2,189 research outputs found

    Constraining Ω0{\Omega_{0}} from X-ray properties of Clusters of Galaxies at high redshift

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    Properties of high redshift clusters are a fundamental source of information for cosmology. It has been shown by Oukbir and Blanchard (1997) that the combined knowledge of the redshift distribution of X-ray clusters of galaxies and the luminosity-temperature correlation, LX−TXL_X-T_X, provides a powerful test of the mean density of the Universe. In this paper, we address the question of the possible evolution of this relation from an observational point of view and its cosmological significance. We introduce a new indicator in order to measure the evolution of the X-ray luminosity-temperature relation with redshift and take advantage of the recent availability of temperature information for a significant number of high and intermediate redshift X-ray clusters of galaxies. From our analysis, we find a slightly positive evolution in the LX−TXL_X-T_X relation. This implies a high value of the density parameter of 0.85±0.20.85\pm0.2 . However, because the selection of clusters included inour sample is unknown, this can be considered only as a tentative result. A well-controlled X-ray selected survey would provide a more robust answer. XMM will be ideal for such a program.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures,5 tables, accepted by A&

    Galaxy Modelling -- I. Spectral Energy Distributions from Far-UV to Sub-mm Wavelengths

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    (abridged) We present STARDUST, a new self-consistent modelling of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies from far-UV to radio wavelengths. In order to derive the SEDs in this broad spectral range, we first couple spectrophotometric and (closed-box) chemical evolutions to account for metallicity effects on the spectra of synthetic stellar populations. We then use a phenomenological fit for the metal-dependent extinction curve and a simple geometric distribution of the dust to compute the optical depth of galaxies and the corresponding obscuration curve. This enables us to calculate the fraction of stellar light reprocessed in the infrared range. In a final step, we define a dust model with various components and we fix the weights of these components in order to reproduce the IRAS correlation of IR colours with total IR luminosities. This allows us to compute far-IR SEDs that phenomenologically mimic observed trends. We are able to predict the spectral evolution of galaxies in a broad wavelength range, and we can reproduce the observed SEDs of local spirals, starbursts, luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and ultra luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). This modelling is so far kept as simple as possible and depends on a small number of free parameters, namely the initial mass function (IMF), star formation rate (SFR) time scale, gas density, and galaxy age, as well as on more refined assumptions on dust properties and the presence (or absence) of gas inflows/outflows.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journa

    A New Local Temperature Distribution Function for X-ray Clusters: Cosmological Applications

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    (abridged) We present a new determination of the local temperature function of X-ray clusters. We use a new sample comprising fifty clusters for which temperature information is now available, making it the largest complete sample of its kind. It is therefore expected to significantly improve the estimation of the temperature distribution function of moderately hot clusters. We find that the resulting temperature function is higher than previous estimations, but agrees well with the temperature distribution function inferred from the BCS and RASS luminosity function. We have used this sample to constrain the amplitude of the matter fluctuations on cluster's scale of 8Ω03−1h−18\sqrt[3]{\Omega_0}^{-1}h^{-1}Mpc, assuming a mass-temperature relation based on recent numerical simulations. We find σ8=0.6±0.02\sigma_8 = 0.6\pm 0.02 for an Ω0=1\Omega_0 = 1 model. Our sample provides an ideal reference at z∌0z \sim 0 to use in the application of the cosmological test based on the evolution of X-ray cluster abundance (Oukbir & Blanchard 1992, 1997). Using Henry's sample, we find that the abundance of clusters at z=0.33z = 0.33 is significantly smaller, by a factor larger than 2, which shows that the EMSS sample provides strong evidence for evolution of the cluster abundance. A likelihood analysis leads to a rather high value of the mean density parameter of the universe: Ω=0.92±0.22\Omega =0.92 \pm 0.22 (open case) and Ω=0.86±0.25\Omega =0.86 \pm 0.25 (flat case), which is consistent with a previous, independent estimation based on the full EMSS sample by Sadat et al.(1998). Some systematic uncertainties which could alter this result are briefly discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, mathches the version published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On Source Density Evolution of Gamma-ray Bursts

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    Recent optical afterglow observations of gamma-ray bursts indicate a setting and distance scale that many relate to star-formation regions. In this paper, we use and a set of artificial trigger thresholds to probe several potential GRB source density evolutionary scenarios. In particular, we compare a uniform subset of BATSE 4B data to cosmological scenarios where GRBs evolve as the comoving density, the star formation rate, the QSO rate, and the SN Type Ic rate. Standard candle bursts with power-law spectra and a universe without vacuum energy were assumed. Our results significantly favor a comoving density model, implying that GRB source density evolution is weaker than expected in these evolutionary scenarios. GRB density might still follow star-formation rates given proper concurrent GRB luminosity evolution, significant beaming, significant error in standard candle assumptions, or were a significant modification of star formation rate estimates to occur.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Evolution of the Galaxy Cluster Luminosity-Temperature Relation

