1,602 research outputs found

    Optimized Speaker Diarization System using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Pyknogram

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    The aim of this paper is to present an optimized speaker diarization system that efficiently detects speaker change points in multispeaker speech data. Speaker diarization is the process to detect speaker turns and group together segments uttered by the same speaker. It can be used in speaker recognition, audio information retrieval, audio transcription, audio clustering, indexing and captioning of TV shows and movies. In this proposed technique, the daubechies 40-wavelet transform is used to compress the audio stream in the ratio of 1:4; their features are extracted by enhanced spectrogram called pyknogram based on Teaser Kaiser Energy Operator (TKEO). This method relies on resonances (formants) and harmonic structure of speech which are enhanced by decomposing the spectral sub-bands into amplitude and frequency components. The weighted average of the instantaneous frequency components are used to derive a short-time estimate value for the dominant frequency in each subband over a fixed period of time 0.12msec. Sudden changes in the dominant frequency correspond to the speaker change point and are detected by using traditional delta Bayesian Information Criteria (?BIC). This technique do not uses voice activity detection process (VAD). For re-segmentation, Information Change Rate (ICR) is used. Finally, hierarchical clustering algorithm make groups of homogeneous segments and are plotted by Dendrogram function in Matlab. The results are evaluated by F-measure and diarization error rate. It shows that the proposed method gives fast and better results as compared to traditional method with Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) algorithms

    Aetiology and Imaging Findings in Traumatic Spine Injury among Patients Attending Muhimbili Orthopedics Institute in Dar es Salaam

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    Background: The main objective of the study was to determine etiology and imaging features of traumatic spine injury in spine injured patients attending Muhimbili orthopedics institute Methods: The study was a hospital based cross-sectional and consecutively included 87 with traumatic Spine Injury. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire. Statistical package for social science (SPSS 20) was used for data analysis. Results: Eight seven (87) patients with traumatic spine injury were studied. The age range was 4 to 81 years, with a mean age of 33 years. Males were more affected than females. Young individuals aged 16-30 years were the most affected. The commonest cause of spine trauma was motor traffic crashes. The commonest vertebral spine injury seen was compression wedge fracture (35.6%), followed by dislocation (18.4%). The most frequent spine level involved was lumbar spine (37.9%). Paraplegia (33.3%) and quadriplegia (10.3%) were the common clinical presentations. Fifty six percent of patients had associated injuries Conclusion: Traumatic spine injury is common at our settings. Young individuals below 30 years of age are most affected and the most common cause is motor traffic accident (MTA). The use of Computed Tomography (CT) in this study helped to identify several types of injuries especially injury to vertebral bodies and their effect unto neuro structures. MRI helped to identify patients with spinal cord injury which was not evident on CT.Key words: Spine trauma, vertebral fracture, Computed Tomograph

    Identifying specific prefrontal neurons that contribute to autism-associated abnormalities in physiology and social behavior.

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    Functional imaging and gene expression studies both implicate the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), particularly deep-layer projection neurons, as a potential locus for autism pathology. Here, we explored how specific deep-layer prefrontal neurons contribute to abnormal physiology and behavior in mouse models of autism. First, we find that across three etiologically distinct models-in utero valproic acid (VPA) exposure, CNTNAP2 knockout and FMR1 knockout-layer 5 subcortically projecting (SC) neurons consistently exhibit reduced input resistance and action potential firing. To explore how altered SC neuron physiology might impact behavior, we took advantage of the fact that in deep layers of the mPFC, dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) are mainly expressed by SC neurons, and used D2-Cre mice to label D2R+ neurons for calcium imaging or optogenetics. We found that social exploration preferentially recruits mPFC D2R+ cells, but that this recruitment is attenuated in VPA-exposed mice. Stimulating mPFC D2R+ neurons disrupts normal social interaction. Conversely, inhibiting these cells enhances social behavior in VPA-exposed mice. Importantly, this effect was not reproduced by nonspecifically inhibiting mPFC neurons in VPA-exposed mice, or by inhibiting D2R+ neurons in wild-type mice. These findings suggest that multiple forms of autism may alter the physiology of specific deep-layer prefrontal neurons that project to subcortical targets. Furthermore, a highly overlapping population-prefrontal D2R+ neurons-plays an important role in both normal and abnormal social behavior, such that targeting these cells can elicit potentially therapeutic effects

    Transaction attributes and buyer-supplier relationships in AMT acquisition and implementation : the case of Malaysia.

