924 research outputs found

    Process for preparation of large-particle-size monodisperse latexes

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    Monodisperse latexes having a particle size in the range of 2 to 40 microns are prepared by seeded emulsion polymerization in microgravity. A reaction mixture containing smaller monodisperse latex seed particles, predetermined amounts of monomer, emulsifier, initiator, inhibitor and water is placed in a microgravity environment, and polymerization is initiated by heating. The reaction is allowed to continue until the seed particles grow to a predetermined size, and the resulting enlarged particles are then recovered. A plurality of particle-growing steps can be used to reach larger sizes within the stated range, with enlarge particles from the previous steps being used as seed particles for the succeeding steps. Microgravity enables preparation of particles in the stated size range by avoiding gravity related problems of creaming and settling, and flocculation induced by mechanical shear that have precluded their preparation in a normal gravity environment

    Effects of geometric anisotropy on local field distribution: Ewald-Kornfeld formulation

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    We have applied the Ewald-Kornfeld formulation to a tetragonal lattice of point dipoles, in an attempt to examine the effects of geometric anisotropy on the local field distribution. The various problems encountered in the computation of the conditionally convergent summation of the near field are addressed and the methods of overcoming them are discussed. The results show that the geometric anisotropy has a significant impact on the local field distribution. The change in the local field can lead to a generalized Clausius-Mossotti equation for the anisotropic case.Comment: Accepted for publications, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    The first products made in space: Monodisperse latex particles

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    The preparation of large particle size 3 to 30 micrometer monodisperse latexes in space confirmed that original rationale unequivocally. The flight polymerizations formed negligible amounts of coagulum as compared to increasing amounts for the ground-based polymerizations. The number of offsize large particles in the flight latexes was smaller than in the ground-based latexes. The particle size distribution broadened and more larger offsize particles were formed when the polymerizations of the partially converted STS-4 latexes were completed on Earth. Polymerization in space also showed other unanticipated advantages. The flight latexes had narrower particle size distributions than the ground-based latexes. The particles of the flight latexes were more perfect spheres than those of the ground-based latexes. The superior uniformity of the flight latexes was confirmed by the National Bureau of Standards acceptance of the 10 micrometer STS-6 latex and the 30 micrometer STS-11 latexes as Standard Reference Materials, the first products made in space for sale on Earth. The polymerization rates in space were the same as those on Earth within experimental error. Further development of the ground-based polymerization recipes gave monodisperse particles as large as 100 micrometer with tolerable levels of coagulum, but their uniformity was significantly poorer than the flight latexes. Careful control of the polymerization parameters gave uniform nonspherical particles: symmetrical and asymmetrical doublets, ellipsoids, egg-shaped, ice cream cone-shaped, and popcorn-shaped particles

    Field-induced structure transformation in electrorheological solids

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    We have computed the local electric field in a body-centered tetragonal (BCT) lattice of point dipoles via the Ewald-Kornfeld formulation, in an attempt to examine the effects of a structure transformation on the local field strength. For the ground state of an electrorheological solid of hard spheres, we identified a novel structure transformation from the BCT to the face-centered cubic (FCC) lattices by changing the uniaxial lattice constant c under the hard sphere constraint. In contrast to the previous results, the local field exhibits a non-monotonic transition from BCT to FCC. As c increases from the BCT ground state, the local field initially decreases rapidly towards the isotropic value at the body-centered cubic lattice, decreases further, reaching a minimum value and increases, passing through the isotropic value again at an intermediate lattice, reaches a maximum value and finally decreases to the FCC value. An experimental realization of the structure transformation is suggested. Moreover, the change in the local field can lead to a generalized Clausius-Mossotti equation for the BCT lattices.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.


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    Contains reports on five research projects.National Institute of Mental Health (Grant 5 PO1 MH-13390-04

    SILAC-based phosphoproteomics reveals an inhibitory role of KSR1 in p53 transcriptional activity via modulation of DBC1

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    BACKGROUND We have previously identified kinase suppressor of ras-1 (KSR1) as a potential regulatory gene in breast cancer. KSR1, originally described as a novel protein kinase, has a role in activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Emerging evidence has shown that KSR1 may have dual functions as an active kinase as well as a scaffold facilitating multiprotein complex assembly. Although efforts have been made to study the role of KSR1 in certain tumour types, its involvement in breast cancer remains unknown. METHODS A quantitative mass spectrometry analysis using stable isotope labelling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) was implemented to identify KSR1-regulated phosphoproteins in breast cancer. In vitro luciferase assays, co-immunoprecipitation as well as western blotting experiments were performed to further study the function of KSR1 in breast cancer. RESULTS Of significance, proteomic analysis reveals that KSR1 overexpression decreases deleted in breast cancer-1 (DBC1) phosphorylation. Furthermore, we show that KSR1 decreases the transcriptional activity of p53 by reducing the phosphorylation of DBC1, which leads to a reduced interaction of DBC1 with sirtuin-1 (SIRT1); this in turn enables SIRT1 to deacetylate p53. CONCLUSION Our findings integrate KSR1 into a network involving DBC1 and SIRT1, which results in the regulation of p53 acetylation and its transcriptional activity

