178 research outputs found

    Cruise report hydro acoustic survey for blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) with R.V. Tridens, 17 March - 04 April 2008

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    This is the report of the Dutch part of the international North East Atlantic hydro acoustic survey for blue whiting. The survey is coordinated by ICES and has been executed annually. The purpose of the survey is to estimate the blue whiting stock of the North East Atlantic. The ICES uses this estimation is as a “tuning index” to assess the North East Atlantic blue whiting stock. The applied method was echo integration. By sailing transects over the survey area, the total acoustic cross-section can be calculated by surface area sampled. Trawling identified species composition of localized schools. The length composition of each species was determined. Blue whiting was examined on age and fecundity from which a split up stock structure was mad

    The multi-sector convergence approach of burden sharing

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    The new Dutch timetable: The OR revolution

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    In December 2006, Netherlands Railways introduced a completely new timetable. Its objective was to facilitate the growth of passenger and freight transport on a highly utilized railway network, and improve the robustness of the timetable resulting in less train delays in the operation. Further adjusting the existing timetable constructed in 1970 was not option anymore, because further growth would then require significant investments in the rail infrastructure. Constructing a railway timetable from scratch for about 5,500 daily trains was a complex problem. To support this process, we generated several timetables using sophisticated operations research techniques, and finally selected and implemented one of these timetables. Furthermore, because rolling-stock and crew costs are principal components of the cost of a passenger railway operator, we used innovative operations research tools to devise efficient schedules for these two resources. The new resource schedules and the increased number of passengers resulted in an additional annual profit of 40 million euros (60million)ofwhichabout10millioneuroswerecreatedbyadditionalrevenues.Weexpectthistoincreaseto70millioneuros(60 million) of which about 10 million euros were created by additional revenues. We expect this to increase to 70 million euros (105 million) annually in the coming years. However, the benefits of the new timetable for the Dutch society as a whole are much greater: more trains are transporting more passengers on the same railway infrastructure, and these trains are arriving and departing on schedule more than they ever have in the past. In addition, the rail transport system will be able to handle future transportation demand growth and thus allow cities to remain accessible. Therefore, people can switch from car transport to rail transport, which will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

    Investigating the Associations among Overtime Work, Health Behaviors, and Health: A Longitudinal Study among Full-time Employees

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    # The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Background It has often been suggested that high levels of overtime lead to adverse health outcomes. One mechanism that may account for this association is that working overtime leads to elevated levels of stress, which could affect worker’s behavioral decisions or habits (such as smoking and lack of physical activity). In turn, this could lead to adverse health. Purpose The present study examined this reasoning in a prospective longitudinal design. Data from the prospective 2-year Study on Health at Work (N=649) were used to test our hypotheses. Methods Structural equation analysis was used to examine the relationships among overtime, beneficial (exercising, intake of fruit and vegetables) and risky (smoking and drinking) health behaviors, and health indicators (BMI and subjective health). Results Working overtime was longitudinally related with adverse subjective health, but not with body mass

    Pathways through which health influences early retirement: a qualitative study

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    Background: Due to the aeging of the population, there is a societal need for workers to prolong their working lives. In the Netherlands, many employees still leave the workforce before the official retirement age of 65. Previous quantitative research showed that poor self-perceived health is a risk factor of (non-disability) early retirement. However, little is known on how poor health may lead to early retirement, and why poor health leads to early retirement in some employees, but not in others. Therefore, the present qualitative study aims to identify in which ways health influences early retirement. Methods. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 employees (60-64 years) who retired before the official retirement age of 65. Participants were selected from the Study on Transitions in Employment, Ability and Motivation. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, a summary was made including a timeline, and the interviews were open coded. Results: In 15 of the 30 persons, health played a role in early retirement. Both poor and good health influenced early retirement. For poor health, four pathways were identified. First, employees felt unable to work at all due to health problems. Second, health problems resulted in a self-perceived (future) decline in the ability to work, and employees chose to retire early. Third, employees with health problems were afraid of a further decline in health, and chose to retire early. Fourth, employees with poor health retired early because they felt pushed out by their employer, although they themselves did not experience a reduced work ability. A good health influenced early retirement, since persons wanted to enjoy life while their health still allowed to do so. The financial opportunity to retire sometimes triggered the influence of poor health on early retirement, and often triggered the influence of good health. Employees and employers barely discussed opportunities to prolong working life. Conclusions: Poor and good health influence early retirement via several different pathways. To prolong working life, a dialogue between employers and employees and tailored work-related interventions may be helpful

