305 research outputs found


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    Design of Multioctave High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers Using Stochastic Reduced Order Models

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    This paper presents a novel general design method of frequency varying impedance matching. The method is applied to design of a broadband high-efficiency power amplifier (PA). The proposed method defines the optimal impedance regions of a PA at several frequency sections over the operational frequency band. These regions contain the impedances that can achieve a high output power and a high-power added efficiency (PAE) simultaneously. A low-pass LC-ladder circuit is selected as the matching network (MN). The element values of the MN can be obtained using a synthesizing method based on stochastic reduced order models and Voronoi partition. The MN provides desired impedance in the predefined optimal impedance region at each frequency section. Thus, optimal output power and PAE of the PA can be achieved. To validate the proposed method, two eighth-order low-pass LC-ladder networks are designed as the input and output MNs, respectively. A gallium nitride (GaN) HEMT from Cree is employed as the active device. Packaging parasitic of the transistor has been taken into account. A PA is designed, fabricated, and measured. The measurement results show that the PA can achieve P1 dB PAE of better than 60% over a fractional bandwidth of 160% (0.2-1.8 GHz). The output power is 42-45 dBm (16-32 W), and the gain is 12-15 dB. The performance of the PA outperforms existing broadband highefficiency PAs in many aspects, which demonstrates the excellence of the proposed method

    Characterization of soil organic matter in aggregates and size-density fractions by solid state C-13 CPMAS NMR spectroscopy.

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    Understanding the changes in soil organic matter (SOM) composition during aggregate formation is crucial to explain the stabilization of SOM in aggregates. The objectives of this study were to investigate (i) the composition of SOM associated with different aggregates and size-density fractions and (ii) the role of selective preservation in determining the composition of organic matter in aggregate and size-density fractions. Surface soil samples were collected from an Alfisol on the Northern Tablelands of NSW, Australia with contrasting land uses native pasture, crop-pasture rotation and woodland. Solid state 13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning (CPMAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the SOM composition in macroaggregates (250-2000 µm), microaggregates (53-250 µm), and <53 µm fraction. The chemical composition of light fraction (LF), coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM), fine particulate organic matter (fPOM) and mineral associated soil organic matter (mSOM) were also determined. The major constituent of SOM of aggregate size fractions was O-alkyl carbon, which represented 44-57% of the total signal acquired, whereas alkyl carbon contributed 16-27%. There was a progressive increase in alkyl carbon content with decrease in aggregate size. Results suggest that SOM associated with <53 µm fraction was at a more advanced stage of decomposition than that of macroaggregates and microaggregates. The LF and cPOM were dominated by O-alkyl carbon while alkyl carbon content was high in fPOM and mSOM. Interestingly, the relative change in O-alkyl, alkyl and aromatic carbon between aggregates and SOM fractions revealed that microbial synthesis and decomposition of organic matter along with selective preservation of alkyl and aromatic carbon plays a significant role in determining the composition of organic matter in aggregates

    How are compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction affected by quality of working life? Findings from a survey of mental health staff in Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Quality of working life includes elements such as autonomy, trust, ergonomics, participation, job complexity, and work-life balance. The overarching aim of this study was to investigate if and how quality of working life affects Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction among mental health practitioners. METHODS: Staff working in three Italian Mental Health Departments completed the Professional Quality of Life Scale, measuring Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction, and the Quality of Working Life Questionnaire. The latter was used to collect socio-demographics, occupational characteristics and 13 indicators of quality of working life. Multiple regressions controlling for other variables were undertaken to predict Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction. RESULTS: Four hundred questionnaires were completed. In bivariate analyses, experiencing more ergonomic problems, perceiving risks for the future, a higher impact of work on life, and lower levels of trust and of perceived quality of meetings were associated with poorer outcomes. Multivariate analysis showed that (a) ergonomic problems and impact of work on life predicted higher levels of both Compassion Fatigue and Burnout; (b) impact of life on work was associated with Compassion Fatigue and lower levels of trust and perceiving more risks for the future with Burnout only; (c) perceived quality of meetings, need of training, and perceiving no risks for the future predicted higher levels of Compassion Satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: In order to provide adequate mental health services, service providers need to give their employees adequate ergonomic conditions, giving special attention to time pressures. Building trustful relationships with management and within the teams is also crucial. Training and meetings are other important targets for potential improvement. Additionally, insecurity about the future should be addressed as it can affect both Burnout and Compassion Satisfaction. Finally, strategies to reduce possible work-life conflicts need to be considered

    Highly linear microstrip wideband bandpass filter with switchable notched band for wireless applications

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    This article presents a highly linear reconfigurable bandpass filter embedded with a switchable notch structure to get a band-notched characteristic at a specified frequency.A single PIN diode (BAP65-02) is used for the purpose of switching the notch. An optical switch, comprised of a silicon dice activated using near infrared light is also investigated as an alternative to the PIN diode. While the PIN diode or the optical switch is in the ON state this reconfigurable filter behaves as a bandpass filter with a notch at 2.4 GHz in order to reject WLAN interference while a full band response is obtained in the OFF state. The proposed filter is able to achieve good linearity using PIN diode with IIP3 of 47 dBm and there is no significant loss. A prototype is fabricated, and measured results are compared to simulations. A good agreement has been achieved between simulated and measured results

    Compact UWB bandpass filter with reconfigurable notched band

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    A compact bandpass filter is presented for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications with a reconfigurable notched band to reject unwanted signals from the WiMAX systems. A single pin diode is used for the purpose of switching the notch. An optical switch, comprised of a silicon dice activated using near infrared light is also investigated as an alternative to the pin diode. While the switch is in the ON state this reconfigurable filter behaves as a bandpass filter with a notch at 3.5 GHz and a full band response is obtained in the OFF state. The filter offers excellent performance for the lower-band frequency of a UWB system, ranging from 3.1 to 5.0 GHz and exhibits very low passband insertion loss. Also, transmission zeros are generated at the passband edges to enhance the signal selectivity. A filter sample has been designed and fabricated to provide experimental verification on the proposed filter. A good agreement has been achieved between simulated and measured results with both the pin diode as well as the optical switch. The proposed reconfigurable filter with notched band was able to achieve 40% size reduction as compared to an embedded open-circuited stub

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    Optically reconfigurable microstrip UWB bandpass filters

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    This paper presents an optically reconfigurable microstrip ultra-wideband filter. A single optical switch comprised of a silicon wafer is activated using near infra-red light to select between either a bandpass or bandstop response. With the switch in the ON state, the circuit behaves as a bandpass filter while in the OFF state, the circuit behaves as a bandstop filter in the same frequency band. The proposed filter was designed, fabricated and tested. Its performance was evaluated through simulation and measurements