249 research outputs found

    Prospects for Photo Electron Spectroscopy in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

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    High spatial resolution microanalysis in scanning transmission electron microscopes is most easily performed when the specimen is inside a magnetic immersion objective lens. Recently a technique has been developed to perform spectroscopy of electrons that originate in this magnetic field. A very special form of photo electron spectroscopy is then possible for thin specimens in the microscope. An energy loss ΔE of a primary electron has the same physical effect as the absorption of a photon of energy ΔE. A coincidence measurement between energy loss electrons and the emitted electrons is expected to give a so called coincidence electron spectrum, or (e,2e) spectrum, of a very small area, which gives the same physical information as photo electron spectroscopy. Normal photo electron spectroscopy of limited spatial resolution, but with high collection efficiency, should also be possible in a scanning transmission electron microscope if the specimen is illuminated with a photon beam. Experiments to test the expectations are in progress

    Laser powder bed fusion of 17–4 PH stainless steel:A comparative study on the effect of heat treatment on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties

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    17–4 PH (precipitation hardening) stainless steel is commonly used for the fabrication of complicated molds with conformal cooling channels using laser powder bed fusion process (L-PBF). However, their microstructure in the as-printed condition varies notably with the chemical composition of the feedstock powder, resulting in different age-hardening behavior. In the present investigation, 17–4 PH stainless steel components were fabricated by L-PBF from two different feedstock powders, and subsequently subjected to different combinations of post-process heat treatments. It was observed that the microstructure in as-printed conditions could be almost fully martensitic or ferritic, depending on the ratio of Creq/Nieq of the feedstock powder. Aging treatment at 480 °C improved the yield and ultimate tensile strengths of the as-printed components. However, specimens with martensitic structures exhibited accelerated age-hardening response compared with the ferritic specimens due to the higher lattice distortion and dislocation accumulation, resulting in the “dislocation pipe diffusion mechanism”. It was also found that the martensitic structures were highly susceptible to the formation of reverted austenite during direct aging treatment, where 19.5% of austenite phase appeared in the microstructure after 15 h of direct aging. Higher fractions of reverted austenite activates the transformation induced plasticity and improves the ductility of heat treated specimens. The results of the present study can be used to tailor the microstructure of the L-PBF printed 17–4 PH stainless steel by post-process heat treatments to achieve a good combination of mechanical properties

    Fully automated flow protocol for C(sp3)–C(sp3) bond formation from tertiary amides and alkyl halides

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    Herein, we present a novel C(sp3)–C(sp3) bond-forming protocol via the reductive coupling of abundant tertiary amides with organozinc reagents prepared in situ from their corresponding alkyl halides. Using a multistep fully automated flow protocol, this reaction could be used for both library synthesis and target molecule synthesis on the gram-scale starting from bench-stable reagents. Additionally, excellent chemoselectivity and functional group tolerance make it ideal for late-stage diversification of druglike molecules

    Interface formation in K doped poly(dialkoxy-p-phenylene vinylene) light-emitting diodes

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    Manufacturing of Al/K/OC1C10 poly(p-phenylene vinylene)/indium–tin–oxide light emitting diode structures by physical vapor deposition of K onto the emissive polymer layer has been characterized by electroluminescence and ion spectroscopy. Varying the deposited K areal density from 3.9×1012 to 1.2×1014 atoms cm−2 the external efficiency rises from 0.01 to 1.2 Cd A−1. Spectra obtained by ion scattering analysis demonstrate the overall absence of K at the polymer outermost surface layer, and diffusion up to a depth of 200 Å. Depth profiles have been derived, and were modeled using an irreversible first order “trapping” reaction. Trapping may stem from confinement of the electron at a conjugated segment, that was donated through charge transfer typical for alkali/π-conjugated systems. This study demonstrates that evaporation of low work function metals onto organic systems should not be depicted as simple layered stacking structures. The enhanced electroluminescence with submonolayer K deposition is attributed to the shift of the recombination zone away from the Al cathode, which is demonstrated to prevail over the known exciton quenching mechanism due to the formation of gap states

    Charge transport and trapping in Cs-doped poly(dialkoxy-p-phenylene vinylene) light-emitting diodes

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    Al/Cs/MDMO-PPV/ITO (where MDMO-PPV stands for poly[2-methoxy-5-(3'-7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4phenylene vinylene] and ITO is indium tin oxide) light-emitting diode (LED) structures, made by physical vapor deposition of Cs on the emissive polymer layer, have been characterized by electroluminescence, current-voltage, and admittance spectroscopy. Deposition of Cs is found to improve the balance between electron and hole currents, enhancing the external electroluminescence efficiency from 0.01 cd A-1 for the bare Al cathode to a maximum of 1.3 cd A-1 for a Cs coverage of only 1.5×1014 atoms/cm2. By combining I-V and admittance spectra with model calculations, in which Cs diffusion profiles are explicitly taken into account, this effect could be attributed to a potential drop at the cathode interface due to a Cs-induced electron donor level 0.61 eV below the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. In addition, the admittance spectra in the hole-dominated regime are shown to result from space-charge-limited conduction combined with charge relaxation in trap levels. This description allows us to directly determine the carrier mobility, even in the presence of traps. In contrast to recent literature, we demonstrate that there is no need to include dispersive transport in the description of the carrier mobility to explain the excess capacitance that is typically observed in admittance spectra of p-conjugated materials
