4,520 research outputs found

    Isolated anaemia as a manifestation of Rh isoimmunisation

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    Rh isoimmunisation leads to haemolytic anaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia in the first h of life. Isolated early onset neonatal anaemia has rarely been reported. The authors describe the case of a term infant, born to an 'A' negative, second gravida mother. On the second day of life, pallor was noticed. His haemoglobin (Hb) was 6.8 g/dl, he had reticulocytosis and a positive direct antiglobulin test. However, he did not have a high total serum bilirubin (TSB) (87.2 μmol/l). He was transfused with red blood cells and kept under phototherapy for 3 days. Three weeks later, he received another transfusion for severe anaemia (Hb 6 5 g/dl). During this period, he was never jaundiced and the maximum level of TSB was 122 μmol/l. On follow-up, his Hb stabilised and he had no further problems. This report highlights the possibility of early onset anaemia without jaundice as the sole manifestation of Rh isoimmunisation

    How many subductions in the Variscan orogeny? Insights from numerical models

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    We developed a 2D numerical model to simulate the evolution of two superposed ocean-continent-ocean subduction cycles with opposite vergence, both followed by continental collision, aiming to better understand the evolution of the Variscan belt. Three models with different velocities of the first oceanic subduction have been implemented. Striking differences in the thermo-mechanical evolution between the first subduction, which activates in an unperturbed system, and the second subduction, characterised by an opposite vergence, have been enlighten, in particular regarding the temperature in the mantle wedge and in the interior of the slab. Pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions predicted by one cycle and two cycles models have been compared with natural P-T estimates of the Variscan metamorphism from the Alps and from the French Massif Central (FMC). The comparative analysis supports that a slow and hot subduction well reproduces the P-T conditions compatible with data from the FMC, while P-T conditions compatible with data of Variscan metamorphism from the Alps can be reproduced by either a cold or hot oceanic subduction models. Analysing the agreement of both double and single subduction models with natural P-T estimates, we observed that polycyclic models better describe the evolution of the Variscan orogeny

    Detecting Lithium (Li) Mineralizations from Space: Current Research and Future Perspectives

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    Optical and thermal remote sensing data have been an important tool in geological exploration for certain deposit types. However, the present economic and technological advances demand the adaptation of the remote sensing data and image processing techniques to the exploration of other raw materials like lithium (Li). A bibliometric analysis, using a systematic review approach, was made to understand the recent interest in the application of remote sensing methods in Li exploration. A review of the application studies and developments in this field was also made. Throughout the paper, the addressed topics include: (i) achievements made in Li exploration using remote sensing methods; (ii) the main weaknesses of the approaches; (iii) how to overcome these difficulties; and (iv) the expected research perspectives. We expect that the number of studies concerning this topic will increase in the near future and that remote sensing will become an integrated and fundamental tool in Li exploration

    Журнал кримських караїмів “Бизым йол” (“Наш шлях”) у світлі традицій караїмської преси і національної політики Кримської АРСР

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    В статье содержится описание караимских периодических изданий начала ХХ века, их целей и задачи, объема, основных отделов, исследуется отражение в караимской периодике процессов национального культурного ренессанса, изучается связь этнических изданий караимов с общественно-политической жизнью караимской общины.Стаття містить опис караїмських видань початку ХХ століття, з'ясовує їхні цілі і завдан-ня, обсяг, основні розділи; досліджує відбиття у караїмській періодиці процесів національного культурного ренесансу; вивчає зв'язок етнічних видань караїмів із суспільно-політичним життям караїмської громади.The article researches the Karaite mass media of the beginning of the XX century: its matters and tasks, volume, main sections, the reflection of the cultural renaissance in it and its connection with life of the Karaite community

    Position paper - progress towards standards in integrated (aerobic) MBR modelling

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    Membrane bioreactor (MBR) models are useful tools for both design and management. The system complexity is high due to the involved number of processes which can be clustered in biological and physical ones. Literature studies are present and need to be harmonized in order to gain insights from the different studies and allow system optimization by applying a control. This position paper aims at defining the current state of the art of the main integrated MBR models reported in the literature. On the basis of a modelling review, a standardized terminology is proposed to facilitate the further development and comparison of integrated membrane fouling models for aerobic MBRs

    Cyclopropanation using flow-generated diazo compounds.

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    We have devised a room temperature process for the cyclopropanation of electron-poor olefins using unstabilised diazo compounds, generated under continuous flow conditions. This protocol was applied to a wide range of different diazo species to generate functionalised cyclopropanes which are valuable 3D building blocks.We are grateful to Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development (CB, RJI and JMH), the Swiss National Science Foundation (DNT), CAPES (RL, no 9865/13-6) and the EPSRC (SVL, grant no EP/K0099494/1 and no EP/K039520/1) for financial support.This is the final published article, originally published in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015,13, 2550-2554 DOI: 10.1039/C5OB00019

    Biological processes modelling for MBR systems: A review of the state-of-the-art focusing on SMP and EPS

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    A mathematical correlation between biomass kinetic and membrane fouling can improve the understanding and spread of Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology, especially in solving the membrane fouling issues. On this behalf, this paper, produced by the International Water Association (IWA) Task Group on Membrane modelling and control, reviews the current state-of-the-art regarding the modelling of kinetic processes of biomass, focusing on modelling production and utilization of soluble microbial products (SMP) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The key findings of this work show that the new conceptual approaches focus on the role of different bacterial groups in the formation and degradation of SMP/EPS. Even though several studies have been published regarding SMP modelling, there still needs to be more information due to the highly complicated SMP nature to facilitate the accurate modelling of membrane fouling. The EPS group has seldom been addressed in the literature, probably due to the knowledge deficiency concerning the triggers for production and degradation pathways in MBR systems, which require further efforts. Finally, the successful model applications showed that proper estimation of SMP and EPS by modelling approaches could optimise membrane fouling, which can influence the MBR energy consumption, operating costs, and greenhouse gas emissions

    До питання про походження імені язичеської богині Мокоша

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    Приводяться екстралінгвістичні та лінгвістичні докази, що Мокоша пов’язана з водою. Виявлено лексична спорідненість цього ім’я не тільки з індоєвропейськими, але й семітськими мовами. На основі аналізу структурних компонентів слів, які мають спільну сему “вода” та подібність у звучанні, у досліджуваному слові виділено етимологічний корінь о-(а), префікс м- і суфікси -к - і -ош(а). Ключові слова: глубинна етимологія, Мокоша, загальна сема, подібні структурні компоненти, індоєвропейські, семітські мови.Приводятся экстралингвистические и лингвистические доказательства, что Мокоша связана с водой. Обнаружено лексическое родство этого имени не только с индоевропейскими, но и семитскими языками. На основе анализа структурных компонентов слов, которые имеют общую сему “вода” и сходство в звучании, в исследуемом слове выделено этимологический корень о-(а-), префикс м- и суффиксы -к - и -ош(а). Ключевые слова: глубинная этимология, Мокоша, общая сема, похожие структурные компоненты, индоевропейские, семитские языки.Extra-linguistic and linguistic arguments are adduced that Mokosha is connected with water. The lexical affinity of this name was established both with Indo-European and Semitic languages. On the basis of the analysis of structural components of the words which have the common seme “water” and show resemblance in sounding, the etymological root o-(a-), prefix m- and suffixes -k- and -osh(a) were singled out in the investigated word. Keywords: deep etymology, Mokosha, common seme, similar structural components, Indо- European, Semitic languages