25 research outputs found

    The boiling crisis of water under exponentially escalating heat inputs in subcooled flow boiling at atmospheric pressure

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd We investigated the boiling crisis of water under exponentially escalating heat inputs using a specially-designed experimental apparatus featuring high-speed infrared thermography to measure the time-dependent temperature and heat flux distributions on the boiling surface, and high-speed video diagnostics to image the bubble growth process. We conducted flow boiling experiments with water at atmospheric pressure on a plate-type heater installed in a 3 × 1 cm2 cross section channel. We tested various values of flow velocity (corresponding to Reynolds numbers from 0 to 35,000), water subcooling (from 10 to 75°C) and rate of power rise (corresponding to exponential power escalation periods, τ, from 1.5 to 500 ms). At long periods critical heat flux (CHF) is independent of the power escalation period and the boiling processes appear to be physically similar to steady state. As the period decreases, the CHF values tend to increase following an asymptotic 1/τ trend. The mechanism that determines this trend depends on subcooling. For high subcooling, CHF monotonically increases as the period decreases, and the DNB occurs through a fully developed nucleate boiling process. By contrast, for low subcooling, CHF first increases as observed for high subcoolings, then decreases, and finally increases again as the period decreases. We observe that such non-monotonic transition is due to a change in the boiling crisis mechanism. Specifically, for very short periods and low subcooling, the boiling crisis happens during the growth of the very first generation of bubbles, which never detach from the heated surface, shortly after the onset of nucleate boiling. In such cases, fully-developed boiling is not achieved

    ESTUDO DA GERMINAÇÃO DE SEMENTES DE LAVANDA (Lavandula angustifolia Miller)

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    Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos do ácido giberélico, do efeito luz/escuro e do pré-resfriamento sobre a germinação de sementes de lavanda (Lavandula angustifolia Miller), empregou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições de 30 sementes cada, e os seguintes tratamentos: testemunha; GA3 100 ppm; GA3 200 ppm; escuro; GA3 100 e 200 ppm + 48 h de pré-resfriamento e GA3 100 e 200 ppm + 7 dias de pré-resfriamento. As sementes de lavanda foram pré-embebidas por 18 horas nas soluções de GA3 e em água destilada e depois colocadas em gerbox, com papel de filtro umedecido com água destilada. Nos tratamentos com pré-resfriamento as sementes foram mantidas em câmara fria por 48 horas e 7 dias à temperatura de 5° C; posteriormente, foram transferidas para o germinador, sob luz branca contínua à temperatura constante de 25°C. A contagem das sementes foi realizada de 2 em 2 dias até completar 30 dias de teste. Para a avaliação dos efeitos dos tratamentos sobre a germinação das sementes foram realizadas as seguintes observações: a) porcentagem de sementes germinadas e b) tempo médio de germinação (expresso em dias). A partir dos resultados obtidos pode-se verificar que os tratamentos com GA3, em conjunto ou não com pré-resfriamento, aumentaram significativamente a porcentagem de germinação, além de acelerar tal processo.<br>To study the effects of gibbellic acid, of the light/darkness and of pre-freezing on the germination of lavender seeds, a randomized experiment was used, with five replications of 30 seeds, with the following treatments: control, GA3 100 ppm, GA3 200 ppm, darkness, GA3 100 and 200 ppm + 48 h pre-freezing and GA3 100 and 200 ppm + 7 days of pre-freezing. The lavender seeds were pre-soaked during 18 hours in GA3 and destilated water solutions, and thereafter placed in gerbox, using moistened filter paper. In the pre-freezing treatments the seeds were kept in a refrigerator for 48 hours and thereafter 7 days in 5° C. After this they were transfered to a germinator with continuous white light and constant temperature of 25° C . Seed counting was performed each 2 days until 30 days. To evaluate the treatment effects, seeds were submitted to the following observations: a) percentage of germinated seeds, and b) the average period of germination, expressed in days. From the results it could be observed that the GA3 treatments, with or without pre-freezing, increased significatively the germination percentage, reducing the reaction time