66 research outputs found

    Nasal Acai Polysaccharides Potentiate Innate Immunity to Protect against Pulmonary Francisella tularensis and Burkholderia pseudomallei Infections

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    Pulmonary Francisella tularensis and Burkholderia pseudomallei infections are highly lethal in untreated patients, and current antibiotic regimens are not always effective. Activating the innate immune system provides an alternative means of treating infection and can also complement antibiotic therapies. Several natural agonists were screened for their ability to enhance host resistance to infection, and polysaccharides derived from the Acai berry (Acai PS) were found to have potent abilities as an immunotherapeutic to treat F. tularensis and B. pseudomallei infections. In vitro, Acai PS impaired replication of Francisella in primary human macrophages co-cultured with autologous NK cells via augmentation of NK cell IFN-γ. Furthermore, Acai PS administered nasally before or after infection protected mice against type A F. tularensis aerosol challenge with survival rates up to 80%, and protection was still observed, albeit reduced, when mice were treated two days post-infection. Nasal Acai PS administration augmented intracellular expression of IFN-γ by NK cells in the lungs of F. tularensis-infected mice, and neutralization of IFN-γ ablated the protective effect of Acai PS. Likewise, nasal Acai PS treatment conferred protection against pulmonary infection with B. pseudomallei strain 1026b. Acai PS dramatically reduced the replication of B. pseudomallei in the lung and blocked bacterial dissemination to the spleen and liver. Nasal administration of Acai PS enhanced IFN-γ responses by NK and γδ T cells in the lungs, while neutralization of IFN-γ totally abrogated the protective effect of Acai PS against pulmonary B. pseudomallei infection. Collectively, these results demonstrate Acai PS is a potent innate immune agonist that can resolve F. tularensis and B. pseudomallei infections, suggesting this innate immune agonist has broad-spectrum activity against virulent intracellular pathogens

    Horizontal Gene Transfer of a ColV Plasmid Has Resulted in a Dominant Avian Clonal Type of Salmonella enterica Serovar Kentucky

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    Salmonella enterica continues to be a significant cause of foodborne gastrointestinal illness in humans. A wide variety of Salmonella serovars have been isolated from production birds and from retail poultry meat. Recently, though, S. enterica subsp. enterica serovar Kentucky has emerged as one of the prominent Salmonella serovars isolated from broiler chickens. Recent work suggests that its emergence apparently coincides with its acquisition of a ColV virulence plasmid. In the present study, we examined 902 Salmonella isolates belonging to 59 different serovars for the presence of this plasmid. Of the serovars examined, the ColV plasmid was found only among isolates belonging to the serovars Kentucky (72.9%), Typhimurium (15.0%) and Heidelberg (1.7%). We demonstrated that a single PFGE clonal type of S. Kentucky harbors this plasmid, and acquisition of this plasmid by S. Kentucky significantly increased its ability to colonize the chicken cecum and cause extraintestinal disease. Comparison of the completed sequences of three ColV plasmids from S. Kentucky isolated from different geographical locales, timepoints and sources revealed a nearly identical genetic structure with few single nucleotide changes or insertions/deletions. Overall, it appears that the ColV plasmid was recently acquired by a single clonal type S. Kentucky and confers to its host enhanced colonization and fitness capabilities. Thus, the potential for horizontal gene transfer of virulence and fitness factors to Salmonella from other enteric bacteria exists in poultry, representing a potential human health hazard

    Murine and Bovine γδ T Cells Enhance Innate Immunity against Brucella abortus Infections

