442 research outputs found

    Digitally driven microfabrication of 3D multilayer embedded electronic systems

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    The integration of multiple digitally driven processes is seen as the solution to many of the current limitations arising from standalone Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques. A technique has been developed to digitally fabricate fully functioning electronics using a unique combination of AM technologies. This has been achieved by interleaving bottom-up Stereolithography (SL) with Direct Writing (DW) of conductor materials alongside mid-process development (optimising the substrate surface quality), dispensing of interconnects, component placement and thermal curing stages. The resulting process enables the low-temperature production of bespoke three-dimensional, fully packaged and assembled multi-layer embedded electronic circuitry. Two different Digital Light Processing (DLP) Stereolithography systems were developed applying different projection orientations to fabricate electronic substrates by selective photopolymerisation. The bottom up projection orientation produced higher quality more planar surfaces and demonstrated both a theoretical and practical feature resolution of 110 μm. A top down projection method was also developed however a uniform exposure of UV light and planar substrate surface of high quality could not be achieved. The most advantageous combination of three post processing techniques to optimise the substrate surface quality for subsequent conductor deposition was determined and defined as a mid-processing procedure. These techniques included ultrasonic agitation in solvent, thermal baking and additional ultraviolet exposure. SEM and surface analysis showed that a sequence including ultrasonic agitation in D-Limonene with additional UV exposure was optimal. DW of a silver conductive epoxy was used to print conductors on the photopolymer surface using a Musashi dispensing system that applies a pneumatic pressure to a loaded syringe mounted on a 3-axis print head and is controlled through CAD generated machine code. The dispensing behaviour of two isotropic conductive adhesives was characterised through three different nozzle sizes for the production of conductor traces as small as 170 μm wide and 40 μm high. Additionally, the high resolution dispensing of a viscous isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) also led to a novel deposition approach for producing three dimensional, z-axis connections in the form of high freestanding pillars with an aspect ratio of 3.68 (height of 2mm and diameter of 550μm). Three conductive adhesive curing regimes were applied to printed samples to determine the effect of curing temperature and time on the resulting material resistivity. A temperature of 80 °C for 3 hours resulted in the lowest resistivity while displaying no substrate degradation. ii Compatibility with surface mount technology enabled components including resistors, capacitors and chip packages to be placed directly onto the silver adhesive contact pads before low-temperature thermal curing and embedding within additional layers of photopolymer. Packaging of components as small as 0603 surface mount devices (SMDs) was demonstrated via this process. After embedding of the circuitry in a thick layer of photopolymer using the bottom up Stereolithography apparatus, analysis of the adhesive strength at the boundary between the base substrate and embedding layer was conducted showing that loads up to 1500 N could be applied perpendicular to the embedding plane. A high degree of planarization was also found during evaluation of the embedding stage that resulted in an excellent surface finish on which to deposit subsequent layers. This complete procedure could be repeated numerous times to fabricate multilayer electronic devices. This hybrid process was also adapted to conduct flip-chip packaging of bare die with 195 μm wide bond pads. The SL/DW process combination was used to create conductive trenches in the substrate surface that were filled with isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) to create conductive pathways. Additional experimentation with the dispensing parameters led to consistent 150 μm ICA bumps at a 457 μm pitch. A flip-chip bonding force of 0.08 N resulted in a contact resistance of 2.3 Ω at a standoff height of ~80 μm. Flip-chips with greater standoff heights of 160 μm were also successfully underfilled with liquid photopolymer using the SL embedding technique, while the same process on chips with 80 μm standoff height was unsuccessful. Finally the approaches were combined to fabricate single, double and triple layer circuit demonstrators; pyramid shaped electronic packages with internal multilayer electronics; fully packaged and underfilled flip-chip bare die and; a microfluidic device facilitating UV catalysis. This new paradigm in manufacturing supports rapid iterative product development and mass customisation of electronics for a specific application and, allows the generation of more dimensionally complex products with increased functionality

    The Increasing Burden of Imported Chronic Hepatitis B — United States, 1974–2008

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    Without intervention, up to 25% of individuals chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) die of late complications, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. The United States, which in 1991 implemented a strategy to eliminate HBV transmission through universal immunization, is a country of low prevalence. Approximately 3,000-5,000 U.S.-acquired cases of chronic hepatitis B have occurred annually since 2001. Many more chronically infected persons migrate to the United States yearly from countries of higher prevalence. Although early identification of chronic HBV infection can reduce the likelihood of transmission and late complications, immigrants are not routinely screened for HBV infection during or after immigration.To estimate the number of imported cases of chronic hepatitis B, we multiplied country-specific prevalence estimates by the yearly number of immigrants from each country during 1974-2008.During 1974-2008, 27.9 million immigrants entered the U.S. Sixty-three percent were born in countries of intermediate or high chronic hepatitis B prevalence (range 2%-31%). On average, an estimated 53,800 chronic hepatitis B cases were imported to the U.S. yearly from 2004 through 2008. The Philippines, China, and Vietnam contributed the most imported cases (13.4%, 12.5%, and 11.0%, respectively). Imported cases increased from an estimated low of 105,750 during the period 1974-1977 to a high of 268,800 in 2004-2008.Imported chronic hepatitis B cases account for approximately 95% of new U.S. cases. Earlier case identification and management of infected immigrants would strengthen the U.S. strategy to eliminate HBV transmission, and could delay disease progression and prevent some deaths among new Americans

