeslice, as they are fixed to Gaussian normal coordinates, while leaving the coordinate labels of the spatial metric γij\gamma_{ij} and the extrinsic curvature KijK_{ij} unchanged. Such gauge fixing endows the method with coordinate invariance, which is not present in integral expressions using Weinberg's pseudotensor, as they normally rely on the explicit use of Cartesian coordinates

    Dynamics of thick discs around Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes

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    We consider the effects of a cosmological constant on the dynamics of constant angular momentum discs orbiting Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes. The motivation behind this study is to investigate whether the presence of a radial force contrasting the black hole's gravitational attraction can influence the occurrence of the runaway instability, a robust feature of the dynamics of constant angular momentum tori in Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes. In addition to the inner cusp near the black hole horizon through which matter can accrete onto the black hole, in fact, a positive cosmological constant introduces also an outer cusp through which matter can leave the torus without accreting onto the black hole. To assess the impact of this outflow on the development of the instability we have performed time-dependent and axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of equilibrium initial configurations in a sequence of background spacetimes of Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes with increasing masses. The simulations have been performed with an unrealistic value for the cosmological constant which, however, yields sufficiently small discs to be resolved accurately on numerical grids and thus provides a first qualitative picture of the dynamics. The calculations, carried out for a wide range of initial conditions, show that the mass-loss from the outer cusp can have a considerable impact on the instability, with the latter being rapidly suppressed if the outflow is large enough.Comment: 12 pages; A&A, in pres

    Non-linear axisymmetric pulsations of rotating relativistic stars in the conformal flatness approximation

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    We study non-linear axisymmetric pulsations of rotating relativistic stars using a general relativistic hydrodynamics code under the assumption of a conformal flatness. We compare our results to previous simulations where the spacetime dynamics was neglected. The pulsations are studied along various sequences of both uniformly and differentially rotating relativistic polytropes with index N = 1. We identify several modes, including the lowest-order l = 0, 2, and 4 axisymmetric modes, as well as several axisymmetric inertial modes. Differential rotation significantly lowers mode frequencies, increasing prospects for detection by current gravitational wave interferometers. We observe an extended avoided crossing between the l = 0 and l = 4 first overtones, which is important for correctly identifying mode frequencies in case of detection. For uniformly rotating stars near the mass-shedding limit, we confirm the existence of the mass-shedding-induced damping of pulsations, though the effect is not as strong as in the Cowling approximation. We also investigate non-linear harmonics of the linear modes and notice that rotation changes the pulsation frequencies in a way that would allow for various parametric instabilities between two or three modes to take place. We assess the detectability of each obtained mode by current gravitational wave detectors and outline how the empirical relations that have been constructed for gravitational wave asteroseismology could be extended to include the effects of rotation.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures; minor corrections, added extended discussion and one figure in one subsectio

    Numerical evolution of matter in dynamical axisymmetric black hole spacetimes. I. Methods and tests

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    We have developed a numerical code to study the evolution of self-gravitating matter in dynamic black hole axisymmetric spacetimes in general relativity. The matter fields are evolved with a high-resolution shock-capturing scheme that uses the characteristic information of the general relativistic hydrodynamic equations to build up a linearized Riemann solver. The spacetime is evolved with an axisymmetric ADM code designed to evolve a wormhole in full general relativity. We discuss the numerical and algorithmic issues related to the effective coupling of the hydrodynamical and spacetime pieces of the code, as well as the numerical methods and gauge conditions we use to evolve such spacetimes. The code has been put through a series of tests that verify that it functions correctly. Particularly, we develop and describe a new set of testbed calculations and techniques designed to handle dynamically sliced, self-gravitating matter flows on black holes, and subject the code to these tests. We make some studies of the spherical and axisymmetric accretion onto a dynamic black hole, the fully dynamical evolution of imploding shells of dust with a black hole, the evolution of matter in rotating spacetimes, the gravitational radiation induced by the presence of the matter fields and the behavior of apparent horizons through the evolution.Comment: 42 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Nonlinear r-modes in Rapidly Rotating Relativistic Stars

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    The r-mode instability in rotating relativistic stars has been shown recently to have important astrophysical implications (including the emission of detectable gravitational radiation, the explanation of the initial spins of young neutron stars and the spin-distribution of millisecond pulsars and the explanation of one type of gamma-ray bursts), provided that r-modes are not saturated at low amplitudes by nonlinear effects or by dissipative mechanisms. Here, we present the first study of nonlinear r-modes in isentropic, rapidly rotating relativistic stars, via 3-D general-relativistic hydrodynamical evolutions. Our numerical simulations show that (1) on dynamical timescales, there is no strong nonlinear coupling of r-modes to other modes at amplitudes of order one -- unless nonlinear saturation occurs on longer timescales, the maximum r-mode amplitude is of order unity (i.e., the velocity perturbation is of the same order as the rotational velocity at the equator). An absolute upper limit on the amplitude (relevant, perhaps, for the most rapidly rotating stars) is set by causality. (2) r-modes and inertial modes in isentropic stars are predominantly discrete modes and possible associated continuous parts were not identified in our simulations. (3) In addition, the kinematical drift associated with r-modes, recently found by Rezzolla, Lamb and Shapiro (2000), appears to be present in our simulations, but an unambiguous confirmation requires more precise initial data. We discuss the implications of our findings for the detectability of gravitational waves from the r-mode instability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, accepted in Physical Review Letter
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