5,873 research outputs found

    Rescue of Synthetic Genomic RNA Analogs of Rabies Virus by Plasmid-Encoded Proteins

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    Proteins eolirely expressed from cDNA wen used to rescue synthetic RNA genome analogs into infectious defective particles or rabies virus (RV). Synthetic negative-stranded RNAs coßtalning 3' · and S'-terminal RV sequences and tnlßscriptional signal sequences wen transcribed (rom plasmids transfeded into cells expressing 1'7 RNA polymerase (rom recombinant vaccinia virus. After simultaneous expression or RV N, P, and L proteiDS (rom plasmids containing a T7 RNA polymerase promoter, tbe synthetic genomes wen encapsidated. replicated, and transcribed by tbe RV polymerase proteiDS. Insertion or the bac1erial chloramphenicol acetyUransferase gene or l3·galactosidase (IacZ) gene between the 3 ' and 5 ' termini containing transcriptional signal sequenees resulted in transcription of mRNAs and expression of ehloramphenlco

    The Targeting of the atToc159 Preprotein Receptor to the Chloroplast Outer Membrane is Mediated by its GTPase Domain and is Regulated by GTP

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    The multimeric translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts (Toc) initiates the recognition and import of nuclear-encoded preproteins into chloroplasts. Two Toc GTPases, Toc159 and Toc33/34, mediate preprotein recognition and regulate preprotein translocation. Although these two proteins account for the requirement of GTP hydrolysis for import, the functional significance of GTP binding and hydrolysis by either GTPase has not been defined. A recent study indicates that Toc159 is equally distributed between a soluble cytoplasmic form and a membrane-inserted form, raising the possibility that it might cycle between the cytoplasm and chloroplast as a soluble preprotein receptor. In the present study, we examined the mechanism of targeting and insertion of the Arabidopsis thaliana orthologue of Toc159, atToc159, to chloroplasts. Targeting of atToc159 to the outer envelope membrane is strictly dependent only on guanine nucleotides. Although GTP is not required for initial binding, the productive insertion and assembly of atToc159 into the Toc complex requires its intrinsic GTPase activity. Targeting is mediated by direct binding between the GTPase domain of atToc159 and the homologous GTPase domain of atToc33, the Arabidopsis Toc33/34 orthologue. Our findings demonstrate a role for the coordinate action of the Toc GTPases in assembly of the functional Toc complex at the chloroplast outer envelope membrane

    Recombinant rabies virus as potential live-viral vaccines for HIV-1

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    Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief the Dole, and Rehabilitation

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    Review of: "Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief, the Dole, and Rehabilitation," by Peter Fearon

    Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief the Dole, and Rehabilitation

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    Review of: "Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief, the Dole, and Rehabilitation," by Peter Fearon

    Industrial Data Systems, Inc.

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    Industrial Date Systems Corporation (IDS) is a Houston-based general engineering and services firm targeted toward the energy industry. Founded in 1985, the company has grown to annual revenues of 17millioninFY2000,sixtythreepercentfromengineeringandtheremainderfromitsmanufacturingandairhandlingdivisions.Recently,IDShasacquiredPetroconEngineering,amuchlargeroilfieldengineeringandservicesfromwithFY2000revenuesof17 million in FY2000, sixty-three percent from engineering and the remainder from its manufacturing and air handling divisions. Recently, IDS has acquired Petrocon Engineering, a much larger oilfield engineering and services from with FY2000 revenues of 68 million. Together, they potentially will be able to fully meet client need for both upstream and downstream engineering and services support in the oil/gas, refining, chemicals, and petrochemicals industries. Now they must make it work. (Contact author for a copy of the complete report.)Small Business Mgmt

    Models for pattern formation in somitogenesis: a marriage of cellular and molecular biology

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    Somitogenesis, the process by which a bilaterally symmetric pattern of cell aggregations is laid down in a cranio-caudal sequence in early vertebrate development, provides an excellent model study for the coupling of interactions at the molecular and cellular level. Here, we review some of the key experimental results and theoretical models related to this process. We extend a recent chemical pre-pattern model based on the cell cycle Journal of Theoretical Biology 207 (2000) 305-316, by including cell movement and show that the resultant model exhibits the correct spatio-temporal dynamics of cell aggregation. We also postulate a model to account for the recently observed spatio-temporal dynamics at the molecular level