    Centralized Modularity of N-Linked Glycosylation Pathways in Mammalian Cells

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    Glycosylation is a highly complex process to produce a diverse repertoire of cellular glycans that are attached to proteins and lipids. Glycans are involved in fundamental biological processes, including protein folding and clearance, cell proliferation and apoptosis, development, immune responses, and pathogenesis. One of the major types of glycans, N-linked glycans, is formed by sequential attachments of monosaccharides to proteins by a limited number of enzymes. Many of these enzymes can accept multiple N-linked glycans as substrates, thereby generating a large number of glycan intermediates and their intermingled pathways. Motivated by the quantitative methods developed in complex network research, we investigated the large-scale organization of such N-linked glycosylation pathways in mammalian cells. The N-linked glycosylation pathways are extremely modular, and are composed of cohesive topological modules that directly branch from a common upstream pathway of glycan synthesis. This unique structural property allows the glycan production between modules to be controlled by the upstream region. Although the enzymes act on multiple glycan substrates, indicating cross-talk between modules, the impact of the cross-talk on the module-specific enhancement of glycan synthesis may be confined within a moderate range by transcription-level control. The findings of the present study provide experimentally-testable predictions for glycosylation processes, and may be applicable to therapeutic glycoprotein engineering

    Gratitude and hospitality: Tamil refugee employment in London and the conditional nature of integration

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    Healy, R. L. 2014. The definitive, peer-reviewed and edited version of this article is published in Environment and Planning A, 2014, 46(3), pp. 614-628, http:dx/doi.org/10.1068/a4655The policy of integration attempts to address different elements of exclusion, yet relatively little research has considered what integration means to the refugees themselves. This paper explores one key area for supporting integration: employment.ESRC PTA-030-2005-0082

    The scaffold protein KSR1, a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of Merlin-deficient tumors

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    Merlin has broad tumor-suppressor functions as its mutations have been identified in multiple benign tumors and malignant cancers. In all schwannomas, the majority of meningiomas and 1/3 of ependymomas Merlin loss is causative. In neurofibromatosis type 2, a dominantly inherited tumor disease because of the loss of Merlin, patients suffer from multiple nervous system tumors and die on average around age 40. Chemotherapy is not effective and tumor localization and multiplicity make surgery and radiosurgery challenging and morbidity is often considerable. Thus, a new therapeutic approach is needed for these tumors. Using a primary human in vitro model for Merlin-deficient tumors, we report that the Ras/Raf/mitogen-activated protein, extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase (MEK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) scaffold, kinase suppressor of Ras 1 (KSR1), has a vital role in promoting schwannomas development. We show that KSR1 overexpression is involved in many pathological phenotypes caused by Merlin loss, namely multipolar morphology, enhanced cell-matrix adhesion, focal adhesion and, most importantly, increased proliferation and survival. Our data demonstrate that KSR1 has a wider role than MEK1/2 in the development of schwannomas because adhesion is more dependent on KSR1 than MEK1/2. Immunoprecipitation analysis reveals that KSR1 is a novel binding partner of Merlin, which suppresses KSR1's function by inhibiting the binding between KSR1 and c-Raf. Our proteomic analysis also demonstrates that KSR1 interacts with several Merlin downstream effectors, including E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4DCAF1. Further functional studies suggests that KSR1 and DCAF1 may co-operate to regulate schwannomas formation. Taken together, these findings suggest that KSR1 serves as a potential therapeutic target for Merlin-deficient tumors

    GNE Is Involved in the Early Development of Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle

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    UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2 epimerase/N-acetylmannosamime kinase (GNE) is a bifunctional enzyme which catalyzes the two key sequential steps in the biosynthetic pathway of sialic acid, the most abundant terminal monosaccharide on glycoconjugates of eukaryotic cells. GNE knock out (GNE KO) mice are embryonically lethal at day E8.5. Although the role of GNE in the sialic pathway has been well established as well as the importance of sialylation in many diverse biological pathways, less is known about the involvement of GNE in muscle development. To address this issue we have studied the role of GNE during in vitro embryogenesis by comparing the developmental profile in culture of embryonic stem cells (ES) from wild type and from GNE KO E3.5 mice embryos, during 45 days. Neuronal cells appeared rarely in GNE KO ES cultures and did not reach an advanced differentiated stage. Although primary cardiac cells appeared at the same time in both normal and GNE KO ES cultures, GNE KO cardiac cells degraded very soon and their beating capacity decayed rapidly. Furthermore very rare skeletal muscle committed cells were detected in the GNE KO ES cultures at any stage of differentiation, as assessed by analysis of the expression of either Pax7, MyoD and MyHC markers. Beyond the supporting evidence that GNE plays an important role in neuronal cell and brain development, these results show that GNE is strongly involved in cardiac tissue and skeletal muscle early survival and organization. These findings could open new avenues in the understanding of muscle function mechanisms in health and in disease