367 research outputs found

    Consideration of the relationship between Kepler and cyclotron dynamics leading to prediction of a non-MHD gravity-driven Hamiltonian dynamo

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    Conservation of canonical angular momentum shows that charged particles are typically constrained to stay within a poloidal Larmor radius of a poloidal magnetic flux surface. However, more detailed consideration shows that particles with a critical charge to mass ratio can have zero canonical angular momentum and so be both immune from centrifugal force and not constrained to stay in the vicinity of a specific flux surface. Suitably charged dust grains can have zero canonical angular momentum and in the presence of a gravitational field will spiral inwards across poloidal magnetic surfaces toward the central object and accumulate. This accumulation results in a gravitationally-driven dynamo, i.e., a mechanism for converting gravitational potential energy into a battery-like electric power source.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Reversed-Spin Quasiparticles in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems and Their Effect on Photoluminescence

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    The energy, interaction, and optical properties of reversed-spin quasielectrons (QE_R's) in fractional quantum Hall systems are studied. Based on the short range of the QE_R-QE_R repulsion, a partially unpolarized incompressible nu=4/11 state is postulated within Haldane hierarchy scheme. To describe photoluminescence, a reversed-spin fractionally charged exciton hQE_R (QE_R bound to a valence hole h) is predicted. In contrast to its spin-polarized analog, hQE_R is strongly bound and radiative.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, paper for EP2DS1

    On the dephasing time of the chiral metal

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    In the low-dimensional disordered systems the dephasing time and the inelastic scattering (out-scattering) time are in general different. We show that in the case of the two-dimensional chiral metal which is formed at the surface of a layered three dimensional system, which is exhibiting the integer quantum Hall effect these two quantities are essentially the same and their temperature-dependence is T^(-3/2). In particular we show that the results obtained using the diagramatic technique and the phase uncertainty approach introduced by A. Stern et al. (Phys. Rev. A 41, 3436 (1990)) for the out-scattering and the dephasing time respectively, coincide. We furthermore consider these quantities in the case of the three-dimensional chiral metal, where similar conclusions are reached.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, europhys.st

    Possible Market Implications of Unisex Insurance Pricing

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    The main reason for different insurance premiums and benefits is the use of different statistically proven risk factors in actuarial calculations for individuals. Basing its ruling on European Union Directive 2004/113/EC (the Gender Directive), the European Court of Justice on 1 March 2011 concluded that any gender-based discrimination is prohibited, so gender equality in the European Union (EU) must be ensured from 21 December 2012. The ruling definitively banning the use of the gender criterion in actuarial calculations for individual prices may have important consequences for the insurance industry and customers in the EU. In this short text, a number of implications are discussed. Possible consumer behaviour and potential responses from market players are outlined as well as possible further regulatory interventions. The implications of the definitive ban on gender based discrimination are extensive for the insurance industry and may have a strong economic and legal impact on the individual product offering and pricing. https://www.genevaassociation.org/media/887422/ga2014-ie70-schmeiser.pd

    The semi-presidential system of Cape Verde: the relationship between the executive and the legislative powers = O sistema semi-presidencialista caboverdiano: a relação entre os poderes executivo e legislativo

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    e article analyses the relationship established between the executive and legislative powers in the Cape Verdean government system where researchers seek to understand it, taking into account their theoretical and constitutional setting practice. It should be noted the prominence of the debate and studies undertaken to understand how the scienti c academy seeks to eradicate this problem. Two issues are relevant in this debate: the rst reporting to the theoretical and constitutional con guration of Cape Verdean government system and the other to its policy and legislative practice. Keywords: Cape Verde. Semi-presidential System. Systems of Government. Legislative and Executive Powers.O artigo procura analisar a relação que se estabelece entre o poder executivo e legislativo no sistema de governo cabo-verdiano, onde Investigadores buscam compreendê-lo, tendo em conta a sua con guração prática, teórica e constitucional. Há que realçar a proeminência do debate e dos estudos realizados no sentido de compreender como é que a academia cientí ca procura debelar esta problemática. Duas questões são pertinentes neste debate: a primeira refere-se à con guração teórico-constitucional do sistema de governo cabo-verdiano e a outra à prática política e legislativa. Palavras-chave: Cabo Verde. Sistema Semi-presidencialista. Sistemas de Governo. Poder legislativo e Poder Executivo

    Research on The Criminal Liability of Battered Woman’s Homicidal Act

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    “受虐妇女杀夫”,其间的暴力与血腥令人震惊、唏嘘,却让普通大众看见了女性在遭受经年累月的家庭暴力后的无奈抗争。在当今法治社会,受虐妇女应当为其所犯罪行承当相应的刑事责任,但其情可悯。此类案件系因长期的家庭暴力所引起,在刑事诉讼当中具有独特性,其在刑事责任的认定上,应当与普通故意杀人行为相区别,以做到罚当其罪。 针对受虐妇女杀夫行为的定性,域外“受虐妇女综合症”理论可谓“另辟蹊径”,同时,此理论对传统正当防卫的大胆突破亦让人耳目一新。乍看之下,其的确为我国受虐妇女杀夫案件的处理提供了一条新思路,但是,此条思路在我国的司法实践中遭遇了巨大“尴尬”,即:受虐妇女综合症与我国正当防卫的时间条件、限度...Battered women’s behavior of murdering husband really shocks us , while it lets the public see the battered women’s helpless fighting against the domestic violence for years. We really feel sorry for them. In modern legal system society, the battered women should bear the corresponding criminal liability, though their bitter experience is sympathetic. There are specific characteristics for such ca...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_刑法学学号:1362012115017

    The transverse magnetoresistance of the two-dimensional chiral metal

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    We consider the two-dimensional chiral metal, which exists at the surface of a layered, three-dimensional sample exhibiting the integer quantum Hall effect. We calculate its magnetoresistance in response to a component of magnetic field perpendicular to the sample surface, in the low temperature, but macroscopic, regime where inelastic scattering may be neglected. The magnetoresistance is positive, following a Drude form with a field scale, B0=Φ0/alelB_0=\Phi_0/al_{\text{el}}, given by the transverse field strength at which one quantum of flux, Φ0\Phi_0, passes through a rectangle with sides set by the layer-spacing, aa, and the elastic mean free path, lell_{\text{el}}. Experimental measurement of this magnetoresistance may therefore provide a direct determination of the elastic mean free path in the chiral metal.Comment: submitted to Phys Rev