281 research outputs found

    Role of the plasma contact system in the pathogenesis of experimental anti-GBM glomerulonephritis

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    To study the participation of the Hageman factor-related contact system of plasma in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis (GN), an anti-BM GN was induced in a group of 10 normal Brown Norway rats and another of seven Brown Norway BN/Mai Pfd f rats. The latter strain is characterized by a congenital deficiency of plasma prekallikrein and of high-molecular weight kininogen, with lengthening of the activated partial thromboplastin time. In the deficient group, one animal developed crescents in < 25% of glomeruli, five in 25-50% and one in 50-75%. In the group of normal rats, extracapillary proliferation was of greater severity: one animal showed crescents in less than 25% of glomeruli, two in 50-75% and five in more than 75% of glomeruli. Although in both groups intense glomerular fibrin deposition was documented, the intensity of these deposits was less severe in the deficient animals. These data suggest, in the first place, that functional integrity of the contact system is not a necessary requirement for glomerular fibrinogenesis, other mechanisms being implicated in this phenomenon. On the other hand, this functional deficit has exerted a protective effect on crescent formation, which suggests that the contact system can play a role as a mediator of injury in glomerulonephritis, perhaps through the release of contact system-dependent mediators of inflammation

    El raro oso cantábrico

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    Algo más del centenar de ejemplares, con menos de una veintena en el núcleo oriental (Redes, Picos de Europa, Fuentes Carrionas y La Liébana), hacen del oso pardo cantábrico una especie críticamente amenazada. Enormes dominios vitales, gran movilidad y vida frugal, condicionada por la montanera de robles, hayas y castaños, caracterizan los hábitos del plantígrado. Disparos furtivos, lazos y veneno provocan una mortalidad no natural funesta. Los estudios de la Universidad de León, con el radiomarcaje de Salsero en Riaño, desvelaron aspectos inéditos de historia natura

    Embarazo a término en mujer con trasplante renal previo

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    En esta comunicación se presenta la evolución de un embarazo, con parto prematuro de 33-34 semanas, en una enferma que previamente había recibido un trasplante renal

    Editorial: Remote Ischemic Conditioning (Pre, Per, and Post) as an Emerging Strategy of Neuroprotection in Ischemic Stroke

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    EDITORIAL articleThis study was funded by Carlos III Health Institute and cofunded by European Union (ERDF A way to make Europe) Project (PI17-01725) and the RICORS Research Network to FP, NIH Funding (R01 NS099455, 1UO1NS113356, and R01 NS112511) to DH, Italian Ministry of Health - PRIN 2017CY3J3W to SB. French National Minsitry of Health Grant 2014 AOR13032 to FP, TE is the Chief Investigator for the Remote ischaemic conditioning after stroke trial (RECAST), RECAST-2, and RECAST-3 funded through the NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme, Award ID NIHR128240

    proMetalloproteinase-10 is associated with brain damage and clinical outcome in acute ischemic stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) mediate tissue injury during stroke but also neurovascular remodeling and we have shown that MMP-10 is involved in atherothrombosis. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between proMMP-10 and clinical outcome, assessing inflammatory and proteolytic markers, in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: We prospectively studied 76 patients with ischemic stroke treated with tPA within the first 3 h from symptom onset, compared with 202 non-tPA-treated ischemic stroke patients and 83 asymptomatic subjects. Stroke severity was assessed with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Hemorrhagic transformation (HT) and severe brain edema were diagnosed by cranial CT. Good functional outcome was defined as a modified Rankin scale score </= 2 at 90 days. Serum levels of MMP-9, proMMP-10, TIMP-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), interleukin-6 and cellular fibronectin were measured at admission. The effect of TNFalpha on endothelial proMMP-10 was assessed in vitro. RESULTS: Serum proMMP-10 concentration in ischemic stroke patients, non-treated or treated with t-PA, which was higher than age-matched healthy subjects (P < 0.0001), was independently associated with higher infarct volume, severe brain edema, neurological deterioration and poor functional outcome at 3 months (all P < 0.05), but not with HT. proMMP-10 levels were also independently and positively associated with circulating levels of TNFalpha (P < 0.0001), which induced its endothelial expression in vitro, both mRNA and protein. MMP-9, however, was only associated with HT and severe edema (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Increased serum proMMP-10 after acute ischemic stroke, associated with TNFalpha, is a new marker of brain damage and poor outcome

