215,258 research outputs found

    A documentation of two- and three-dimensional shock-separated turbulent boundary layers

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    A shock-related separation of a turbulent boundary layer has been studied and documented. The flow was that of an axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer over a 5.02-cm-diam cylinder that was aligned with the wind tunnel axis. The boundary layer was compressed by a 30 deg half-angle conical flare, with the cone axis inclined at an angle alpha to the cylinder axis. Nominal test conditions were P sub tau equals 1.7 atm and M sub infinity equals 2.85. Measurements were confined to the upper-symmetry, phi equals 0 deg, plane. Data are presented for the cases of alpha equal to 0. 5. and 10 deg and include mean surface pressures, streamwise and normal mean velocities, kinematic turbulent stresses and kinetic energies, as well as reverse-flow intermittencies. All data are given in tabular form; pressures, streamwise velocities, turbulent shear stresses, and kinetic energies are also presented graphically

    Fast spectral fitting of hard X-ray bremsstrahlung from truncated power-law electron spectra

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    <p><b>Context:</b> Hard X-ray bremsstrahlung continuum spectra, such as from solar flares, are commonly described in terms of power-law fits, either to the photon spectra themselves or to the electron spectra responsible for them. In applications various approximate relations between electron and photon spectral indices are often used for energies both above and below electron low-energy cutoffs.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> We examine the form of the exact relationships in various situations, and for various cross-sections, showing that empirical relations sometimes used can be highly misleading especially at energies below the low-energy cutoff, and consider how to improve fitting procedures.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We obtain expressions for photon spectra from single, double and truncated power-law electron spectra for a variety of cross-sections and for the thin and thick target models and simple analytic expressions for the non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler case.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> We show that below the low-energy cutoff Kramers and other constant spectral index forms commonly used are very poor approximations to accurate results, but that our analytical forms are a good match; and that above a low-energy cutoff, the Kramers and non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler results match reasonably well with results for up to energies around 100 keV.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Analytical forms of the non-relativistic Bethe-Heitler photon spectra from general power-law electron spectra are good match to exact results for both thin and thick targets and they enable much faster spectral fitting than evaluation of the full spectral integrations.</p&gt

    Evidence of in-play insider trading on a UK betting exchange

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    International audienceAn open question in market microstructure is whether 'informed' traders have an advantage due to access to private, inside, information; or due to a superior ability to process public information. In this paper we attempt to answer this question with data from a sports betting exchange taken during play. Uniquely, this allows us to time-stamp information events to the nearest second, and to ensure we are observing all relevant information regarding the value of an asset. We find evidence of inside information but not of a superior ability to process public information. The first finding suggests that a subset of the betting population are observing the action before the wider public (possibly due to delays in the television signal), and betting using this informational advantage

    The Cohen Macaulay property for noncommutative rings

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    Let R be a noetherian ring which is a finite module over its centre Z(R). This paper studies the consequences for R of the hypothesis that it is a maximal Cohen Macaulay Z(R)-module. Old results are reviewed and a number of new results are proved. The additional hypothesis of homological grade symmetry is proposed as the appropriate extra lever needed to extend the classical commutative homological hierarchy to this setting, and results are given offering evidence in support of this proposal.Comment: Preliminary version; comments welcom

    TEXES Observations of M Supergiants: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Wind Acceleration

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    We have detected [Fe II] 17.94 um and 24.52 um emission from a sample of M supergiants using TEXES on the IRTF. These low opacity emission lines are resolved at R = 50, 000 and provide new diagnostics of the dynamics and thermodynamics of the stellar wind acceleration zone. The [Fe II] lines, from the first excited term, are sensitive to the warm plasma where energy is deposited into the extended atmosphere to form the chromosphere and wind outflow. These diagnostics complement previous KAO and ISO observations which were sensitive to the cooler and more extended circumstellar envelopes. The turbulent velocities, Vturb is about 12 to 13 km/s, observed in the [Fe II] forbidden lines are found to be a common property of our sample, and are less than that derived from the hotter chromospheric C II] 2325 Angstrom lines observed in alpha Ori, where Vturb is about 17 to 19 km/s. For the first time, we have dynamically resolved the motions of the dominant cool atmospheric component discovered in alpha Ori from multi-wavelength radio interferometry by Lim et al. (1998). Surprisingly, the emission centroids are quite Gaussian and at rest with respect to the M supergiants. These constraints combined with model calculations of the infrared emission line fluxes for alpha Ori imply that the warm material has a low outflow velocity and is located close to the star. We have also detected narrow [Fe I] 24.04 um emission that confirms that Fe II is the dominant ionization state in alpha Ori's extended atmosphere.Comment: 79 pages including 10 figures and 2 appendices. Accepted by Ap

    The local extragalactic velocity field, the local mean mass density, and biased galaxy formation

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    The biased galaxy formation picture accounts for the low apparent mass density derived from clustering dynamics by the assumption that the mass per galaxy is unusually low in the regions of high density where clustering has been studied. It would follow that the mass per galaxy is unusually high where the mass density is low, and, by continuity, that the mass per galaxy is close to the global mean in regions where the ambient mass density, p_t, is close to the global mean, P_b. That is, we would expect that the best chance for an unbiased estimate of the mean mass per galaxy, and hence of P_b, would be from the dynamics of regions with p_t ≈ P_b. The local density at redshifts 200 ≾ cz ≾ 400 km s^(-l) must be close to P_b because, as Sandage has emphasized, the local Hubble flow is so little perturbed. In this paper we derive a relationship between the local mass density and the perturbation of the local Hubble flow. The local mass density is estimated by the method used in the Virgocentric flow. We use the infrared Tully-Fisher distances of Aaronson et al. to find limits on the gravitational perturbation to the local Hubble flow, and we use bright galaxy counts, N, to estimate the local galaxy concentration. The statistics on the latter are weak because N is small. We can conclude, however, that if mass were proportional to N, with no fluctuations, and the local mass per galaxy were a fair sample, then the density parameter (Ω = P_b/Einstein-de Sitter density) would be Ω ≈ 0.1, consistent with the other dynamical estimates and inconsistent with the above naive interpretation of biasing
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