6,535 research outputs found

    Seasonality in the cross-shelf physical structure of a temperate shelf sea and the implications for nitrate supply

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    We address a long-standing problem of how nutrients are transported from the shelf edge and from rivers to support regular, seasonal primary production in the interior of a wide, temperate, shelf sea. Cross-shelf sections of hydrography and nutrients, from a series of cruises between March 2014 and August 2015, along with time series of river discharge and river nutrient load are used to assess the seasonality of cross-shelf transports. Riverine nitrogen inputs are estimated to account for 30% of the nitrate available for the spring bloom on the inner shelf, and 10% in the mid- to outer-shelf. In the bottom layer in summer, high salinity, nutrient-rich waters are transported on-shelf as a result of wind-driven Ekman transport, cross-shelf pressure gradients and/or internal tidal wave Stoke’s drift. In the centre of the shelf this advection is responsible for 25% of the increase in bottom water nitrate seen between April and November 2014. The remaining nitrate increase suggests that about 50–62% of the nitrogen fixed into organic material during spring, summer and autumn phytoplankton growth is recycled in the bottom water over the 12 months between March 2014 and March 2015. In winter, when the water column is vertically mixed, there is a weak net off-shelf transport of about 1 m2 s−1, possibly driven by a reversal of the horizontal density gradient caused by excess cooling of shallower shelf waters. Overall, shelf nitrate concentrations are maintained by a combination of riverine supply, recycling of organic material, and summer on-shelf transports. We suggest that the main driver of inter-annual variability in pre-spring nitrate concentrations is variability in the depth of the winter mixed layer over the shelf slope

    Time management in a co-housed social rodent species (Arvicanthis niloticus)

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    Sociality has beneficial effects on fitness, and timing the activities of animals may be critical. Social cues could influence daily rhythmic activities via direct effects on the circadian clock or on processes that bypass it (masking), but these possibilities remain incompletely addressed. We investigated the effects of social cues on the circadian body temperature (Tb) rhythms in pairs of co-housed and isolated grass rats, Arvicanthis niloticus (a social species), in constant darkness (DD). Cohabitation did not induce synchronization of circadian Tb rhythms. However, socio-sexual history did affect circadian properties: accelerating the clock in sexually experienced males and females in DD and advancing rhythm phase in the females in a light-dark cycle. To address whether synchronization occurs at an ultradian scale, we analyzed Tb and activity rhythms in pairs of co-housed sisters or couples in DD. Regardless of pair type, co-housing doubled the percentage of time individuals were simultaneously active without increasing individual activity levels, suggesting that activity bouts were synchronized by redistribution over 24 h. Together, our laboratory findings show that social cues affect individual time allocation budgets via mechanisms at multiple levels of biological organization. We speculate that in natural settings these effects could be adaptive, especially for group-living animals

