565 research outputs found

    Must Cosmological Perturbations Remain Non-Adiabatic After Multi-Field Inflation?

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    Even if non-adiabatic perturbations are generated in multi-field inflation, the perturbations will become adiabatic if the universe after inflation enters an era of local thermal equilibrium, with no non-zero conserved quantities, and will remain adiabatic as long as the wavelength is outside the horizon, even when local thermal equilibrium no longer applies. Small initial non-adiabatic perturbations associated with imperfect local thermal equilibrium remain small when baryons are created from out-of-equilibrium decay of massive particles, or when dark matter particles go out of local thermal equilibrium.Comment: 12 pages, typographical errors corrected, acknowledgment added. Article accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Scaling Solutions in Robertson-Walker Spacetimes

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    We investigate the stability of cosmological scaling solutions describing a barotropic fluid with p=(γ1)ρp=(\gamma-1)\rho and a non-interacting scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential V(\phi)=V_0\e^{-\kappa\phi}. We study homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes with non-zero spatial curvature and find three possible asymptotic future attractors in an ever-expanding universe. One is the zero-curvature power-law inflation solution where Ωϕ=1\Omega_\phi=1 (γ2/3,κ2<2\gamma2/3,\kappa^2<2). Another is the zero-curvature scaling solution, first identified by Wetterich, where the energy density of the scalar field is proportional to that of matter with Ωϕ=3γ/κ2\Omega_\phi=3\gamma/\kappa^2 (γ3γ\gamma3\gamma). We find that this matter scaling solution is unstable to curvature perturbations for γ>2/3\gamma>2/3. The third possible future asymptotic attractor is a solution with negative spatial curvature where the scalar field energy density remains proportional to the curvature with Ωϕ=2/κ2\Omega_\phi=2/\kappa^2 (γ>2/3,κ2>2\gamma>2/3,\kappa^2>2). We find that solutions with Ωϕ=0\Omega_\phi=0 are never late-time attractors.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, latex with revte

    Exponential potentials and cosmological scaling solutions

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    We present a phase-plane analysis of cosmologies containing a barotropic fluid with equation of state pγ=(γ1)ργp_\gamma = (\gamma-1) \rho_\gamma, plus a scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential Vexp(λκϕ)V \propto \exp(-\lambda \kappa \phi) where κ2=8πG\kappa^2 = 8\pi G. In addition to the well-known inflationary solutions for λ23γ\lambda^2 3\gamma in which the scalar field energy density tracks that of the barotropic fluid (which for example might be radiation or dust). We show that the scaling solutions are the unique late-time attractors whenever they exist. The fluid-dominated solutions, where V(ϕ)/ργ0V(\phi)/\rho_\gamma \to 0 at late times, are always unstable (except for the cosmological constant case γ=0\gamma = 0). The relative energy density of the fluid and scalar field depends on the steepness of the exponential potential, which is constrained by nucleosynthesis to λ2>20\lambda^2 > 20. We show that standard inflation models are unable to solve this `relic density' problem.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX file with four figures incorporated (uses RevTeX and epsf). Matches published versio

    Cosmology with positive and negative exponential potentials

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    We present a phase-plane analysis of cosmologies containing a scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential Vexp(λκϕ)V \propto \exp(-\lambda \kappa \phi) where κ2=8πG\kappa^2 = 8\pi G and VV may be positive or negative. We show that power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions only exist for sufficiently flat (λ26\lambda^26) negative potentials. The latter correspond to a class of ever-expanding cosmologies with negative potential. However we show that these expanding solutions with a negative potential are to unstable in the presence of ordinary matter, spatial curvature or anisotropic shear, and generic solutions always recollapse to a singularity. Power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions are the late-time attractor in a collapsing universe for steep negative potentials (the ekpyrotic scenario) and stable against matter, curvature or shear perturbations. Otherwise kinetic-dominated solutions are the attractor during collapse (the pre big bang scenario) and are only marginally stable with respect to anisotropic shear.Comment: 8 pages, latex with revtex, 9 figure

    Toroidal magnetized iron neutrino detector for a neutrino factory

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    A neutrino factory has unparalleled physics reach for the discovery and measurement of CP violation in the neutrino sector. A far detector for a neutrino factory must have good charge identification with excellent background rejection and a large mass. An elegant solution is to construct a magnetized iron neutrino detector (MIND) along the lines of MINOS, where iron plates provide a toroidal magnetic field and scintillator planes provide 3D space points. In this paper, the current status of a simulation of a toroidal MIND for a neutrino factory is discussed in light of the recent measurements of large θ13. The response and performance using the 10 GeV neutrino factory configuration are presented. It is shown that this setup has equivalent δCP reach to a MIND with a dipole field and is sensitive to the discovery of CP violation over 85% of the values of δCP

    Dynamics of Assisted Inflation

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    We investigate the dynamics of the recently proposed model of assisted inflation. In this model an arbitrary number of scalar fields with exponential potentials evolve towards an inflationary scaling solution, even if each of the individual potentials is too steep to support inflation on its own. By choosing an appropriate rotation in field space we can write down explicitly the potential for the weighted mean field along the scaling solution and for fields orthogonal to it. This demonstrates that the potential has a global minimum along the scaling solution. We show that the potential close to this attractor in the rotated field space is analogous to a hybrid inflation model, but with the vacuum energy having an exponential dependence upon a dilaton field. We present analytic solutions describing homogeneous and inhomogeneous perturbations about the attractor solution without resorting to slow-roll approximations. We discuss the curvature and isocurvature perturbation spectra produced from vacuum fluctuations during assisted inflation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, latex with revtex and eps

    Anisotropic Pressures at Ultra-stiff Singularities and the Stability of Cyclic Universes

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    We show that the inclusion of simple anisotropic pressures stops the isotropic Friedmann universe being a stable attractor as an initial or final singularity is approached when pressures can exceed the energy density. This shows that the situation with isotropic pressures, studied earlier in the context of cyclic and ekpyrotic cosmologies, is not generic, and Kasner-like behaviour occurs when simple pressure anisotropies are present. We find all the asymptotic behaviours and determine the dynamics when the anisotropic principal pressures are proportional to the density. We expect distortions and anisotropies to be significantly amplified through a simple cosmological bounce in cyclic or ekpyrotic cosmologies when ultra-stiff pressures are present.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure