237 research outputs found
Polymer reptation and nucleosome repositioning
We consider how beads can diffuse along a chain that wraps them, without
becoming displaced from the chain; our proposed mechanism is analogous to the
reptation of "stored length" in more familiar situations of polymer dynamics.
The problem arises in the case of globular aggregates of proteins (histones)
that are wound by DNA in the chromosomes of plants and animals; these beads
(nucleosomes) are multiply wrapped and yet are able to reposition themselves
over long distances, while remaining bound by the DNA chain.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let
Low-level gas multicounter for C-14 dating of small samples: Electronic, numerical and shielding optimisation
Up to 14 methane samples can be dated simultaneously in our compact gas multicounter. Sample detectors are 10 ml (NTP) in volume each. They are made of copper and linked to form two 7 detector rigid assemblies which are filled in situ. Monitoring of the counting conditions is enabled through multichannel analysis of the cosmic pulse height spectrum, which shows the changes in gas amplification due to impurities or leakage. HV is set (and adjusted) automatically using the cosmic peak. All individual events are stored on disc, including pulse height (PH), risetime (RT) (both 256 Ch), time of arrival (TA), detector identification, anticoincidence status and elapsed and live time. Software programs analyse and validate data. Numerical discrimination and manipulations of counting parameters can be performed without destroying the original data set. Statistical quality control is based on chi-square and Poisson distribution of count rates around their mean in user defined energy regions as weil as time of arrival of pulses mode. TA analysis offers the user an early means for recognizing some types of system malfunction that otherwise might remain undetected for Jong periods of time. RT analysis is used to discriminate sample beta pulses from environmental radiation pulses, resulting in a low background with compact and relat ively inexpensive shielding. The automatic high voltage setting, PH, RT and TA electronics as weil as the liquid scintillation anticoincidence systems are applicable to all existing gas counting systems.
Delivery of the gas multicounter to the Australian National University is to take place at the end of the year 1984
Low-level liquid scintillation spectrometer for ß-counting
A new liquid scintillation (LS) spectrometer has been developed. lt improves the signal to noise ratio of C-14 assays by an order of magnitude compared to conventional LS systems. As a result, precision for a modern sample is 0.2 % and the dating limit is 64 Ky BP for a 15 ml sample of benzene. Sophisticated MCA facilities allow the use of Multiparameter Multichannel Analysis for data validation and age evaluation. Despite the high sophistication, the spectrometer, (named QUANTULUS) is seif contained, microprocessor controlled and user friendly. lt can be used with full advantage in a normal laboratory environment
Turn Performance Variation in European Elite Short-Course Swimmers.
Turn performances are important success factors for short-course races, and more consistent turn times may distinguish between higher and lower-ranked swimmers. Therefore, this study aimed to determine coefficients of variation (CV) and performance progressions (∆%) of turn performances. The eight finalists and eight fastest swimmers from the heats that did not qualify for the semi-finals, i.e., from 17th to 24th place, of the 100, 200, 400, and 800 (females only)/1500 m (males only) freestyle events at the 2019 European Short Course Championships were included, resulting in a total of 64 male (finalists: age: 22.3 ± 2.6, FINA points: 914 ± 31 vs. heats: age: 21.5 ± 3.1, FINA points: 838 ± 74.9) and 64 female swimmers (finalists: age: 22.9 ± 4.8, FINA points: 904 ± 24.5 vs. heats: age: 20.1 ± 3.6, FINA points: 800 ± 48). A linear mixed model was used to compare inter- and intra-individual performance variation. Interactions between CVs, ∆%, and mean values were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed impaired turn performances as the races progressed. Finalists showed faster turn section times than the eight fastest non-qualified swimmers from the heats (p < 0.001). Additionally, turn section times were faster for short-, i.e., 100 and 200 m, than middle- and long-distance races, i.e., 400 to 1500 m races (p < 0.001). Regarding variation in turn performance, finalists showed lower CVs and ∆% for all turn section times (0.74% and 1.49%) compared to