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    This paper explores how transaction attributes of technology affect differences in the relationship between technology buyers and suppliers. It also examines the impact on performance of different patterns of relationship between technology buyers and suppliers. Data obtained from 147 manufacturing firms in Malaysia are used to test several hypotheses, which were derived from a review of the literature on technology, transaction cost theory and buyer–supplier relationships (BSR). The research results indicate that the higher the level of technological complexity, specificity and uncertainty, the more firms are likely to engage in a closer relationship with technology suppliers. Even though the majority of firms reported improvements in their performance, results indicate that firms demonstrating a closer relationship with technology suppliers are more likely to achieve higher levels of performance than those that do not. It is also shown that with high levels of transaction attribute, implementation performance suffers more when firms have weak relationships with technology suppliers than with moderate and low levels of transaction attribute

    Author Correction: The CaMKII/NMDA receptor complex controls hippocampal synaptic transmission by kinase-dependent and independent mechanisms.

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    The originally published version of this Article contained errors in Figure 5, for which we apologise. In panel c, the scatter graph was inadvertently replaced with a scatter graph comprising a subset of data points from panel d. Furthermore, the legends to Figures 5c and 5d were inverted. These errors have now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article, and the incorrect version of Fig. 5c is presented in the Author Correction associated with this Article

    The CaMKII/NMDA receptor complex controls hippocampal synaptic transmission by kinase-dependent and independent mechanisms.

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    CaMKII is one of the most studied synaptic proteins, but many critical issues regarding its role in synaptic function remain unresolved. Using a CRISPR-based system to delete CaMKII and replace it with mutated forms in single neurons, we have rigorously addressed its various synaptic roles. In brief, basal AMPAR and NMDAR synaptic transmission both require CaMKIIα, but not CaMKIIβ, indicating that, even in the adult, synaptic transmission is determined by the ongoing action of CaMKIIα. While AMPAR transmission requires kinase activity, NMDAR transmission does not, implying a scaffolding role for the CaMKII protein instead. LTP is abolished in the absence of CaMKIIα and/or CaMKIIβ and with an autophosphorylation impaired CaMKIIα (T286A). With the exception of NMDAR synaptic currents, all aspects of CaMKIIα signaling examined require binding to the NMDAR, emphasizing the essential role of this receptor as a master synaptic signaling hub

    Diagnostic Application of IS900 PCR Using Blood as a Source Sample for the Detection of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis in Early and Subclinical Cases of Caprine Paratuberculosis

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    Efficacy of IS900 blood PCR was evaluated for the presence of MAP infection. Serum, fecal, and blood samples of kids, young, and adult goats from farm and farmer's herds in Mathura district were also screened by ELISA, microscopy and culture. Of 111 goats (kids: 40, young: 14, adults: 57) screened, 77.5% were positive by blood PCR. Of 76 goats, 90.8% (kids: 87.5% and adults: 94.4%) were positive by PCR. From 21 kids and 14 young goats, 42.8 and 57.1% were positive. gDNA from goats was genotyped as MAP “Indian Bison type”. Of 21 fecal samples of kids examined by microscopy, 66.7% were positive. In ELISA, 9.5 and 57.1% kids were positives as “type I” and “type II” reactors, respectively. Screening 14 young goats by culture of blood clots, 28.6% were positive. Agreement was substantial between PCR and microscopy. It was fair and moderate when PCR and microscopy were compared with type I and type II reactors, respectively. Presence of MAP in non-clinical kids and young goats indicate early or subclinical infection. Blood PCR was rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for detection of MAP in any stage (early, subclinical, and clinical) and age (kids, young, and adult) of goats

    Therapeutic Effects of a New “Indigenous Vaccine” Developed Using Novel Native “Indian Bison Type” Genotype of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis for the Control of Clinical Johne's Disease in Naturally Infected Goatherds in India

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    Therapeutic efficacy of an “Indigenous vaccine” has been evaluated with respect to a commercial vaccine (Gudair, Spain), for the control of clinical Johne's disease (JD) in naturally infected goatherds. Seventy-one goats (JD positive) were randomly divided into 3 groups (“Bison”, “Gudair” and “Sham-immunized”). After vaccination, goats were monitored for physical condition, morbidity, mortality, body weights, shedding of M. paratuberculosis (MAP) in feces, internal condition and lesions, as well as humoral and cell-mediated immune responses for 210 days. Study showed marked overall improvement in physical condition of vaccinated goats and average body weight gain was significantly higher (P < .05) in “Bison” group as compared to “Sham-immunized” goats. Mortality due to JD was significantly (P < .05) lower in vaccinated groups than in “sham-immunized”. Morbidity rates (due to diarrhea and weakness) were lower in “Bison” group as compared to other groups. Died goats from vaccinated groups showed regression of gross JD lesions and regeneration of fat layer around visceral organs while “Sham-immunized” goats exhibited frank lesions. Vaccinated goats had higher protective CMI response and also higher antibody titer for the trial period as compared to “Sham immunized”. Both vaccines also reduced shedding of MAP in feces significantly (P < .05). Though the two vaccines effectively restricted the severity of clinical symptoms of JD, however “Indigenous vaccine” was superior in many respects