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    We analyzed the luminosity-temperature (L-T) relation for 2 samples of galaxy clusters which have all been observed by the ASCA satellite. We used 32 high redshift clusters (0.3<z<0.6), 53 low redshift clusters (z<0.3), and also the combination of the low and high redshift datasets. We assumed a power law relation between the bolometric luminosity of the galaxy cluster and its integrated temperature and redshift (L_{bol,44}=C*T^alpha*(1+z)^A). The results are consistent, independent of cosmology, with previous estimates of L∌\simT3^3 found by other authors. We observed weak or zero evolution.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 11 figures, GIF forma

    XMM−NewtonXMM-Newton Ω\Omega project: III. Gas mass fraction shape in high redshift clusters

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    We study the gas mass fraction, f_gas,f\_{\rm gas}, behavior in XMM−NewtonXMM-Newton Ω\Omega project. The typical f_gasf\_{\rm gas} shape of high redshift galaxy clusters follows the global shape inferred at low redshift quite well. This result is consistent with the gravitational instability picture leading to self similar structures for both the dark and baryonic matter. However, the mean f_gasindistantclustersshowssomedifferencestolocalones,indicatingadeparturefromstrictscaling.Thisresultisconsistentwiththeobservedevolutionintheluminosity−temperaturerelation.Wequantitativelyinvestigatethisdeparturefromscalinglaws.Withinthelocalsampleweused,amoderatebutclearvariationoftheamplitudeofthegasmassfractionwithtemperatureisfound,atrendthatweakensintheouterregions.Thesevariationsdonotexplaindeparturefromscalinglawsofourdistantclusters.Animportantimplicationofourresultsisthatthegasfractionevolution,atestofthecosmologicalparameters,canleadtobiasedvalueswhenappliedatradiismallerthanthevirialradius.Fromourf\_{\rm gas} in distant clusters shows some differences to local ones, indicating a departure from strict scaling. This result is consistent with the observed evolution in the luminosity-temperature relation. We quantitatively investigate this departure from scaling laws. Within the local sample we used, a moderate but clear variation of the amplitude of the gas mass fraction with temperature is found, a trend that weakens in the outer regions. These variations do not explain departure from scaling laws of our distant clusters. An important implication of our results is that the gas fraction evolution, a test of the cosmological parameters, can lead to biased values when applied at radii smaller than the virial radius. From our XMM$ clusters, the apparent gas fraction at the virial radius is consistent with a non-evolving universal value in a high matter density model and not with a concordance.Comment: Accepted, A&A, in pres

    The Expected Rate of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows In Supernova Searches

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    We predict the rate at which Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows should be detected in supernova searches as a function of limiting flux. Although GRB afterglows are rarer than supernovae, they are detectable at greater distances because of their higher intrinsic luminosity. Assuming that GRBs trace the cosmic star formation history and that every GRB gives rise to a bright afterglow, we find that the average detection rate of supernovae and afterglows should be comparable at limiting magnitudes brighter than K=18. The actual rate of afterglows is expected to be somewhat lower since only a fraction of all gamma-ray selected GRBs were observed to have associated afterglows. However, the rate could also be higher if the initial gamma-ray emission from GRB sources is more beamed than their late afterglow emission. Hence, current and future supernova searches can place strong constraints on the afterglow appearance fraction and the initial beaming angle of GRB sources.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to ApJ

    The cluster M-T relation from temperature profiles observed with ASCA and ROSAT

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    We calibrate the galaxy cluster mass - temperature relation using the temperature profiles of intracluster gas observed with ASCA (for hot clusters) and ROSAT (for cool groups). Our sample consists of apparently relaxed clusters for which the total masses are derived assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. The sample provides data on cluster X-ray emission-weighted cooling flow-corrected temperatures and total masses up to r_1000. The resulting M-T scaling in the 1-10 keV temperature range is M_1000 = (1.23 +- 0.20)/h_50 10^15 Msun (T/10 keV)^{1.79 +- 0.14} with 90% confidence errors, or significantly (99.99% confidence) steeper than the self-similar relation M propto T^{3/2}. For any given temperature, our measured mass values are significantly smaller compared to the simulation results of Evrard et al. (1996) that are frequently used for mass-temperature scaling. The higher-temperature subsample (kT > 4 keV) is consistent with M propto T^{3/2}, allowing the possibility that the self-similar scaling breaks down at low temperatures, perhaps due to heating by supernovae that is more important for low-temperature groups and galaxies as suggested by earlier works.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Ap