non-qualified swimmers (0.91% and 1.90%, respectively). Similarly, long-distance events, i.e., 800/1500 m, showed lower mean CVs and higher mean ∆% (0.69% and 1.93%) than short-distance, i.e., 100 m events (0.93% and 1.39%, respectively). Regarding turn sections, the largest CV and ∆% were found 5 m before wall contact (0.70% and 1.45%) with lower CV and more consistent turn section times 5 m after wall contact (0.42% and 0.54%). Non-qualified swimmers should aim to match the superior turn performances and faster times of finalists in all turn sections. Both finalists and non-qualified swimmers should pay particular attention to maintaining high velocities when approaching the wall as the race progresses
Sequence Effects on DNA Entropic Elasticity
DNA stretching experiments are usually interpreted using the worm-like chain
model; the persistence length A appearing in the model is then interpreted as
the elastic stiffness of the double helix. In fact the persistence length
obtained by this method is a combination of bend stiffness and intrinsic bend
effects reflecting sequence information, just as at zero stretching force. This
observation resolves the discrepancy between the value of A measured in these
experiments and the larger ``dynamic persistence length'' measured by other
means. On the other hand, the twist persistence length deduced from
torsionally-constrained stretching experiments suffers no such correction. Our
calculation is very simple and analytic; it applies to DNA and other polymers
with weak intrinsic disorder.Comment: LaTeX; postscript available at
Validation of multi-body models for simulation in authorisation of rail vehicles
An application of multi-body simulations is to reduce the amount of vehicle on-track testing and present an opportunity for saving the time and costs of vehicle acceptance in regard to running characteristics. One of the objectives of the EU project DynoTRAIN was to define criteria and limits for vehicle model validation. The paper presents investigations carried out by comparing simulations with measurements from a testing campaign using a test train with 4 types of vehicles and a total of 10 force measuring wheelsets and accompanied with continuous measurement of track irregularities and rail profiles. The simulations were performed by using several vehicle models, built in different simulation tools by different partners. The results of the investigations and the criteria and limits proposed for the validation of multi-body vehicle models, intended for simulations of on-track tests, in the framework of railway vehicle authorisations are presented.Une application des simulations multi-corps consiste à réduire la quantité d'essais en ligne et à offrir une opportunité pour économiser le temps et les coûts d'acceptation des Îhicules en ce qui concerne les caractéristiques de fonctionnement dynamiques. L'un des objectifs du projet de l'UE DynoTRAIN était de définir des critères et des limites pour la validation du modèle de Îhicule. Le document présente des recherches effectuées en comparant des simulations avec des mesures à partir d'une campagne de test utilisant un train d'essai avec 4 types de Îhicules et un total de 10 essieux de mesure de force roue-rail et accompagnés d'une mesure continue des irrégularités de voie et des profils de rail. Les simulations ont été réalisées en utilisant plusieurs modèles de Îhicules, construits dans différents outils de simulation par différents partenaires. Les résultats des enquêtes et les critères et limites proposés pour la validation des modèles de Îhicules multi-corps, destinés à des simulations de tests sur voie réelle, dans le cadre des autorisations de Îhicules ferroviaires sont présentés
Dynamics of railway freight vehicles
This paper summarises the historical development of railway freight vehicles and how vehicle designers have tackled the difficult challenges of producing running gear which can accommodate the very high tare to laden mass of typical freight wagons whilst maintaining stable running at the maximum required speed and good curving performance. The most common current freight bogies are described in detail and recent improvements in techniques used to simulate the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles are summarised and examples of how these have been used to improve freight vehicle dynamic behaviour are included. A number of recent developments and innovative components and sub systems are outlined and finally two new developments are presented in more detail: the LEILA bogie and the SUSTRAIL bogie
Study of the Falling Friction Effect on Rolling Contact Parameters