    Efecto del peso de sacrificio sobre la composición de la grasa de corderos de raza lacha

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    Due to the fact that domestic consumers prefer low fat meat, the lamb production system in Spain is based on slaughtering low weight animals (12 to 24 kg). Lambs in other European countries are slaughtered at higher weights because consumers prefer more intense flavored and fatter meat. Based on evidence that slaughter weight affects fat characteristics, the effect of slaughtering weight on the fatty acid profile of omental (OM), mesenteric (MES), kidney knob (KK), subcutaneous (SC), intermuscular (IN) and intramuscular (IM) fat in Lacha breed lambs was studied. Forty–two male Lacha lambs were raised and slaughtered at 12 (L12), 24 (L24) and 36 kg (L36) live weight. L12 lambs were fed only on mother's milk until slaughter, one month old. L24 and L36 lambs were fed ad libitum on commercial feed and barley straw from weaning (around 16 kg live weight) until slaughter. Adipose tissue samples were taken at the slaughterhouse, vacuum–packed, frozen and stored. Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography, and the relative amounts were recorded. The results were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05). Concentrations of C12:0 and C14:0 decreased after weaning due to the fact that the lambs no longer ingested mother's milk. In all fat depots, L24 showed the highest saturated fatty acid concentration, mainly due to the higher C18:0 content. An increase in C18:1n–9cis in heavier lambs (L24 to L36) was observed, associated to fat reserve accumulation processes. The analysis of these data suggests an increase in desaturation enzymes activity among higher–weight lambs, when ruminal activity was initiated. The most suitable n–6/n–3 and polyunsaturated/saturated ratio in muscle fat for preventing cardiovascular disease were observed in L24 lambs.Debido al hecho de que los consumidores domésticos prefieren carne baja en grasas, el sistema de producción de corderos en España se basa en el sacrificio de animales de bajo peso (12 a 24 kg). Los corderos en otros países europeos se sacrifican a pesos mayores porque los consumidores prefieren carne de sabor más intenso y con más grasa. Debido a que el peso del sacrificio afecta las características de grasa, se estudió el efecto del peso de sacrificio de corderos de raza Lacha en el perfil de ácidos grasos de la grasa omental (OM), mesentérica (MES), pelvicorrenal (PVR), subcutánea (SC), intermuscular (IN) e intramuscular (IM). Cuarenta y dos corderos machos de raza Lacha se criaron y sacrificaron con un peso vivo de 12 (L12), 24 (L24) y 36 (L36) kg. Los L12 se alimentaron únicamente con leche materna hasta su sacrificio, a un mes de nacidos. Los corderos L24 y L36 se alimentaron ad libitum con alimento comercial y paja de cebada desde el destete (alrededor de 16 kg de peso vivo) hasta el sacrificio. En la planta de sacrificio (matadero) se tomaron muestras de tejido adiposo; se empacaron al vacío, se congelaron y se almacenaron. Se analizó los ésteres metílicos de los ácidos grasos por cromatografía de gases capilar y se registraron las cantidades relativas. Los resultados se analizaron usando ANDEVA y la prueba de Tukey (p<0.05). Las concentraciones de C12:0 y C14:0 disminuyeron después del destete debido a que los corderos ya no consumían la leche de la madre. En todos los depósitos de grasa, L24 mostró la concentración más alta de ácidos grasos saturados, principalmente debido al mayor contenido de C18:0. Se observó un aumento en C18:1n–9cis en corderos más pesados (L24 a L36), asociado a los procesos de acumulación de reservas de grasa. El análisis de estos datos sugiere un aumento en la actividad de enzimas de desaturación en los corderos de mayor peso, una vez iniciada la actividad ruminal. La tasa más adecuada de n–6/n–3 y poliinsaturado/saturado en grasa muscular para prevenir la enfermedad cardiovascular se observó en corderos L24

