694 research outputs found

    Spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry in scalar QED with higher order derivatives

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    Scalar QED is studied with higher order derivatives for the scalar field kinetic energy. A local potential is generated for the gauge field due to the covariant derivatives and the vacuum with non-vanishing expectation value for the scalar field and the vector potential is constructed in the leading order saddle point expansion. This vacuum breaks the global gauge and Lorentz symmetry spontaneously. The unitarity of time evolution is assured in the physical, positive norm subspace and the linearized equations of motion are calculated. Goldstone theorem always keeps the radiation field massless. A particular model is constructed where the the full set of standard Maxwell equations is recovered on the tree level thereby relegating the effects of broken Lorentz symmetry to the level of radiative corrections.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Geology and Land-use related pattern of spring water quality : ase study from the catchments of the Malopolska Upland (S. Poland)

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    Spring water chemical composition was investigated in three catchments (i.e. Pradnik, Dlubnia and Szreniawa) located within a carbonate-rock monocline from the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous periods and constituting voluminous aquifers. The total spring water dissolved solids (TDS) displayed a concentration increase between 1974 and 1999. Using principal component analysis (PCA), the authors identified factors determining spring water chemistry. The research focused on making a distinction between the regional (large-area) and the local factors, the latter being related to the land-use in the direct vicinity of the springs. PCA yielded evidence that local sources of pollution can significantly contribute to the differentiation of spring-water chemical composition

    Sequential ejectile decays and uncorrelated breakup processes in the 14N + 159Tb reaction

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    From a study of particle-particle correlations, involving position-sensitive detector telescopes, conclusive evidence for sequential ejectile decay was found, and the relative importance of sequential decay and of breakup processes, which were observed to be uncorrelated in angle, could be determined

    Detection of two QTL on chicken chromosome 14 for keyhole lymphet heamocyanin

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    A keyhole lymphet heamocyanin is an antigen which triggers Th1 type of immune response. A QTL for a primary immune response towards keyhole lymphet heamocyanin has been detected on chicken chromosome 14 in three populations. The results from the most recent population were inconsistent and varied depending on the applied QTL detection model. The major goal of the current study was the reanalysis of this data using a 2 QTL model. Additionally, in order to provide more accurate estimates of QTL effects and positions, epistasis between the QTL was considered as a potential important contributor to quantitative traits. Four statistical models were assumed: M1: A model assuming marginal additive effects of two QTL; M2: A model assuming marginal and epistatic additive effects of two QTL; M3: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL; M4: A model assuming marginal additive and dominance effects of two QTL and all possible pairwise epistases. Two QTL with significant additive and dominance effects were detected on chicken chromosome 14 using model M3. One QTL was detected at 63 cM between MCW0123 and ROS0005, another at 76 cM between ROS0005 and MCW0225/NTN2Lsts1 (FDR = 0.0051). Modelling only additive effects resulted in a significantly worse fit. On the other hand, including epistatic effects did not improve fit significantly. The current study confirms previous reports of the QTL location on GGA14. A notable finding of this study is recognition of two closely related QTL for a keyhole lymphet heamocyanin response at the distal part of chicken chromosome 14

    Real Time X-Ray Microfocus Inspection of Honeycomb

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    Honeycomb structures are often used because they are light in weight, yet able to bear large pressure loads. Because weight is such a major consideration in the aerospace industry, honeycomb is used in many non-load bearing structures such as control surfaces, access doors, floors, and speed brakes. As may be expected in a complicated structure, there are many possibilities for defects or damage to be induced into these parts, both during the fabrication process and while the part is in service. The presence of these defects necessitate that honeycomb structures be inspected. Film radiography is often used as the primary inspection technique for honeycomb. Alternatively, real time imaging is a filmless radiographic inspection technique which has speed and arbitrary orientation of the sample as its primary advantage. This technique has not been widely used, primarily because of poor image quality. The first point is poor spatial resolution, and the second is poor contrast sensitivity, as compared to film. When a microfocus x-ray source is used in conjunction with a real time system, the result is a marked improvement of the image resolution. The use of image processing can significantly improve the contrast sensitivity. The result is a real time system with resolution equivalent to the present film inspection techniques thus allowing for quicker and less costly inspections, so long a the sensitivity requirements are not too stringent
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