
Rescue of Synthetic Genomic RNA Analogs of Rabies Virus by Plasmid-Encoded Proteins


Proteins eolirely expressed from cDNA wen used to rescue synthetic RNA genome analogs into infectious defective particles or rabies virus (RV). Synthetic negative-stranded RNAs coßtalning 3' · and S'-terminal RV sequences and tnlßscriptional signal sequences wen transcribed (rom plasmids transfeded into cells expressing 1'7 RNA polymerase (rom recombinant vaccinia virus. After simultaneous expression or RV N, P, and L proteiDS (rom plasmids containing a T7 RNA polymerase promoter, tbe synthetic genomes wen encapsidated. replicated, and transcribed by tbe RV polymerase proteiDS. Insertion or the bac1erial chloramphenicol acetyUransferase gene or l3·galactosidase (IacZ) gene between the 3 ' and 5 ' termini containing transcriptional signal sequenees resulted in transcription of mRNAs and expression of ehloramphenlco

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