    Міські проекції в ранній ліриці Лесі Українки

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    У статті вивчаються особливості художнього осмислення міського простору в ранній ліриці Лесі Українки. Звертається увага на те, що в процесі свого літературного становлення поетеса використала досвід різних традицій. Сентиментально налаштована героїня її творів оцінює місто як меркантильне, нелюдяне, байдуже до природної краси. В окремих поезіях переважає романтичний погляд: міський простір розглядається як тісний і задушливий, такий, що нівелює неповторність окремої особистості. Низка творів авторки репрезентує погодження неокласичних і романтичних тенденцій. Ключові слова: сентименталізм, романтизм, неокласицизм, лірика.В предлагаемой статье исследуются особенности художественного осмысления городского пространства в ранней лирике Леси Украинки. Учитывается тот факт, что в процессе своего литературного становления поэтесса использовала опыт различных традиций. Сентиментально настроенная героиня ее произведений оценивает город как меркантильный, исполненный безразличия к естественной красоте. В отдельных поэзиях преобладает романтический взгляд: городское пространство рассматривается как тесное, нивелирующее неповторимость отдельной личности. Ряд произведений Леси Украинки представляет взаимодействие романтических и неоклассических тенденций. Ключевые слова: сентиментализм, романтизм, неоклассицизм, лирика.In the article the features of early lyric poetry of Lesya Ukrainka are explored. That is taken into account, that in the process of the literary becoming a poetess used experience of different traditions. The sentimentally adjusted heroine gives preference to natural beauty. A romantic look prevails in separate poetries: urbanism space appears as incompatible with the uniqueness of individual. Romantic and neoclassical tendencies co-operate in a number of works of Lesya Ukrainka. Keywords: sentimentalizm, romanticism, neoclassicism, lyric poetry

    Return-to-work of sick-listed workers without an employment contract – what works?

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    BACKGROUND: In the past decade flexible labour market arrangements have emerged as a significant change in the European Union labour market. Studies suggest that these new types of labour arrangements may be linked to ill health, an increased risk for work disability, and inadequate vocational rehabilitation. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: 1. to examine demographic characteristics of workers without an employment contract sick-listed for at least 13 weeks, 2. to describe the content and frequency of occupational health care (OHC) interventions for these sick-listed workers, and 3. to examine OHC interventions as possible determinants for return-to-work (RTW) of these workers. METHODS: A cohort of 1077 sick-listed workers without an employment contract were included at baseline, i.e. 13 weeks after reporting sick. Demographic variables were available at baseline. Measurement of cross-sectional data took place 4-6 months after inclusion. Primary outcome measures were: frequency of OHC interventions and RTW-rates. Measured confounding variables were: gender, age, type of worker (temporary agency worker, unemployed worker, or remaining worker without employment contract), level of education, reason for absenteeism (diagnosis), and perceived health. The association between OHC interventions and RTW was analysed with a logistic multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: At 7-9 months after the first day of reporting sick only 19% of the workers had (partially or completely) returned to work, and most workers perceived their health as fairly poor or poor. The most frequently reported (49%) intervention was 'the OHC professional discussed RTW'. However, the intervention 'OHC professional made and discussed a RTW action plan' was reported by only 19% of the respondents. The logistic multiple regression analysis showed a significant positive association between RTW and the interventions: 'OHC professional discussed RTW'; and 'OHC professional made and discussed a RTW action plan'. The intervention 'OHC professional referred sick-listed worker to a vocational rehabilitation agency' was significantly associated with no RTW. CONCLUSION: This is the first time that characteristics of a large cohort of sick-listed workers without an employment contract were examined. An experimental or prospective study is needed to explore the causal nature of the associations found between OHC interventions and RT

    Sensitivity to situated positionings: Generating insight into organizational change

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    Within ethnographic forms of organisational research, sensitivity to context is generally acknowledged as a critical ingredient for analysing processes and practices. When conducting such research, however, researchers typically privilege one particular research context for generating knowledge: although some ethnographic scholars underscore the importance of adopting a diversity of both insider and outsider roles, ethnographic research is usually equated with gaining a deep familiarity with the field of study through immersion. First, we argue that, although immersion elicits valuable knowledge ‘from within’, its prioritisation inevitably blinds the researcher’s eye to equally interesting insights stemming from alternative – and often unintended – positionings. Testifying to the significance of researchers’ relational reflexivity for data interpretation, we show how a variety of researcher’ positionings vis-à-vis the researched generated a variety of insights. Critical sensitivity to fieldworker identities in an ethnographic study of planned organisational change within a police organisation allowed us, second, to criticise the change management literature for routinely building on a fixed dichotomy between ‘change agents’ and ‘change recipients’ and to empirically demonstrate a wider variety of police officers’ positionings in relation to change initiatives (i.e. countering, complying with and co-opting) and its initiators (i.e. engaging in other-depreciating, self-questioning or self-affirming identity work)