    Integral olive harvesting systems: characterization, adjustment and improvements

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    La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio conjunto de la recolección mecanizada y la poda del olivo para mejorar el uso de las cosechadoras, actuales y en desarrollo, por medio de la adaptación del árbol y el diseño de la plantación. Se han considerado tres de las principales tipologías de cultivo del olivo presentes en España: tradicional, intensivo y superintensivo. Las adaptaciones del árbol a la máquina se han centrado en el olivar tradicional, ya que apenas se realizan nuevas plantaciones de esta tipología de cultivo, mientras que, el diseño de plantación se ha estudiado para el olivar superintensivo, En caso del olivar intensivo se han tenido en cuenta ambos factores. Para determinar la influencia del diseño de plantación sobre el funcionamiento de las cosechadoras de olivar se ha desarrollado un sistema de seguimiento remoto y una metodología de análisis de tiempos, junto con un monitor de rendimiento. Estos desarrollos han permitido la obtención y análisis de un gran volumen de datos para tres cosechadoras comerciales de olivar. En cuanto a la adaptación del árbol a las cosechadoras, se ha estudiado la distribución de la producción de aceite en la copa del árbol, tanto en calidad como en cantidad, para establecer las zonas prioritarias donde debe actuar un sistema de recolección mecanizada. Además, se han establecido tres tratamientos de poda para evaluar la adaptación del olivar tradicional a la recolección con cosechadoras, tanto actuales como en desarrollo. La caracterización de la estructura del árbol se ha completado con una metodología para evaluar la porosidad de copa basada en la radiación transmitida. Finalmente, a nivel de fruto se ha determinado el efecto que genera la aplicación de esfuerzos torsores en el pedúnculo del fruto, de cara a mejorar el porcentaje de derribo que podría obtenerse con una cosechadora en futuros desarrollos. Actualmente, el olivar superintensivo cuenta con un sistema de cosecha muy eficiente y con una alta capacidad de trabajo, aunque sensible a distintos parámetros de diseño de la plantación como son el ancho de calle de servicio o la longitud de línea de árboles. Al igual que el olivar superintensivo, las explotaciones intensivas requieren una adaptación del árbol a la cosechadora, mientras que el sistema de derribo se diseña para obtener una mayor eficiencia en aquellas zonas de la copa de mayor interés, como la zona exterior y superior del árbol. Del mismo modo, el olivar tradicional requiere una adaptación importante de la estructura del árbol para mejorar la eficiencia de la cosechadora. La adaptación de la estructura del árbol no ha influido en la producción de frutos en el periodo estudiado. Sin embargo, en algunos casos se ha producido una reducción de la producción de frutos en zonas de la copa que son difícilmente accesibles para algunos sistemas de derribo, como ocurre con la producción de las ramas interiores. Todo ello, a pesar de que la aplicación de diferentes tratamientos de poda si ha generado diferencias en la porosidad de la copa y, por lo tanto, en la radiación transmitida. Por último, se ha determinado que es recomendable generar giros superiores a 180º en los frutos para facilitar su desprendimiento, variando los resultados en función de la variedad.This doctoral thesis addresses the related studies of mechanised olive harvesting and pruning of olive trees, in order to improve their use by present and developing harvesters, through the adaptation of the tree and the layout of the orchard. In the research, the three main orchard categories currently in use in Spain have been considered: traditional, intensive and super high density olive orchards. On one hand, the adaptation of the tree to the harvester by pruning has been focused in traditional orchards, since very few new orchards are planted in this way. On the other hand, orchard layout was mainly considered for super high density orchards: whilst for intensive orchards, both factors were studied. A remote tracking system, a time elements methodology and a yield monitor were developed for the study of olive harvesters. Using these devices, a large data set from three olive harvesters was gathered and analysed. This data set was used to assess the influence of orchard layout on harvesting performance. Regarding the adaption of the tree to the harvesting system, the distribution of olive oil yield in the tree canopy has been studied – regarding quality as much as quantity – in order to establish a system to increase harvesting efficiency. Furthermore, three pruning treatments were tested, in order to evaluate the adaptation of traditional olive trees to different harvesting systems. A methodology for the measurement of olive tree crown porosity was developed and tested, based on radiation transmittance, in order to describe olive tree structure. Finally, the effects of twisting forces on fruit stalks were assessed in order to improve harvesting efficiency for further harvester developments. Currently, super high density olive orchards have an efficient and highly effective harvesting system, although this is influenced by orchard layout, mainly alley width and row length. The adaptation of trees to the harvester is required by both super high density and intensive olive orchards. Furthermore, the fruit detachment system should be designed to obtain high harvesting efficiency in those canopy areas which are more productive to harvest, such as the outer canopy and upper canopy. In the same way, traditional olive trees require important adaptations in order to increase harvesting efficiency, although it was found that debris production is not related to pruning treatments. Tree pruning did not influence the total fruit yield, although in some cases, fruit distribution has been modified by pruning, reducing yield within the inner canopy, which is more difficult to reach with some harvesting systems. Despite this, crown porosity and thus radiation transmittance were affected by pruning treatment. Finally, it was found that it is advisable to apply stalk twisting angles over 180 º in order to improve fruit detachment process although different cultivar behaviour was observed

    Day-night Differences in Neural Activation in Histaminergic and Serotonergic Areas with Putative Projections to the Cerebrospinal Fluid in a Diurnal Brain

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    In nocturnal rodents, brain areas that promote wakefulness have a circadian pattern of neural activation that mirrors the sleep/wake cycle, with more neural activation during the active phase than during the rest phase. To investigate whether differences in temporal patterns of neural activity in wake-promoting regions contribute to differences in daily patterns of wakefulness between nocturnal and diurnal species, we assessed Fos expression patterns in the tuberomammillary (TMM), supramammillary (SUM), and raphe nuclei of male grass rats maintained in a 12:12 h light-dark cycle. Day-night profiles of Fos expression were observed in the ventral and dorsal TMM, in the SUM, and in specific subpopulations of the raphe, including serotonergic cells, with higher Fos expression during the day than during the night. Next, to explore whether the cerebrospinal fluid is an avenue used by the TMM and raphe in the regulation of target areas, we injected the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit beta (CTB) into the ventricular system of male grass rats. While CTB labeling was scarce in the TMM and other hypothalamic areas including the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which contains the main circadian pacemaker, a dense cluster of CTB-positive neurons was evident in the caudal dorsal raphe, and the majority of these neurons appeared to be serotonergic. Since these findings are in agreement with reports for nocturnal rodents, our results suggest that the evolution of diurnality did not involve a change in the overall distribution of neuronal connections between systems that support wakefulness and their target areas, but produced a complete temporal reversal in the functioning of those systems

    Hidratació i rendiment: pautes per a una elusió efectiva de la deshidratació per exercici