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    γδ T cells have been postulated to act as a first line of defense against infectious agents, particularly intracellular pathogens, representing an important link between the innate and adaptive immune responses. Human γδ T cells expand in the blood of brucellosis patients and are active against Brucella in vitro. However, the role of γδ T cells in vivo during experimental brucellosis has not been studied. Here we report TCRδ−/− mice are more susceptible to B. abortus infection than C57BL/6 mice at one week post-infection as measured by splenic colonization and splenomegaly. An increase in TCRγδ cells was observed in the spleens of B. abortus-infected C57BL/6 mice, which peaked at two weeks post-infection and occurred concomitantly with diminished brucellae. γδ T cells were the major source of IL-17 following infection and also produced IFN-γ. Depletion of γδ T cells from C57BL/6, IL-17Rα−/−, and GMCSF−/− mice enhanced susceptibility to B. abortus infection although this susceptibility was unaltered in the mutant mice; however, when γδ T cells were depleted from IFN-γ−/− mice, enhanced susceptibility was observed. Neutralization of γδ T cells in the absence of TNF-α did not further impair immunity. In the absence of TNF-α or γδ T cells, B. abortus-infected mice showed enhanced IFN-γ, suggesting that they augmented production to compensate for the loss of γδ T cells and/or TNF-α. While the protective role of γδ T cells was TNF-α-dependent, γδ T cells were not the major source of TNF-α and activation of γδ T cells following B. abortus infection was TNF-α-independent. Additionally, bovine TCRγδ cells were found to respond rapidly to B. abortus infection upon co-culture with autologous macrophages and could impair the intramacrophage replication of B. abortus via IFN-γ. Collectively, these results demonstrate γδ T cells are important for early protection to B. abortus infections

    Variable Carbon Catabolism among Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Isolates

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    BACKGROUND: Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) is strictly a human intracellular pathogen. It causes acute systemic (typhoid fever) and chronic infections that result in long-term asymptomatic human carriage. S. Typhi displays diverse disease manifestations in human infection and exhibits high clonality. The principal factors underlying the unique lifestyle of S. Typhi in its human host during acute and chronic infections remain largely unknown and are therefore the main objective of this study. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To obtain insight into the intracellular lifestyle of S. Typhi, a high-throughput phenotypic microarray was employed to characterise the catabolic capacity of 190 carbon sources in S. Typhi strains. The success of this study lies in the carefully selected library of S. Typhi strains, including strains from two geographically distinct areas of typhoid endemicity, an asymptomatic human carrier, clinical stools and blood samples and sewage-contaminated rivers. An extremely low carbon catabolic capacity (27% of 190 carbon substrates) was observed among the strains. The carbon catabolic profiles appeared to suggest that S. Typhi strains survived well on carbon subtrates that are found abundantly in the human body but not in others. The strains could not utilise plant-associated carbon substrates. In addition, α-glycerolphosphate, glycerol, L-serine, pyruvate and lactate served as better carbon sources to monosaccharides in the S. Typhi strains tested. CONCLUSION: The carbon catabolic profiles suggest that S. Typhi could survive and persist well in the nutrient depleted metabolic niches in the human host but not in the environment outside of the host. These findings serve as caveats for future studies to understand how carbon catabolism relates to the pathogenesis and transmission of this pathogen

    Sequencing and functional annotation of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli serogroup O78 strains reveals the evolution of E. coli lineages pathogenic for poultry via distinct mechanisms

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    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) causes respiratory and systemic disease in poultry. Sequencing of a multilocus sequence type 95 (ST95) serogroup O1 strain previously indicated that APEC resembles E. coli causing extraintestinal human diseases. We sequenced the genomes of two strains of another dominant APEC lineage (ST23 serogroup O78 strains χ7122 and IMT2125) and compared them to each other and to the reannotated APEC O1 sequence. For comparison, we also sequenced a human enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strain of the same ST23 serogroup O78 lineage. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the APEC O78 strains were more closely related to human ST23 ETEC than to APEC O1, indicating that separation of pathotypes on the basis of their extraintestinal or diarrheagenic nature is not supported by their phylogeny. The accessory genome of APEC ST23 strains exhibited limited conservation of APEC O1 genomic islands and a distinct repertoire of virulence-associated loci. In light of this diversity, we surveyed the phenotype of 2,185 signature-tagged transposon mutants of χ7122 following intra-air sac inoculation of turkeys. This procedure identified novel APEC ST23 genes that play strain- and tissue-specific roles during infection. For example, genes mediating group 4 capsule synthesis were required for the virulence of χ7122 and were conserved in IMT2125 but absent from APEC O1. Our data reveal the genetic diversity of E. coli strains adapted to cause the same avian disease and indicate that the core genome of the ST23 lineage serves as a chassis for the evolution of E. coli strains adapted to cause avian or human disease via acquisition of distinct virulence genes

