102 research outputs found

    Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analysis of Wood

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    The analysis of the intern anatomy of wood samples for species identification is a complex task that only experts can perform accurately. Since there are not many experts in the world and their training can last decades, there is great interest in developing automatic processes to extract high-level information from microscopic wood images. The purpose of this work was to develop algorithms that could provide meaningful information for the classification process. The work focuses on hardwoods, which have a very diverse anatomy including many different features. The ray width is one of such features, with high diagnostic value, which is visible on the tangential section. A modified distance function for the DBSCAN algorithm was developed to identify clusters that represent rays, in order to count the number of cells in width. To test both the segmentation and the modified DBSCAN algorithms, 20 images were manually segmented, obtaining an average Jaccard index of 0.66 for the segmentation and an average index M=0.78 for the clustering task. The final ray count had an accuracy of 0.91. (c) 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Osmotic dehydration of cut apple: Mass transfer kinetics and microstructural changes

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    Apple cubes were osmotically dehydrated with 40°Bx sucrose and sorbitol solutions. Light microscopy was used to observe the microstructure of fresh and osmotically dehydrated samples. Peleg’s model could fit the experimental data and describe the mass transfer kinetics of water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG). The use the sorbitol as osmotic agent, the increase of temperature and concentration of the solution increased the WL during the osmotic dehydration. The average cellular parameters, area and perimeter (size), and circularity, elongation, roundness, and compactness (shape) of fresh samples were 14.28±6.65×103 μm2 and 0.486 mm, and 0.73, 1.56, 0.70, 0.83, respectively. The osmotically dehydrated samples presented a decrease in area, circularity, roundness and compactness and an increase in the elongation of the cells, and these changes were higher in samples treated with sorbitol

    Dissect the PSIs' Interaction Network Involved in Conventional and Unconventional Sorting Routes

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    In plants, there are several thousands of different types of proteins with different functions that must be correctly located to a specific subcellular compartment. The conventional vacuolar sorting route is already well described and research teams are now more interested in understanding mechanisms behind how unconventional sorting routes work. Our laboratory has been studying the plant-specific insert (PSI), a domain shown to be both sufficient and necessary for correct vacuolar sorting, for a long time. Even though different PSI domains (PSI A and PSI B) present high similarity, they mediate different routes: PSI A has Golgi bypass ability, directly delivering proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the vacuole; while PSI B mediates a conventional ER–Golgi–vacuole pathway. The main goal of this study was to identify intermediate players in PSI sorting processes. We purified both PSIs and several endomembrane reporters involved in specific events of protein transport and tested their interactions through pulldown assays. Furthermore, purified PSIs were also used as bait for co-immunoprecipitation in tobacco and Arabidopsis extracts. The data obtained will set the basis for a broader objective aimed at mapping the PSI network of interactions, which will help the characterization of unconventional trafficking


