782 research outputs found

    Rethinking our understanding of the pathogenesis of necrotic enteritis in chickens

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    For decades, low doses of antibiotics have been used widely in animal production to promote growth. However, there is a trend to reduce this use of antibiotics in feedstuffs, and legislation is now in place in Europe to prohibit their use in this way. As a consequence, economically important diseases, such as necrotic enteritis (NE) of chickens, that are caused by Clostridium perfringens have become more prevalent. Recent research is creating a paradigm shift in our understanding of the pathogenesis of NE and is now providing information that will be necessary to monitor and control the incidence of NE in poultry

    The protein puzzle : the consumption and production of meat, dairy and fish in the European Union

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    In het rapport 'The protein puzzle. The consumption and production of meat, dairy and fish in the European Union' brengen onderzoekers van het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) in kaart wat de gevolgen van de productie en consumptie van dierlijke eiwitten zijn voor milieu, natuur en gezondheid. Vervolgens schetst het PBL welke opties er in Europees verband zijn om de negatieve effecten te verminderen. Met deze studie verschaft het PBL relevante feiten en cijfers ten behoeve van het debat over eiwitconsumptie, inclusief een indicatie van de onzekerheden daarbij

    "Month related variability in immunological test results; implications for immunological follow-up studies."

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    This longitudinal study was originally designed to detect changes in the in vitro immune response of healthy subjects as a result of a psychological intervention. In this study a significant proportion, about 70%, of the immunological variability in the test results was accounted for by the differences in immunological response levels of the subjects. Apart from this between-subject-effect, a significant proportion of the variability in test results was related to the month of data sampling. The month-effect was computed in such a way that the between-subject variation was taken into account. This resulted in a more accurate estimation of the month-effect. Even after correction for the intervention, i.e. the defence of the PhD thesis, the effect of month of data sampling remains significant for mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, percentage of CD4 and CD8 cells, and for the response to the mitogens phytohaemagglutinin, pokeweed mitogen and concanavalin A as well as the results for the mixed lymphocyte culture for one pool out of three. In contrast, no significant month-effect was observed for the whole blood cell counts, for the differential white blood cell counts as determined by monoclonal antibody staining for cell surface markers CD3, CD16, TAC and OKM1, nor for the immunoglobulin IgM and IgG serum levels. Likewise the cell-mediated lympholysis activities measured against three pools of stimulator cells remained unaltered. We discuss the implications for future immunological follow-up studies of the observation that a significant proportion of the variability in immunological test results is related to differences between subjects and to the month of data sampling

    The First Empirical Mass Loss Law for Population II Giants

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    Using the Spitzer IRAC camera we have obtained mid-IR photometry of the red giant branch stars in the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tuc. About 100 stars show an excess of mid-infrared light above that expected from their photospheric emission. This is plausibly due to dust formation in mass flowing from these stars. This mass loss extends down to the level of the horizontal branch and increases with luminosity. The mass loss is episodic, occurring in only a fraction of stars at a given luminosity. Using a simple model and our observations we derive mass loss rates for these stars. Finally, we obtain the first empirical mass loss formula calibrated with observations of Population II stars. The dependence on luminosity of our mass loss rate is considerably shallower than the widely used Reimers Law. The results presented here are the first from our Spitzer survey of a carefully chosen sample of 17 Galactic Globular Clusters, spanning the entire metallicity range from about one hundredth up to almost solar

    Analysis of cytotoxic T cell precursor frequencies directed against individual HLA-A and -B alloantigens

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    We describe here a limiting dilution analysis to determine cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor (CTLp) frequencies against individual HLA-A or -B antigens. This assay is reproducible and showed that the CTLp frequency of an individual remains stable with time. Significant variations in CTLp frequency against the same alloantigen were found in different individuals and even in monozygotic twins, showing that these differences were not (completely) genetically determined. Within an individual, a wide range of CTLp frequencies can be found against different allo-antigens. Serologically cross-reactivity seems not to interfere in this assay. This LDA is a practicable tool for a systematic analysis of CTLp response against selected individual HLA-A or -B antigens and can be used for the selection of HLA mismatched donors for transplantation patients