    Diatom communities differ among Antarctic moss and lichen vegetation types

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    Continental Antarctica is a polar desert containing sparse pockets of vegetation within ice-free areas. Despite the recognized association between lichens, mosses and epiphytic diatoms, the environmental factors controlling diatom community structure are poorly understood. We investigated the association between diatom communities and host vegetation characteristics by experimentally adding nutrients and/or water to two bryophyte (healthy and moribund) and two lichen (crustose and Usnea) vegetation types in the Windmill Islands. Diatom communities were morphologically characterized, diversity indices calculated and differences between treatments, vegetation type and vegetation characteristics tested. We identified 49 diatom taxa, 8 of which occurred with \u3e 1% relative abundance. Bryophyte and lichen vegetation harboured significantly different diatom communities, both in composition and diversity indices. Specifically, Luticola muticopsis was more prevalent in moribund bryophytes and crustose lichens, and Usnea lichens showed lower species richness than other types. While nutrient and water additions did not significantly alter diatom communities, diversity indices and some species showed relationships with vegetation physiological characteristics, notably %N and δ13C, suggesting the importance of ambient gradients in water and nutrient availability. Collectively, this work suggests that future conditions favouring the dominance of a particular vegetation type may have a homogenizing effect on the terrestrial diatom communities of East Antarctica

    Precision and manufacturing at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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    Precision Engineering is one of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's core strengths. This paper discusses the past and present current technology transfer efforts of LLNL's Precision Engineering program and the Livermore Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Productivity (LCAMP). More than a year ago the Precision Machine Commercialization project embodied several successful methods of transferring high technology from the National Laboratories to industry. Currently, LCAMP has already demonstrated successful technology transfer and is involved in a broad spectrum of current programs. In addition, this paper discusses other technologies ripe for future transition including the Large Optics Diamond Turning Machine

    Interfacing a quantum dot spin with a photonic circuit

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    A scalable optical quantum information processor is likely to be a waveguide circuit with integrated sources, detectors, and either deterministic quantum-logic or quantum memory elements. With microsecond coherence times, ultrafast coherent control, and lifetime-limited transitions, semiconductor quantum-dot spins are a natural choice for the static qubits. However their integration with flying photonic qubits requires an on-chip spin-photon interface, which presents a fundamental problem: the spin-state is measured and controlled via circularly-polarised photons, but waveguides support only linear polarisation. We demonstrate here a solution based on two orthogonal photonic nanowires, in which the spin-state is mapped to a path-encoded photon, thus providing a blue-print for a scalable spin-photon network. Furthermore, for some devices we observe that the circular polarisation state is directly mapped to orthogonal nanowires. This result, which is physically surprising for a non-chiral structure, is shown to be related to the nano-positioning of the quantum-dot with respect to the photonic circuit

    Musicians’ perceptions and experiences of using simulation training to develop performance skills

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    Simulation has been applied as a tool for learning and training in sports, psychology and medicine for some time, but its current use and potential for training musicians is less well understood. The aim of this study was to explore musicians’ perceptions and experiences of using simulated performance environments. Nine conservatory students performed in two simulations, each with interactive virtual elements and vivid environmental cues: a recital with a virtual audience and an audition with virtual judges. Qualitative data were collected through a focus group interview and written reflective commentaries. Thematic analysis highlighted the musicians’ experiences in terms of (1) their anticipation of using the simulations, (2) the process of performing in the simulations, (3) the usefulness of simulation as a tool for developing performance skills and (4) ways of improving simulation training. The results show that while simulation was new to the musicians and individual levels of immersion differed, the musicians saw benefits in the approach for developing, experimenting with and enhancing their performance skills. Specifically, the musicians emphasised the importance of framing the simulation experience with plausible procedures leading to and following on from the performance, and they recognised the potential for combining simulation with complementary training techniques

    The relation between school leadership from a distributed perspective and teachers' organizational commitment: examining the source of the leadership function

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    Purpose: In this study the relationship between school leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment is examined by taking into account a distributed leadership perspective. The relation between teachers’ organizational commitment and contextual variables of teachers’ perceptions of the quality and the source of the supportive and supervisory leadership function, participative decision making, and cooperation within the leadership team are examined. Research Design: A survey was set up involving 1,522 teachers from 46 large secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium). Because the data in the present study have an inherent hierarchical structure, that is, teachers are nested into schools, hierarchical linear modeling techniques are applied. Findings: The analyses reveal that 9% of the variance in teachers’ organizational commitment is attributable to differences between schools. Teachers’ organizational commitment is mainly related to quality of the supportive leadership, cooperation within the leadership team, and participative decision making. Who performed the supportive leadership function plays only a marginally significant positive role. The quality of the supervisory leadership function and the role of the leadership team members in this function were not significantly related to teachers’ organizational commitment. Conclusions: The implications of the findings are that to promote teachers’ organizational commitment teachers should feel supported by their leadership team and that this leadership team should be characterized by group cohesion, role clarity, and goal orientedness. Recommendations for further research are provided

    Moss species on the move in East Antarctic terrestrial communities

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    Antarctica has experienced major changes in temperature, wind speed and stratospheric ozone levels over the last 50 years. Whilst West Antarctica and the peninsula showed rapid warming and associated ecosystem change, East Antarctica appeared to be little impacted by climate warming, thus biological changes were predicted to be relatively slow. Detecting the biological effects of Antarctic climate change has also been hindered by the paucity of long-term data sets, particularly for organisms that have been exposed to these changes throughout their lives. We monitored vegetation communities in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica from 2000 to 2014 and found significant changes in moss species composition. In addition, we have shown that radiocarbon signals preserved along shoots of the dominant Antarctic moss flora can be used to determine accurate growth rates over a period of several decades, allowing us to explore the influence of environmental variables on growth. Carbon stable isotopic measurements suggest that the observed effects of climate variation on growth are mediated through changes in water availability and most likely linked to the more positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode and changing westerly wind patterns. For cold remote locations like Antarctica, where climate records are limited and of relatively short duration, this illustrates that mosses can act as microclimate proxies and have the potential to increase our knowledge of coastal Antarctic climate change
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