55 research outputs found

    Meissner effect, Spin Meissner effect and charge expulsion in superconductors

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    The Meissner effect and the Spin Meissner effect are the spontaneous generation of charge and spin current respectively near the surface of a metal making a transition to the superconducting state. The Meissner effect is well known but, I argue, not explained by the conventional theory, the Spin Meissner effect has yet to be detected. I propose that both effects take place in all superconductors, the first one in the presence of an applied magnetostatic field, the second one even in the absence of applied external fields. Both effects can be understood under the assumption that electrons expand their orbits and thereby lower their quantum kinetic energy in the transition to superconductivity. Associated with this process, the metal expels negative charge from the interior to the surface and an electric field is generated in the interior. The resulting charge current can be understood as arising from the magnetic Lorentz force on radially outgoing electrons, and the resulting spin current can be understood as arising from a spin Hall effect originating in the Rashba-like coupling of the electron magnetic moment to the internal electric field. The associated electrodynamics is qualitatively different from London electrodynamics, yet can be described by a small modification of the conventional London equations. The stability of the superconducting state and its macroscopic phase coherence hinge on the fact that the orbital angular momentum of the carriers of the spin current is found to be exactly /2\hbar/2, indicating a topological origin. The simplicity and universality of our theory argue for its validity, and the occurrence of superconductivity in many classes of materials can be understood within our theory.Comment: Submitted to SLAFES XX Proceeding

    Exercise promotes angiogenesis and improves beta-adrenergic receptor signalling in the post-ischaemic failing rat heart.

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    We investigated whether exercise training could promote angiogenesis and improve blood perfusion and left ventricular (LV) remodelling of the post-myocardial infarction (MI) failing heart. We also explored the contribution of ameliorated beta-adrenergic receptor signalling and function on the overall improvement of cardiac contractility reserve induced by exercise.Adult Wistar male rats were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups. Sham-operated and post-MI heart failure (HF) rats were housed under sedentary conditions or assigned to 10-weeks of a treadmill exercise protocol. At 4 weeks after MI, sedentary HF rats showed LV eccentric hypertrophy, marked increase of LV diameters associated with severely impaired fractional shortening (14 +/- 5\%), increased LV end diastolic pressure (20.9 +/- 2.6 mmHg), and pulmonary congestion. In addition, cardiac contractile responses to adrenergic stimulation were significantly blunted. In trained HF rats, exercise was able to (i) reactivate the cardiac vascular endothelial growth factor pathway with a concurrent enhancement of myocardial angiogenesis, (ii) significantly increase myocardial perfusion and coronary reserve, (iii) reduce cardiac diameters, and (iv) improve LV contractility in response to adrenergic stimulation. This latter finding was also associated with a significant improvement of cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor downregulation and desensitization.Our data indicate that exercise favourably affects angiogenesis and improves LV remodelling and contractility reserve in a rat model of severe chronic HF

    Recommendations to encourage participation of individuals from diverse backgrounds in psychiatric genetic studies

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    We present innovative research practices in psychiatric genetic studies to ensure representation of individuals from diverse ancestry, sex assigned at birth, gender identity, age, body shape and size, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Due to histories of inappropriate and harmful practices against marginalized groups in both psychiatry and genetics, people of certain identities may be hesitant to participate in research studies. Yet their participation is essential to ensure diverse representation, as it is incorrect to assume that the same genetic and environmental factors influence the risk for various psychiatric disorders across all demographic groups. We present approaches developed as part of the Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative (EDGI), a study that required tailored approaches to recruit diverse populations across many countries. Considerations include research priorities and design, recruitment and study branding, transparency, and community investment and ownership. Ensuring representation in participants is costly and funders need to provide adequate support to achieve diversity in recruitment in prime awards, not just as supplemental afterthoughts. The need for diverse samples in genetic studies is critical to minimize the risk of perpetuating health disparities in psychiatry and other health research. Although the EDGI strategies were designed specifically to attract and enroll individuals with eating disorders, our approach is broadly applicable across psychiatry and other fields