    Effect of Sex and Fat Depot Location on Fat Composition of Rasa Aragonesa Lambs

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    The quality of lamb fat is important in sheep carcass markets because it affects the degree of acceptance by consumers. In Spain, consumption of beef and lamb is important and young lambs are highly valued. In addition, the precocity of the female determines slaughter at younger ages than males, to avoid excessive fat. Therefore, the effect of sex and fat depot location (omental, mesenteric, kidney knob, subcutaneous, intermuscular and intramuscular) on the fatty acid composition in 30 Rasa Aragonesa lambs (15 males and 15 females) of 24 kg live weight and three months of age, were studied. Oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids were the main fatty acids making up the fat in all the fat depots from lambs. There were no significant differences (p0.05) in the fat composition between male and female lambs, even though females had significantly more fat than males in all the fat depots considered (p0.05). Criteria associated with sex did not affect the composition of fat. Ratio of fatty acids n-6/n-3 values were in the range of recommended average values (4), except for intramuscular fat, where values marginally higher were observed (5.5). The internal (omental, mesenteric and kidney knob) fat depots contained more saturated fatty acids than the edibles depots (subcutaneous, intermuscular and intramuscular) (p0.05). Consequently, the internal fat depot was firmer than fat from the surface of the carcass. Fatty acid of intramuscular fat depot had the highest content of PUFA of all fat deposits studied.La calidad de la grasa de cordero es importante en los mercados de canales ovinas porque afecta al grado de aceptación de los consumidores. En España, el consumo de carne de res y cordero es importante, y los corderos jóvenes son muy valorados. Además, la precocidad de las hembras determina su sacrificio a edades más tempranas que los machos para evitar su excesivo engrasamiento. Por tanto, se estudiaron el efecto del sexo y del depósito de grasa (omental, mesentérica, pelvicorrenal, subcutánea, intermuscular e intramuscular) sobre la composición de ácidos grasos en 30 corderos de raza Rasa Aragonesa (15 machos y 15 hembras) de 24 kg de peso vivo y tres meses de edad. Los principales ácidos grasos que componen la grasa en todos los depósitos de grasa de los corderos fueron los ácidos oleico, palmítico y esteárico. No hubo diferencias significativas (p0.05) en la composición de la grasa entre los corderos machos y hembras, a pesar de que las hembras presentaron significativamente más grasa que los machos en todos los depósitos considerados (p0.05). Los criterios asociados con el sexo no afectaron a la composición de la grasa. La relación de ácidos grasos n-6/n-3 se encontró en el rango de los valores promedio recomendados (4), excepto la grasa intramuscular, donde se observaron valores más altos (5.5). Los depósitos de grasa interna (omental, mesentérica y pelvicorrenal) mostraron más ácidos grasos saturados que los depósitos comestibles (subcutáneo, intermuscular e intramuscular) (p0.05). En consecuencia, el depósito de grasa interna presentó grasa más firme que el de la superficie de la canal. Los ácidos grasos del depósito intramuscular presentó el contenido más alto de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de todos los depósitos de grasa estudiados

    CO total and Preferential Oxidation over stable Au/TiO2 catalysts derived from preformed Au nanoparticles

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    CO preferential oxidation (PROX) is an effective method to clean reformate H2 streams to feed low-temperature fuel cells. In this work, the PROX and CO oxidation reactions were studied on preformed Au nanoparticles (NPs) supported on TiO2 anatase. Preformed Au NPs were obtained from gold cores stabilized by dodecanethiols or trimethylsilane-dendrons. A well-controlled size of ca. 2.6 nm and narrow size distributions were achieved by this procedure. The catalysts were characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and ex situ and in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The XPS results showed that the preformed Au NPs exhibited high thermal stability. The different ligand-derived Au catalysts, as well as a conventional gold catalyst for comparison purposes, were loaded onto cordierite supports with 400 cells per square inch. The activity and selectivity of the samples were evaluated for various operation conditions. The catalyst prepared using dodecanethiol-capped Au NPs showed the best performance. In fact, CO conversions of up to 70% at 40% CO2 selectivity and 90% O2 conversion were observed operating at 363 K in H2-rich atmospheres. The performance of the best catalysts was subsequently tested on stainless steel microreactors. A 500-hour stability test was carried out under a real post-reformate stream, including 18 vol.% CO2 and 29 vol.% H2O. A mean CO conversion of ca. 24% was measured for the whole test operating at 453 K and a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 1.3 × 104 h−1. These results reveal our dodecanethiol- and carbosilane-derived Au catalysts as extremely promising candidates to conduct a PROX reaction while avoiding deactivation, which is one of the major drawbacks of Au/TiO2 catalysts