2,779 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Quassia extract on the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug

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    The efficacy of Quassia extract with a standardized content of Quassin was proved in various field trials in different regions during three years. The amount of Quassin of 6 g/ha/m tree height will be recommended to practice. It is not important to have a contact effect on the eggs. The larvae must feed on the product before they enter the fruit. There is a very good efficacy on primaray infestation. Furthermore, there is even an efficacy on secondary infestation. Thus, even if due to difficult conditions during application or not optimal termination of the treatment the efficacy on the primary infestation is not entirely sufficient, the secondary infestation will be controlled better

    Control of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug in organic fruit growing

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    The best application technique and application data for the treatments with Quassia extract against the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug were tested. The spraying solution was distributed best on the receptacle of the blossom – the place where the sawfly larvae feed before the enter the blossom – when the treatment was effecttuated at fading blossom with a high amount of water (about 500 l/ha/mTh). The addition of T/S forte, a wetting agent, could also improve the efficacy of Quassia treatments in a lower dose. Thus, it is recommended to apply in fading blossom with addi-tion of T/S forte and high amounts of water to obtain the best effect. If the conditions for applica-tions are good and the infestation is not too high, the normally recommended dose of 6 g/ha/mTh can even be reduced

    Wirkung von Quassiaextrakt auf die ApfelsÀgewespe Hoplocampa testudinea Klug

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    The efficacy of Quassia extract with a standardized content of Quassin was proved in various field trials in different regions during three years. The amount of Quassin of 6 g/ha/m tree height will be recommended to practice. It is not important to have a contact effect on the eggs. The larvae must feed on the product before they enter the fruit. There is a very good efficacy on primaray infestation. Furthermore, there is even an effi-cacy on secondary infestation. Thus, even if due to difficult conditions during application or not optimal ter-mination of the treatment the efficacy on the primary infestation is not entirely sufficient, the secondary in-festation will be controlled better

    The Non-Perturbative O(g6){\cal O}(g^6) Contribution to the Free Energy of Hot SU(N) Gauge Theory

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    The non-perturbative input necessary for the determination of the O(g6){\cal O}(g^6) part of the weak coupling expansion of the free energy density for SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories is estimated. Although the perturbative information completing the contribution to this order is missing, we give arguments that the magnetic fluctuations are dominated by screened elementary magnetic gluons.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature) 3 pages Latex2e, 3 ps figures, 14 k

    The value of anaesthetic steroids alphaxolonealphadolone in pregnant mice

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    Thiopentone, pentobarbitone, diazepam and alphaxolone-alphadolone were evaluated as anaesthetic agents in pregnant mice. Incidence of mortality was: Thiopentone 15%, pentobarbitone 13%, diazepam 8%, and alphaxolone-alphadolone 0%. Besides the low mortality, alphaxolone-alphadolone also distinguished by showing no side-effeets at all, neither to the dams nor to the fetuses, and it is recommended as an excellent anaesthetic in pregnant mice

    Screening Masses and Improvement in Pure SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory at High Temperatures

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    From the long-distance behaviour of gluon and Polyakov loop correlation functions we extract masses resp. energies in the electric and magnetic sectors. We discuss their dependence on the temperature and on the momentum as well as the relevance of an improvement of the lattice discretization of the action.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE97 (Finite Temperature and Density) by J. Rank, 3 pages, LaTeX File, espcrc2.sty Style File and 2 eps figures include

    The Gluon Propagator at High Temperature: Screening, Improvement and Non-Zero Momenta

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    We study the gluon propagator and the singlet potential in Landau gauge in the deconfined phase of SU(2) lattice gauge theory, using both the standard Wilson action and a tree-level Symanzik improved action. From the long-distance behavior of correlation functions of temporal and spatial components of the gauge fields we extract electric (m_e) and magnetic (m_m) screening masses. For the magnetic mass we find m_m(T) = 0.456(6) g^2(T) T. The electric mass can be described by a next-to leading order ansatz, obtained from one loop resummed perturbation theory. However, the best description is given by m_e(T) = lowest order perturbative prediction even for temperatures as high as T \sim 10^4 T_c

    Results of Sextant Warm-Up Transient Analysis

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    RHIC Warm-to-Cold Transition: Heat Load Analysis of the Placement on the Beam Tube of the Lug for the Braided Heat Sink Strap

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    Extended γ‐ray emission in solar flares

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    During the solar flare events on 11 and 15 June 1991, COMPTEL measured extended emission in the neutron capture line for about 5 hours after the impulsive phase. The time profiles can be described by a double exponential decay with decay constants on the order of 10 min for the fast and 200 min for the slow component. Within the statistical uncertainty both flares show the same long‐term behaviour. The spectrum during the extended phase is significantly harder than during the impulsive phase and pions are not produced in significant numbers before the beginning of the extended emission. Our results with the measurements of others allow us to rule out long‐term trapping of particles in non‐turbulent loops to explain the extended emission of these two flares and our data favour models based on continued acceleration