    Full Sequence and Comparative Analysis of the Plasmid pAPEC-1 of Avian Pathogenic E. coli χ7122 (O78∶K80∶H9)

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    (APEC), are very diverse. They cause a complex of diseases in Human, animals, and birds. Even though large plasmids are often associated with the virulence of ExPEC, their characterization is still in its infancy., are also present in the sequence of pAPEC-1. The comparison of the pAPEC-1 sequence with the two available plasmid sequences reveals more gene loss and reorganization than previously appreciated. The presence of pAPEC-1-associated genes is assessed in human ExPEC by PCR. Many patterns of association between genes are found.The pathotype typical of pAPEC-1 was present in some human strains, which indicates a horizontal transfer between strains and the zoonotic risk of APEC strains. ColV plasmids could have common virulence genes that could be acquired by transposition, without sharing genes of plasmid function

    The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria Documentation of Health Risks from Chemicals 123. Antimony

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    Antimony is an elementary metal mined mostly as antimony sulphide, and has two valencies, 3+ and 5+. Antimony in the trivalent form is used as grid alloy in storage batteries, cable sheaths in soldering flux and as pigment in paints. Modern use is especially based on the properties as a flame retardant and semi-conductor. Pentavalent antimony is still used as an anti-parasitic medication. Industrial exposure may give rise to irritation of the respiratory tract, and cause pneumoconiosis after long term exposure. This development may be unfavourably influenced by smoking. The development of lung cancer in antimony smelter workers is multi-factorial, but seems well documented in workers exposed prior to 1960. Animal studies on cancer risk have been contradictory. Cardiovascular effects have been demonstrated in workers after high exposure. Even some fatalities are documented for humans. Contact dermatitis may develop in workers in contact with antimony containing dusts. Acute parenteral symptoms include gastrointestinal pain with vomiting and diarrhoea.Antimon er et metallisk grunnstoff, som utvinnes mest i form av antimon sulfid. Det har to valenser, +3 og +5. Metallet brukes i blybatterier, kabelforinger, i loddefluks og som malingpigment. Moderne bruk baserer seg særlig på antimons flammehindrende og halvleder-egenskaper. Pentavalent antimon brukes som middel mot parasittsykdommer. Industriell eksponering kan gi irritasjon i luftveiene, som kan fre til en sideroselignende pneumokoniose etter langtids eksponering. Denne utviklingen fremmes av samtidig røyking. Utviklingen av lungekreft hos antimon produksjonsarbeidere er sannsynligvis multifaktoriell, men synes nå vel dokumentert hos arbeidere eksponert før 1960. Arbeidere som har startet sin eksponering seinere, og hatt bedre arbeidsmiljøforhold, ser ikke ut til å ha økt risiko. Kreftrisiko vurdert ved dyreforsøk har gitt motstridende resultater. Effekter på hjerte-karsystemet av høy eksponering er vist hos arbeidere, med noen dødsfall forårsaket av antimon trioksid. Kontaktdermatitt var vanlig hos antimonarbeidere tidligere. Akuttsymptomer ved forgiftning inkluderer gastrointestinale plager som diaré, oppkast og buksmerter. Nøkkelord: Antimon, dermatitt, genotoksisk effekt, karsinogen effekt, lungekreft, pneumokoniose, toksisitet, yrkesmessig eksponering

