434 research outputs found

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    Supplementary feeding increases nestling feather corticosterone early in the breeding season in house sparrows

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    Several studies on birds have proposed that a lack of invertebrate prey in urbanized areas could be the main cause for generally lower levels of breeding success compared to rural habitats. Previous work on house sparrows Passer domesticus found that supplemental feeding in urbanized areas increased breeding success but did not contribute to population growth. Here, we hypothesize that supplementary feeding allows house sparrows to achieve higher breeding success but at the cost of lower nestling quality. As abundant food supplies may permit both high-and low-quality nestlings to survive, we also predict that within-brood variation in proxies of nestling quality would be larger for supplemental food broods than for unfed broods. As proxies of nestling quality, we considered feather corticosterone (CORTf), body condition (scaled mass index, SMI), and tarsus-based fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Our hypothesis was only partially supported as we did not find an overall effect of food supplementation on FA or SMI. Rather, food supplementation affected nestling phenotype only early in the breeding season in terms of elevated CORTf levels and a tendency for more variable within-brood CORTf and FA. Early food supplemented nests therefore seemed to include at least some nestlings that faced increased stressors during development, possibly due to harsher environmental (e.g., related to food and temperature) conditions early in the breeding season that would increase sibling competition, especially in larger broods. The fact that CORTf was positively, rather than inversely, related to nestling SMI further suggests that factors influencing CORTf and SMI are likely operating over different periods or, alternatively, that nestlings in good nutritional condition also invest in high-quality feathers

    Basis set effects on the hyperpolarizability of CHCl_3: Gaussian-type orbitals, numerical basis sets and real-space grids

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    Calculations of the hyperpolarizability are typically much more difficult to converge with basis set size than the linear polarizability. In order to understand these convergence issues and hence obtain accurate ab initio values, we compare calculations of the static hyperpolarizability of the gas-phase chloroform molecule (CHCl_3) using three different kinds of basis sets: Gaussian-type orbitals, numerical basis sets, and real-space grids. Although all of these methods can yield similar results, surprisingly large, diffuse basis sets are needed to achieve convergence to comparable values. These results are interpreted in terms of local polarizability and hyperpolarizability densities. We find that the hyperpolarizability is very sensitive to the molecular structure, and we also assess the significance of vibrational contributions and frequency dispersion

    Cognitive mapping of organic vegetable production in Flanders to support farmers strategy design

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    Organic farmers inherently have to cope with complex agricultural production system processes. Next to pursuing economic performance, farm management also encompasses optimization of the farm's ecological and social performance. The question arises how to maintain a certain balance between the multiple purposes. For this consideration, farmers as well as researchers need to have a good understanding of the whole farm functioning. Therefore this study aims to model the factors and their inter-relations influencing an organic farmers' decision-making process. These factors and inter-relations were modelled by using the qualitative cognitive mapping technique. Cognitive mapping can be used to develop maps of socio-ecological systems based on people's knowledge of ecosystems. Different stakeholders (farmers and experts) were interviewed in order to represent and visualize their tacit knowledge. Through in-depth interviews, stakeholders were questioned on the critical success factors of organic farm management and how these factors relate to each other. Based on these interviews, individual cognitive maps were constructed which were subsequently merged to build a social cognitive map. The social cognitive map represents the stakeholders' perception of the agricultural production system. It covers a broad range of factors (economic, agro-technical and biophysical factors, next to a few social factors), of which the most central ones are crop choice, crop rotation, marketing and technology and mechanization