[EN] The existence of a wheel rail friction coefficient that depends on the slip velocity has been associated in the literature with important railway problems like the curving squeal and certain corrugation problems in rails. Rolling contact models that take into account this effect were carried out through the so-called Exact Theories adopting an exact elastic model of the solids in contact, and Simplified Theories which assume simplified elastic models such as Winkler. The former ones, based on Kalker s Variational Theory, give rise to numerical problems; the latter ones need to adopt hypotheses that significantly deviate from actual conditions, leading to unrealistic solutions of the contact problem. In this paper, a methodology based on Kalker s Variational Theory is presented, in which a local slip velocity-dependent friction law is considered. A formulation to get steady-state conditions of rolling contact by means of regularisation of the Coulomb s law is proposed. The model allows establishing relationships in order to estimate the global properties (creepage velocities vs. total longitudinal forces) through local properties (local slip velocity vs. coefficient of friction) or vice versa. The proposed model shows a good agreement with experimental tests while solving the numerical problems previously mentioned.The authors acknowledge the financial contribution of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Project TRA2013-45596-C2-1-R.Giner Navarro, J.; Baeza González, LM.; Vila Tortosa, MP.; Alonso Pazos, A. (2017). Study of the Falling Friction Effect on Rolling Contact Parameters. Tribology Letters. 65(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11249-016-0810-8S651Grassie, S.L., Elkins, J.A.: Rail corrugation on North American transit systems. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 28, 5–17 (1998)Hsu, S.S., Huang, Z., Iwnicki, S.D., Thompson, D.J., Jones, C.J.C., Xie, G., Allen, P.D.: Experimental and theoretical investigation of railway wheel squeal. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. F J. Rail Rapid Transit 221, 59–73 (2007)Kalker, J.J.: Three-Dimensional Elastic Bodies in Rolling Contact. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1990)Polach, O.: Influence of locomotive tractive effort on the forces between wheel and rail. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 35, 7–22 (2001)Giménez, J.G., Alonso, A., Gómez, E.: Introduction of a friction coefficient dependent on the slip in the FastSim algorithm. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 43, 233–244 (2005)Baeza, L., Vila, P., Roda, A., Fayos, J.: Prediction of corrugation in rails using a non-stationary wheel–rail contact model. Wear 265, 1156–1162 (2008)Vollebregt, E.A.H., Schuttelaars, H.M.: Quasi-static analysis of two-dimensional rolling contact with slip-velocity dependent friction. J. Sound Vib. 331, 2141–2155 (2012)Avlonitis, M., Kalaitzidou, K., Streator, J.: Investigation of friction statics and real contact area by means a modified OFC model. Tribol. Int. 69, 168–175 (2014)Berger, E.J., Mackin, T.J.: On the walking stick–slip problem. Tribol. Int. 75, 51–60 (2014)Alonso, A., Guiral, A., Baeza, B., Iwnicki, S.D.: Wheel–rail contact: experimental study of the creep forces–creepage relationships. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 52(S1), 469–487 (2014)Spiryagin, M., Polach, O., Cole, C.: Creep force modelling for rail traction vehicles based on the Fastsim algorithm. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 51, 1765–1783 (2013)Vollebregt, E.A.H.: Numerical modeling of measured railway creep versus creep-force curves with CONTACT. Wear 314, 87–95 (2014)Kalker, J.J.: On the Rolling Contact of Two Elastic Bodies in the Presence of Dry Friction. PhD Thesis, Technical University of Delft (Holland) (1967)Baeza, L., Fuenmayor, F.J., Carballeira, J., Roda, A.: Influence of the wheel–rail contact instationary process on contact parameters. J. Strain Anal. Eng. 42, 377–387 (2007)Le Rouzic, J., Le Bot, A., Perret-Liaudet, J., Guibert, M., Rusanov, A., Douminge, L., Bretagnol, F., Mazuyer, D.: Friction-induced vibration by Stribeck’s law: application to wiper blade squeal noise. Tribol. Lett. 49, 563–572 (2013)Rabinowicz, E.: The nature of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction. J. Appl. Phys. 22, 1373–1379 (1951)Carter, F.W.: On the action of locomotive driving wheel. Proc. R. Soc. Lon. Ser. A 112, 151–157 (1926)Kalker, J.J.: A fast algorithm for the simplified theory of rolling contact. Veh. Syst. Dyn. 11, 1–13 (1982
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