10 research outputs found

    The effect of a manual instrumentation technique on five types of premolar root canal geometry assessed by microcomputed tomography and three-dimensional reconstruction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Together with diagnosis and treatment planning, a good knowledge of the root canal system and its frequent variations is a necessity for successful root canal therapy. The selection of instrumentation techniques for variants in internal anatomy of teeth has significant effects on the shaping ability and cleaning effectiveness. The aim of this study was to reveal the differences made by including variations in the internal anatomy of premolars into the study protocol for investigation of a single instrumentation technique (hand ProTaper instruments) assessed by microcomputed tomography and three-dimensional reconstruction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Five single-root premolars, whose root canal systems were classified into one of five types, were scanned with micro-CT before and after preparation with a hand ProTaper instrument. Instrumentation characteristics were measured quantitatively in 3-D using a customized application framework based on MeVisLab. Numeric values were obtained for canal surface area, volume, volume changes, percentage of untouched surface, dentin wall thickness, and the thickness of dentin removed. Preparation errors were also evaluated using a color-coded reconstruction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Canal volumes and surface areas were increased after instrumentation. Prepared canals of all five types were straightened, with transportation toward the inner aspects of S-shaped or multiple curves. However, a ledge was formed at the apical third curve of the type II canal system and a wide range in the percentage of unchanged canal surfaces (27.4-83.0%) was recorded. The dentin walls were more than 0.3 mm thick except in a 1 mm zone from the apical surface and the hazardous area of the type II canal system after preparation with an F3 instrument.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The 3-D color-coded images showed different morphological changes in the five types of root canal systems shaped with the same hand instrumentation technique. Premolars are among the most complex teeth for root canal treatment and instrumentation techniques for the root canal systems of premolars should be selected individually depending on the 3-D canal configuration of each tooth. Further study is needed to demonstrate the differences made by including variations in the internal anatomy of teeth into the study protocol of clinical RCT for identifying the best preparation technique.</p

    Apical transportation associated with ProTaper® Universal F1, F2 and F3 instruments in curved canals prepared by undergraduate students

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    Objective: This study evaluated apical transportation associated with ProTaper® Universal F1, F2 and F3 rotary files in curved canals prepared by undergraduate students. Material and Methods: Twenty mesial roots of mandibular molars with curvatures ranging between 25° and 35° were selected. Mesiobuccal canals were instrumented by twenty students with the ProTaper® system (Dentsply-Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pre-flaring was performed with S1 and SX files. A #15 K-file was inserted into the root canal up to the working length (WL), and an initial digital radiograph was taken in a buccolingual direction (baseline). Afterwards, the S1, S2, F1, F2, and F3 files were employed up to the WL. Other radiographies were taken in the same orientation of the baseline after the use of the F1, F2, and F3 files, with each file inserted into the root canal. The radiographic images were overlapped, and the Image J software was used to measure the distance between the rotary files’ ends and the #15 K-file’s end, characterizing the apical transportation. Data were analyzed by Repeated Measure ANOVA and by the SNK post hoc test (P<0.05). Results: It was verified that file size affected apical transportation significantly (P<0.001). The F3 file showed higher apical transportation than F1 and F2, while between these last files there was no difference. Conclusion: The undergraduate students produced lower apical transportation in curved canals when they did not use the F3 rotary file

    CT evaluation of apical canal transportation associated with stainless steel hand files, oscillatory technique and ProTaper rotary system

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    This study used computed tomography (CT) to compare apical canal transportation in mesiobuccal canals of maxillary molars prepared with different techniques. Sixty teeth were assigned to 3 groups (n=20), according to the technique used for root canal instrumentation: hand instrumentation with K-Flexofiles, K-Flexofiles activated by an oscillatory system and ProTaper NiTi rotary system. Pre and postinstrumentation CT images were obtained 3 mm short of the apical foramen and were superimposed to compare canal transportation. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey’s test using the SPSS software (α=0.05). In the buccal direction, the manual technique produced significantly less canal transportation than the oscillatory technique (p<0.05) and both were similar to the rotary technique (p>0.05). In the distal and distopalatal directions, the oscillatory technique produced more canal transportation (p<0.05). In the mesiopalatal direction, the oscillatory technique produced more canal transportation than the manual technique (p<0.05), and both were similar to the rotary technique (p>0.05). In conclusion, all techniques produced canal transportation, and the oscillatory technique produced the greatest removal of root dentin toward the innerside of the root curvature.Este estudo utilizou a tomografia computadorizada (TC) para comparar o transporte do canal radicular nos canais mésiovestibulares de molares superiores preparados por diferentes técnicas. Sessenta molares superiores foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=20) de acordo com a técnica utilizada para o preparo do canal radicular: instrumentação manual com limas K-Flexofile, limas K-Flexofile acopladas a um sistema oscilatório e sistema rotatório ProTaper. Imagens de TC pré e pós-instrumentação foram obtidas 3 mm aquém do forame apical e superpostas para comparar o transporte do canal. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pela Análise de Variância (ANOVA) e Teste de Tukey utilizando o software SPSS (α=0,05). Na direção vestibular, a técnica manual produziu significantemente menos transporte do canal radicular do que a técnica oscilatória (p<0,05) e ambas foram similares a técnica rotatória (p>0,05). Nas direções distal e disto-palatina, a técnica oscilatória produziu mais transporte do canal radicular (p<0,05). Na direção mésio-palatina, a técnica oscilatória produziu mais transporte do canal radicular do que a técnica manual (p<0,05), sendo que ambas foram similares à técnica rotatória (p>0,05). Em conclusão, todas as técnicas produziram transporte do canal radicular e a técnica oscilatória produziu os maiores desgastes de dentina na direção interna da curvatura