    Analysis of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) cell lines

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    The purpose of this work was to analyze chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in untreated and in irradiated squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) tumor cell lines, aiming at the establishment of assays to test for the relevance of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in the response of SCCHN to radiotherapy and radiochemotherapy. Five low passage and 10 established SCCHN lines, as well as two normal cell lines, were irradiated at 2 Gy or sham-irradiated, and harvested between 1 and 48 h after treatment. For chemokines with CC and CXC structural motifs and their receptors, transcript levels of target and reference genes were quantified relatively by real-time PCR. In addition, CXCL1 and CXCL12 protein expression was analyzed by ELISA. A substantial variation in chemokine and chemokine receptor expression between SCCHN was detected. Practically, all cell lines expressed CCL5 and CCL20, while CCL2 was expressed in normal cells and in some of the tumor cell lines. CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3, CXCL10, and CXCL11 were expressed in the vast majority of the cell lines, while the expression of CXCL9 and CXCL12 was restricted to fibroblasts and few tumor cell lines. None of the analyzed cell lines expressed the chemokines CCL3, CCL4, or CCL19. Of the receptors, transcript expression of CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, CCR5, CCR7, CCXR2, and CCXR3 was not detected, and CCR6, CXCR1, and CXCR4 expression was restricted to few tumor cells. Radiation caused up- and down-regulation with respect to chemokine expressions, while for chemokine receptor expressions down-regulations were prevailing. CXCL1 and CXCL12 protein expression corresponded well with the mRNA expression. We conclude that the substantial variation in chemokine and chemokine receptor expression between SCCHN offer opportunities for the establishment of assays to test for the relevance of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in the response of SCCHN to radiotherapy and radiochemotherapy

    New challenges in high-energy particle radiobiology

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    New challenges in high-energy particle radiobiology

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    Densely ionizing radiation has always been a main topic in radiobiology. In fact, α-particles and neutrons are sources of radiation exposure for the general population and workers in nuclear power plants. More recently, high-energy protons and heavy ions attracted a large interest for two applications: hadrontherapy in oncology and space radiation protection in manned space missions. For many years, studies concentrated on measurements of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the energetic particles for different end points, especially cell killing (for radiotherapy) and carcinogenesis (for late effects). Although more recently, it has been shown that densely ionizing radiation elicits signalling pathways quite distinct from those involved in the cell and tissue response to photons. The response of the microenvironment to charged particles is therefore under scrutiny, and both the damage in the target and non-target tissues are relevant. The role of individual susceptibility in therapy and risk is obviously a major topic in radiation research in general, and for ion radiobiology as well. Particle radiobiology is therefore now entering into a new phase, where beyond RBE, the tissue response is considered. These results may open new applications for both cancer therapy and protection in deep space

    Distinct vascular genomic response of proton and gamma radiation-A pilot investigation.

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    The cardiovascular biology of proton radiotherapy is not well understood. We aimed to compare the genomic dose-response to proton and gamma radiation of the mouse aorta to assess whether their vascular effects may diverge. We performed comparative RNA sequencing of the aorta following (4 hrs) total-body proton and gamma irradiation (0.5-200 cGy whole body dose, 10 dose levels) of conscious mice. A trend analysis identified genes that showed a dose response. While fewer genes were dose-responsive to proton than gamma radiation (29 vs. 194 genes; q-value ≤ 0.1), the magnitude of the effect was greater. Highly responsive genes were enriched for radiation response pathways (DNA damage, apoptosis, cellular stress and inflammation; p-value ≤ 0.01). Gamma, but not proton radiation induced additionally genes in vasculature specific pathways. Genes responsive to both radiation types showed almost perfectly superimposable dose-response relationships. Despite the activation of canonical radiation response pathways by both radiation types, we detected marked differences in the genomic response of the murine aorta. Models of cardiovascular risk based on photon radiation may not accurately predict the risk associated with proton radiation

    Lymphocyte G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 is upregulated in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

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    Alterations in signal transduction pathway of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been found in the cerebrocortex and in the peripheral cultured tissues of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The G-protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK2) plays an important role in regulating the GPCRs signaling: its increased expression is associated with receptor desensitization. The aim of this study was to explore GRK2 levels in peripheral lymphocytes of AD patients and to establish a correlation between lymphocyte protein concentrations and the degree of cognitive impairment. GRK2 mRNA and protein expression were evaluated in the lymphocytes of AD patients with mild or moderate/severe cognitive impairment and in age-matched healthy subjects. Both GRK2 mRNA and protein expression were higher in AD patients lymphocytes compared to controls. Furthermore, lymphocyte GRK2 levels were significantly correlated to the degree of cognitive decline. Our preliminary data suggest that GRK2 is involved in GPCRs coupling dysfunction observed in AD patients. Further studies are needed in order to verify whether the lymphocyte GRK2 might be utilized as a novel biomarker in AD diagnosis and clinical monitoring