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    Viele Historiker haben im Umfeld von Ernest Labrousse ausführlich die Preisverzeichnisse für den Weinverkauf studiert, sich aber später von dieser Art, Geschichte zu machen, abgewandt. Gleichzeitig kämpften die Winzer zum Beispiel in Südfrankreich gegen die Liberalisierung der Weinpreise, wie sie von der Europäischen Gemeinschaft gefordert wurde. Die Winzer kämpften im Namen eines sozial verträglichen Preises für ihre Produktion, einer modernen Variante des «gerechten » Preises von früher. Damit aber prallte ihre Meinung frontal auf die Ansicht der Wirtschaftstheoretiker und Nobelpreisträger der 70er Jahre. Die Winzer haben ihren Kampf schließlich verloren und im Languedoc verschwanden vor allem die Reben, die zur Herstellung des Tafelweins verwendet worden waren. Dafür setzten die Winzer auf einen qualitativ hochwertigeren Wein für eine zahlungskräftigere Klientel. Das größte Weinanbaugebiet der Welt hat so mehr als die Hälfte seiner Fläche verloren. Die Produktion schrumpfte auf ein Drittel und vier Fünftel aller Winzer gaben ihre Tätigkeit auf. Dafür aber investierten kapitalkräftige Unternehmer in den Weinanbau. An dieser Geschichte kann man erkennen, dass die Analyse der Preise aussagekräftig ist. Man erkennt die Auswirkungen auf die Tätigkeiten der Menschen vor Ort und wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Veränderungen.After having scrutinized patiently and for a long time price listings following Ernest Labrousse, historians abandoned the study of prices. At the same time, in the field, producers such as the Southern French vintners rose up against the liberation of wine prices applied by the common organization of the European market. They did it in the name of the defense of the «social price of wine » , modernized version of the «just price » of long ago, totally the contrary to the liberal recommendations of the new Nobel prize economists of the 1970s. After having lost the price battle, Languedoc uprooted its vines that aimed at common every day consumption and promoted a upper scale production that sought to seduce an elite clientele. The world’s greatest vineyards thus lost more than half of its area, two thirds of its production and four fifths of its land-owners. Its new notoriety attracted capital from many horizons. We are thus presented with a casestudy that should incite historians who are attentive to economic and social reality to renew with the study of prices and their consequences on human activities.Après avoir longuement et patiemment scruté les mercuriales dans le sillage d’Ernest Labrousse, les historiens ont délaissé l’étude des prix. Au même moment, sur le terrain, des producteurs, tels les viticulteurs du Midi de la France, se dressaient contre la libération des cours vinicoles mise en oeuvre par l’organisation commune du marché européen. Ils le firent au nom de la défense du «prix social du vin » , version modernisée du «juste prix » d’autrefois, aux antipodes des recommandations libérales des nouveaux Prix Nobel des années 1970. Après avoir perdu la bataille des prix, le Languedoc a arraché ses vignes dévolues à la consommation courante populaire, et promu une production haut de gamme en vue d’une clientèle élitiste. Le plus vaste vignoble du monde a ainsi perdu plus de la moitié de sa superficie, les deux tiers de sa production et les quatre cinquièmes de ses propriétaires ; sa nouvelle notoriété attire des capitaux de tous horizons. Un cas d’école apte à inciter les historiens attentifs aux réalités économiques et sociales à renouer avec l’analyse des prix et de leurs conséquences sur les activités humaines.Después de haber escudriñado pormenorizadamente las listas de precio siguiendo los planteamientos de Ernest Labrousse, los historiadores han dejado de lado el estudio de los precios. Al mismo tiempo, sobre el terreno, productores como los viticultores del Midi de Francia se oponían a la liberación de la cotizaciones del vino establecida por la organización común del mercado europeo. Se opusieron en nombre de la defensa del «precio social del vino » versión modernizada del «precio moderado » de antes, en las antípodas de las normas liberales de los nuevos premios Nobel de los años 1970. Después de perder la batalla de los precios, en Langudoc se arrancaron las viñas dedicadas al consumo popular y se promovió una producción alta de gama de cara a una clientela elitista. El más extenso viñedo del mundo ha perdido así más de la mitad de su superficie, las dos tercias partes de su producción y las cuatro quintas de sus propietarios, atrayendo su nueva notoriedad capitales de todos clases. Es un caso ejemplar que puede llevar a los historiadores atentos a las realidades económicas y sociales a reanudar con el análisis de los precios y de sus consecuencias sobre las actividades humanas.Gavignaud Geneviève. Le prix, vecteur d'injustice ou de justice sociale. In: Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale, Tome 125, N°281, 2013. Le cours des vins en Catalogne et Languedoc-Roussillon. Fluctuations et portée des prix dans le temps long de l'histoire. pp. 129-146

    Compilação e organização de parâmetros físicos de solos da Bacia do Pito Aceso para aplicação no sistema de modelagem hidrológica JAMS.

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    A escolha de um modelo hidrológico apropriado para uso em dada bacia deve considerar o acesso e custo do software, a viabilidade de aplicação, a disponibilidade e compatibilidade dos dados de entrada, bem como a familiaridade do usuário com os métodos de resolução. Devido às dificuldades e restrições de uso de alguns modelos de precipitação-vazão, a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Solos (CNPS), iniciou pesquisa visando à avaliação do uso do Sistema de Modelagem Adaptável de Jena (JAMS). Este estudo, fruto da parceria da Embrapa com a Universidade de Jena, busca a construção de um modelo precipitação-vazão que simule o escoamento superficial da microbacia do Córrego do Pito Aceso, inserida na Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul e localizada no município de Bom Jardim, região serrana do Rio de Janeiro - RJ. O objetivo deste trabalho foi compilar e organizar informações sobre modelagem hidrológica, trabalhos e teses publicadas sobre o local de estudo, bem como os dados disponíveis da microbacia, e artigos e teses sobre o sistema JAMS e suas aplicações. Foi possível identificar também as necessidades de novos dados e parâmetros a serem coletados