1,236 research outputs found

    C3b/iC3b Deposition on Streptococcus pneumoniae Is Not Affected by HIV Infection

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of infection in both HIV positive patients and those with complement deficiencies. We hypothesised that HIV positive individuals might exhibit reduced opsonisation of pneumococcus with complement due to reduced levels of S. pneumoniae specific IgG. We discovered no difference in C3 deposition on S. pneumoniae between HIV positive or negative individuals, and furthermore C3 deposition remained unchanged as HIV progressed towards AIDS. We found no correlation between C3 deposition on S. pneumoniae and CD4 cell count in HIV infected individuals. Hence we have demonstrated no failure of complement immunity in HIV positive patients

    On the precision of chiral-dispersive calculations of ππ\pi\pi scattering

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    We calculate the combination 2a0(0)5a0(2)2a_0^{(0)}-5a_0^{(2)} (the Olsson sum rule) and the scattering lengths and effective ranges a1a_1, a2(I)a_2^{(I)} and b1b_1, b2(I)b_2^{(I)} dispersively (with the Froissart--Gribov representation) using, at low energy, the phase shifts for ππ\pi\pi scattering obtained by Colangelo, Gasser and Leutwyler (CGL) from the Roy equations and chiral perturbation theory, plus experiment and Regge behaviour at high energy, or directly, using the CGL parameters for aas and bbs. We find mismatch, both among the CGL phases themselves and with the results obtained from the pion form factor. This reaches the level of several (2 to 5) standard deviations, and is essentially independent of the details of the intermediate energy region (0.82E1.420.82\leq E\leq 1.42 GeV) and, in some cases, of the high energy behaviour assumed. We discuss possible reasons for this mismatch, in particular in connection with an alternate set of phase shifts.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Graphs and sum rule added. Plain TeX fil

    Study of γπππ\gamma\pi \to \pi\pi below 1 GeV using Integral Equation Approach

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    The scattering of γπππ\gamma \pi \to \pi \pi is studied using the axial anomaly, elastic unitarity, analyticity and crossing symmetry. Using the technique to derive the Roy's equation, an integral equation for the P-wave amplitude is obtained in terms of the strong P-wave pion pion phase shifts. Its solution is obtained numerically by an iteration procedure using the starting point as the solution of the integral equation of the Muskelshsvilli-Omnes type. It is, however, ambiguous and depends sensitively on the second derivative of the P-wave amplitude at s=mπ2s=m_\pi^2 which cannot directly be measured.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    On the precision of the theoretical predictions for pi pi scattering

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    In a recent paper, Pelaez and Yndurain evaluate some of the low energy observables of pi pi scattering and obtain flat disagreement with our earlier results. The authors work with unsubtracted dispersion relations, so that their results are very sensitive to the poorly known high energy behaviour of the scattering amplitude. They claim that the asymptotic representation we used is incorrect and propose an alternative one. We repeat their calculations on the basis of the standard, subtracted fixed-t dispersion relations, using their asymptotics. The outcome fully confirms our earlier findings. Moreover, we show that the Regge parametrization proposed by these authors for the region above 1.4 GeV violates crossing symmetry: Their ansatz is not consistent with the behaviour observed at low energies.Comment: Added more material, mostly in Sects. 7, 8 and 9, in support of the same conclusions. Latex, 28 pages, 3 figure

    The Inverse Amplitude Method in ππ\pi\pi Scattering in Chiral Perturbation Theory to Two Loops

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    The inverse amplitude method is used to unitarize the two loop ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitudes of SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory in the I=0,J=0I=0,J=0, I=1,J=1I=1,J=1 and I=2,J=0I=2,J=0 channels. An error analysis in terms of the low energy one-loop parameters lˉ1,2,3,4,\bar l_{1,2,3,4,} and existing experimental data is undertaken. A comparison to standard resonance saturation values for the two loop coefficients bˉ1,2,3,4,5,6\bar b_{1,2,3,4,5,6} is also carried out. Crossing violations are quantified and the convergence of the expansion is discussed.Comment: (Latex, epsfig) 30 pages, 13 figures, 8 table

    Analyticity, Crossing Symmetry and the Limits of Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    The chiral Lagrangian for Goldstone boson scattering is a power series expansion in numbers of derivatives. Each successive term is suppressed by powers of a scale, Λχ\Lambda_\chi, which must be less than of order 4πf/N4\pi f/\sqrt{N} where ff is the Goldstone boson decay constant and NN is the number of flavors. The chiral expansion therefore breaks down at or below 4πf/N4 \pi f/\sqrt{N}. We argue that the breakdown of the chiral expansion is associated with the appearance of physical states other than Goldstone bosons. Because of crossing symmetry, some ``isospin'' channels will deviate from their low energy behavior well before they approach the scale at which their low energy amplitudes would violate unitarity. We argue that the estimates of ``oblique'' corrections from technicolor obtained by scaling from QCD are untrustworthy.Comment: harvmac, 18 pages (3 figures), HUTP-92/A025, BUHEP-92-18, new version fixes a TeX problem in little mod

    Another look at ππ\pi\pi scattering in the scalar channel

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    We set up a general framework to describe ππ\pi\pi scattering below 1 GeV based on chiral low-energy expansion with possible spin-0 and 1 resonances. Partial wave amplitudes are obtained with the N/DN/D method, which satisfy unitarity, analyticity and approximate crossing symmetry. Comparison with the phase shift data in the J=0 channel favors a scalar resonance near the ρ\rho mass.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, REVTe

    Personalised service? Changing the role of the government librarian

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    Investigates the feasibility of personalised information service in a government department. A qualitative methodology explored stakeholder opinions on the remit, marketing, resourcing and measurement of the service. A questionnaire and interviews gathered experiences of personalised provision across the government sector. Potential users were similarly surveyed to discuss how the service could meet their needs. Data were analysed using coding techniques to identify emerging theory. Lessons learned from government librarians centred on clarifying requirements, balancing workloads and selective marketing. The user survey showed low usage and awareness of existing specialist services, but high levels of need and interest in services repackaged as a tailored offering. Fieldwork confirmed findings from the literature on the scope for adding value through information management advice, information skills training and substantive research assistance and the need to understand business processes and develop effective partnerships. Concluding recommendations focus on service definition, strategic marketing, resource utilisation and performance measurement

    Pion and Kaon Vector Form Factors

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    We develop a unitarity approach to consider the final state interaction corrections to the tree level graphs calculated from Chiral Perturbation Theory (χPT\chi PT) allowing the inclusion of explicit resonance fields. The method is discussed considering the coupled channel pion and kaon vector form factors. These form factors are then matched with the one loop χPT\chi PT results. A very good description of experimental data is accomplished for the vector form factors and for the ππ\pi\pi P-wave phase shifts up to s1.2\sqrt{s}\lesssim 1.2 GeV, beyond which multiparticle states play a non negligible role. In particular the low and resonance energy regions are discussed in detail and for the former a comparison with one and two loop χPT\chi PT is made showing a remarkable coincidence with the two loop χPT\chi PT results.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figs, to appear in Phys. Rev.