787 research outputs found

    Cultural basis of social ‘deficits’ in autism spectrum disorders

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    There is very little research that specifically looks at how autism spectrum disorders are perceived in various communities. This qualitative research was conducted with parents who had children on the autistic spectrum belonging to four different ethnic communities (White British, Somali, West African and South Asian- 63 in total) and living in the UK. The study found that the importance that the parents give to various social skills varied on the basis of their cultural background and the gender of the parent. This is an important aspect to consider while providing support and services to individuals on the autism spectrum and their family members if the services have to be appropriate for their needs. This consideration would also enable the individuals on the autism spectrum to develop appropriate social skills required within their cultural groups. This is a preliminary study and further research on the topic is required

    Increasing compliance with wearing a medical device in children with autism

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    Health professionals often recommend the use of medical devices to assess the health, monitor the well-being, or improve the quality of life of their patients. Children with autism may present challenges in these situations as their sensory peculiarities may increase refusals to wear such devices. To address this issue, we systematically replicated prior research by examining the effects of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) to increase compliance with wearing a heart rate monitor in 2 children with autism. The intervention increased compliance to 100% for both participants when an edible reinforcer was delivered every 90 s. The results indicate that DRO does not require the implementation of extinction to increase compliance with wearing a medical device. More research is needed to examine whether the reinforcement schedule can be further thinned

    A comparison of the development of audiovisual integration in children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children

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    This study aimed to investigate the development of audiovisual integration in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Audiovisual integration was measured using the McGurk effect in children with ASD aged 7–16 years and typically developing children (control group) matched approximately for age, sex, nonverbal ability and verbal ability. Results showed that the children with ASD were delayed in visual accuracy and audiovisual integration compared to the control group. However, in the audiovisual integration measure, children with ASD appeared to ‘catch-up’ with their typically developing peers at the older age ranges. The suggestion that children with ASD show a deficit in audiovisual integration which diminishes with age has clinical implications for those assessing and treating these children

    Autistic people’s perspectives on stereotypes: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    Autism stereotypes can often portray autistic people in a negative way. However, few studies have looked at how autistic people think they are perceived by others, and none have specifically asked autistic people what they think the autistic stereotypes are. Semi-structured interviews with twelve autistic adults (aged between 20-63 years) were conducted. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, three main themes emerged from the data. These were: (1) primary stereotype is that autistic people are ‘weird’; (2) autistic stereotypes have negative effects and consequences; (3) autistic people are heterogeneous. This study makes an important and novel contribution to understanding the experience of being autistic in several ways by exploring how autistic people feel they are perceived by others and identifying some of the ways in which negative stereotypes are believed to have negative consequences for autistic people

    Case report: an unexpected link between partial deletion of the SHANK3 gene and Heller’s dementia infantilis, a rare subtype of autism spectrum disorder

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundDeletions and mutations involving the SHANK3 gene lead to a nonspecific clinical presentation with moderate to profound intellectual disability, severely delayed or absent speech, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).Better knowledge of the clinical spectrum of SHANK3 haploinsufficiency is useful to facilitate clinical care monitoring and to guide molecular diagnosis, essential for genetic counselling.Case presentationHere, we report a detailed clinical description of a 10-year-old girl carrying a pathogenic interstitial 22q13.3 deletion encompassing only the first 17 exons of SHANK3.The clinical features displayed by the girl strongly suggested the diagnosis of dementia infantilis, described by Heller in 1908, also known as childhood disintegrative disorder.ConclusionOur present case confirms several observations according to which regression may be part of the clinical phenotype of SHANK3 haploinsufficiency. Therefore, we think it is crucial to look for mutations in the gene SHANK3 in patients diagnosed for childhood disintegrative disorder or any developmental disorder with a regressive pattern involving social and communicative skills as well as cognitive and instinctual functions, with onset around 3 years

    Perception of Shadows in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Background: Cast shadows in visual scenes can have profound effects on visual perception. Much as they are informative, they also constitute noise as they are salient features of the visual scene potentially interfering with the processing of other features. Here we asked i) whether individuals with autism can exploit the information conveyed by cast shadows; ii) whether they are especially sensitive to noise aspects of shadows. Methodology/Principal Findings: Twenty high-functioning children with autism and twenty typically developing children were asked to recognize familiar objects while the presence, position, and shape of the cast shadow were systematically manipulated. Analysis of vocal reaction time revealed that whereas typically developing children used information from cast shadows to improve object recognition, in autistic children the presence of cast shadows—either congruent or incongruent—interfered with object recognition. Critically, vocal reaction times were faster when the object was presented without a cast shadow. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that shadow-processing mechanisms are abnormal in autism. As a result, processing shadows becomes costly and cast shadows interfere rather than help object recognition

    Construction and validation of an developmental profile assessment tool for children with autistic spectrum disorder

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    Nos últimos anos a investigação tem dado particular relevância às alterações do Processamento Sensorial nas crianças com perturbações do espectro do autismo (PEA) e a literatura refere que entre 42% a 88% das crianças com PEA apresentam este tipo de disfunção. Nesta linha foi definido um projeto de investigação centrado na construção de uma escala que avalie a tradicional tríade que caracteriza as crianças com PEA (Interação, Comunicação e Comportamento e interesses repetitivos e estereotipados), enriquecida pela inclusão de um novo domínio: o Processamento Sensorial. Com a construção e validação desta escala pretendemos que pais e profissionais utilizem colaborativamente um instrumento de avaliação da intervenção que lhes permita monitorizar o processo de apoio e adequar as suas práticas. Neste artigo descrevemos os procedimentos e os resultados das sucessivas fases de construção do instrumento, desde as análises iniciais mais qualitativas até aos estudos centrados na análise quantitativa dos itens.During the last few years, research has focused on changes in Sensory Processing in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As a result, literature has shown that between 42% and 88% of children with ASD present this type of disorder. Based on these findings, a research project was designed centring on the construction of a tool to assess the traditional triad that characterizes children with ASD (Interaction, Communication and Behaviour and Repetitive and Stereotyped Interests), to which was added a new domain: Sensory Processing. By constructing and validating this assessment tool, the intention is for parents and professionals to collaboratively apply this intervention assessment instrument in order to monitor the support process and adapt their practices. In this paper, we describe procedures and results of the successive stages entailed in constructing this instrument, from the first primarily qualitative analyses up to the studies centred on the quantitative item analysis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)ABPEE - Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Educação EspecialConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CAPESMinistério da Educação - BrasilMinistério da Ciência e da Tecnologia - BrasilGoverno Federal - Brasi

    Using video modeling to teach complex social sequences to children with autism

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    This study comprised of two experiments was designed to teach complex social sequences to children with autism. Experimental control was achieved by collecting data using means of within-system design methodology. Across a number of conditions children were taken to a room to view one of the four short videos of two people engaging in a simple sequence of activities. Then, each child’s behavior was assessed in the same room. Results showed that this video modeling procedure enhanced the social initiation skills of all children. It also facilitated reciprocal play engagement and imitative responding of a sequence of behaviors, in which social initiation was not included. These behavior changes generalized across peers and maintained after a 1- and 2-month follow-up period