    Museum og skolesamarbeid med digital teknologi om kunst

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    Skolen har en viktig rolle i samfunnets kultur, og skoleelever er en målgruppe for museene. ""Få øye på Munch"" er et eksempel på nye måter å få ungdom til å oppleve museum og kunst på og med bruk av digitale teknologi. I det digitale iPad prosjektet "Få øye på Munch" har elevene jobbet med bilder av Munch som inspirasjon, utforsket de visuelle virkemidlene og bearbeidet og laget sine egne digitale uttrykk på iPad med appene. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på forskningsfeltet museumsformidling og skolesamarbeid med og uten digital teknologi. Jeg tar utgangspunkt i det sosiokulturelle perspektiv i oppgaven hvor kommunikasjon, samspill og aktivitet er viktig for at læring skal skje (Säljö:150). Fra dette perspektivet er den digitale teknologien sett på som medierende kulturell artefakt, som gir muligheter for dialog, samarbeid og aktiv læring. Fra dette perspektivet stiller jeg spørsmålet: Hvordan blir digital teknologi brukt i samarbeid mellom skole og museum? I min datainnsamling har jeg brukt kvalitativ metode med observasjoner av deltagende ungdomsskoleelever, feltnotater og tatt bilder i prosessen. Jeg har også hatt intervjuer med planleggere av dette prosjektet "Få øye på Munch". Mine funn viser at den digitale teknologien, iPad med appene Timer Camera og Brushes fungerte som medierende kulturelle artefakter for læringsaktivitetene med dialog, samarbeid og aktiv læring. I disse læringsaktivitetene viste elevene interesse og engasjement. Elevene approprierte Munchs uttrykk og gjorde de til sine egne og ut fra sin personlige synsvinkel. Læring foregikk i samspill med de andre i et praksisfellesskap. Elevene lærte om Munch og hans kunst i en utvidet kontekst på en ny og utvidet måte med iPad. Gir digital teknologi skolen muligheter for en ny læringsarena og læringsressurs i møte med museene?Master i IKT-støttet lærin

    Museum og skolesamarbeid med digital teknologi om kunst

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    Skolen har en viktig rolle i samfunnets kultur, og skoleelever er en målgruppe for museene. ""Få øye på Munch"" er et eksempel på nye måter å få ungdom til å oppleve museum og kunst på og med bruk av digitale teknologi. I det digitale iPad prosjektet "Få øye på Munch" har elevene jobbet med bilder av Munch som inspirasjon, utforsket de visuelle virkemidlene og bearbeidet og laget sine egne digitale uttrykk på iPad med appene. I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på forskningsfeltet museumsformidling og skolesamarbeid med og uten digital teknologi. Jeg tar utgangspunkt i det sosiokulturelle perspektiv i oppgaven hvor kommunikasjon, samspill og aktivitet er viktig for at læring skal skje (Säljö:150). Fra dette perspektivet er den digitale teknologien sett på som medierende kulturell artefakt, som gir muligheter for dialog, samarbeid og aktiv læring. Fra dette perspektivet stiller jeg spørsmålet: Hvordan blir digital teknologi brukt i samarbeid mellom skole og museum? I min datainnsamling har jeg brukt kvalitativ metode med observasjoner av deltagende ungdomsskoleelever, feltnotater og tatt bilder i prosessen. Jeg har også hatt intervjuer med planleggere av dette prosjektet "Få øye på Munch". Mine funn viser at den digitale teknologien, iPad med appene Timer Camera og Brushes fungerte som medierende kulturelle artefakter for læringsaktivitetene med dialog, samarbeid og aktiv læring. I disse læringsaktivitetene viste elevene interesse og engasjement. Elevene approprierte Munchs uttrykk og gjorde de til sine egne og ut fra sin personlige synsvinkel. Læring foregikk i samspill med de andre i et praksisfellesskap. Elevene lærte om Munch og hans kunst i en utvidet kontekst på en ny og utvidet måte med iPad. Gir digital teknologi skolen muligheter for en ny læringsarena og læringsressurs i møte med museene