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    El rendiment de les capacitats físiques i mentals durant la pràctica esportiva o la competició, es troba disminuït sota condicions de deshidratació. La pèrdua de pes es deu a la pèrdua d’aigua (suor i respiració) i quan aquesta és important, afecta de manera decisiva els sistemes nerviós, cardiovascular, termoregulador, endocrí i/o metabòlic, i pot provocar fins i tot la mort. Per eludir aquests efectes negatius de la deshidratació així com la disminució del rendiment, l’atleta haurà de beure prou quantitat de líquid abans, durant, i després de la competició o la pràctica d’exercici. Idealment, la beguda serà una solució composta d’aigua, electròlits i carbohidrats, en quantitat adequada per garantir, d’una banda, un rendiment òptim durant la competició i, d’una altra, reposar eficaçment i completament les pèrdues hídriques, electrolítiques i energètiques. La composició i el volum de la beguda tindrà en compte els factors extrínsecs (temperatura, humitat, altitud, vent, etc.) que envolten la competició, els factors intrínsecs de l’atleta (nivell de deshidratació, problemes gastrointestinals, tipus de competició) i les pròpies característiques de la beguda (gust, temperatura, composició). En termes generals, els atletes no acostumen a beure, durant la pràctica esportiva, el volum necessari per reemplaçar la pèrdua de fluids i electròlits, cosa que fa que calgui establir pautes perquè ho facin. En aquest treball es presenten aquestes pautes i la base fisiològica que les sosté

    Anti-aging therapy through fitness enhancement

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    Physical exercise is proposed as a highly effective means of treating and preventing the main causes of morbidity and mortality – most of which are associated with aging – in industrialized countries. Low physical fitness is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and all-causes morbidity and mortality; indeed, it is even a predictor of these problems. When properly measured, the assessment of physical fitness can be a highly valuable indicator of health and life expectancy and, therefore, should be performed routinely in the clinical setting. Individually adapted training programs could be prescribed based on fitness assessment results and an adequate knowledge of patient lifestyle and daily physical activity. Such training programs would allow people to develop their maximum physical potential, improve their physical and mental health, and attenuate the negative consequences of aging

    Hidratación y rendimiento: pautas para una elusión efectiva de la deshidratación por ejercicio

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    El rendimiento de las capacidades físicas y mental durante la práctica deportiva o la competición, está mermado bajo condiciones de deshidratación. La pérdida de peso se debe a la pérdida agua (sudor y respiración) y cuando ésta es importante, afecta de manera decisiva a los sistemas nervioso, cardiovascular, termorregulador, endocrino y/o metabólico, pudiendo provocar incluso la muerte. Para eludir estos efectos negativos de la deshidratación así como la disminución del rendimiento, el atleta deberá beber suficiente cantidad de líquido antes, durante y después de la competición o la práctica de ejercicio. Idealmente, la bebida será una solución compuesta de agua, electrolitos y carbohidratos en cantidad adecuada para garantizar, por un lado, un óptimo rendimiento durante la competición y, por otro, reponer eficaz y completamente las pérdidas hídricas, electrolíticas y energéticas. La composición y el volumen de la bebida tendrá en cuenta los factores extrínsecos (temperatura, humedad, altitud, viento, etc.) que rodean la competición, los factores intrínsecos del atleta (nivel de deshidratación, problemas gastrointestinales, tipo de competición) y las propias características de la bebida (sabor, temperatura, composición). En términos generales, los atletas no suelen beber, durante la práctica deportiva, el volumen necesario para reemplazar la pérdida de fluidos y electrolitos, lo que hace necesario establecer pautas para que lo hagan. En el presente trabajo se presentan esas pautas y la base fisiológica que las sustentan

    Development of a Telemetry and Yield-Mapping System of Olive Harvester

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    Sensors, communication systems and geo-reference units are required to achieve an optimized management of agricultural inputs with respect to the economic and environmental aspects of olive groves. In this study, three commercial olive harvesters were tracked during two harvesting seasons in Spain and Chile using remote and autonomous equipment that was developed to determine their time efficiency and effective based on canopy shaking for fruit detachment. These harvesters work in intensive/high-density (HD) and super-high-density (SHD) olive orchards. A GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) device was installed to track these harvesters. The GNSS receiver did not affect the driver’s work schedule. Time elements methodology was adapted to the remote data acquisition system. The effective field capacity and field efficiency were investigated. In addition, the field shape, row length, angle between headland alley and row, and row alley width were measured to determinate the optimum orchard design parameters value. The SHD olive harvester showed significant lower effective field capacity values when alley width was less than 4 m. In addition, a yield monitor was developed and installed on a traditional olive harvester to obtain a yield map from the harvested area. The hedge straddle harvester stood out for its highly effective field capacity; nevertheless, a higher field efficiency was provided by a non-integral lateral canopy shaker. All of the measured orchard parameters have influenced machinery yields, whether effective field capacity or field efficiency. A saving of 40% in effective field capacity was achieved with a reduction from 4 m or higher to 3.5 m in alley width for SHD olive harvester. A yield map was plotted using data that were acquired by a yield monitor, reflecting the yield gradient in spite of the larger differences between tree yield