39 research outputs found


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    The paper presents buildings from the period of Ottoman domination in southern and eastern Serbia. The paper first presents the architectural analysis of the buildings in question. The historical context of their construction, their original function and the social role they had when they were created are also considered. A special emphasis was placed on the analysis of the current state of preservation of these buildings, their new functions and the role they play in society today

    Characterization of Roman mortar from the Mediana archeological site

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje istraživanje rimske žbuke rabljene za konstrukciju poda u objektima koji su imali sustav podnog grijanja ā€“ hipokaust, u rezidencijalnim vilama s peristelom (Naisus, Srbija). Ispitano je i analizirano ukupno sedam uzoraka žbuke s različitih lokacija vile s ciljem dobivanja informacija o njezinim morfoloÅ”kim, mineraloÅ”kim, kemijskim i osnovnim fizikalnim karakteristikama. Za utvrđivanje ovih svojstava rabljena je: optička mikroskopija, skenirajući elektronski mikroskop (SEM), s EDS analizom, difrakcijska analiza s X-zrakama (XRD). Žbuka ima prilično ujednačene karakteristike preko cijele povrÅ”ine poda hipokausta. Žbuka dominantno čini karbonatno vezivo i agregat veličine zrna od 0,05 do 2 mm s rijetkom pojavom zrna dimenzija 10 mm. Kao agregat za žbuku rabljeni su dijelovi žbuke, zrna krečnjaka, kvarc, metamorfiti i vulkaniti. Uporaba drobljene opeke i prisustvo reakcijskog ruba, potvrđuje njezinu funkciju hidrauličnog vezivanja. Slaba veza između zrna agregata i krečnjačkog veziva omogućava transport vode kroz formiranu tranzitnu zonu.This paper presents the study of the Roman mortar used for construction of floors in the buildings which possessed floor heating system ā€“ hypocaust, in the residential villa with the peristyle (Naisus, Serbia). A total of seven samples of mortar from different locations of the villa were examined and analyzed for information about its morphological, mineralogical, chemical and basic physical properties. In order to determine these properties were used: optical microscopy, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The mortar is dominantly made of carbonate binder and the aggregate of grain size 0,05 to 2 mm with a rare occurrence of 10 mm grains. Fragments of mortar, grains of limestone, quartz, metarmorphite and vulcanite were used for the mortar aggregate. Usage of crushed brick and reaction rim confirms its function of hydraulic binder. The weak bonds between the aggregate grains and limestone binder facilitate transport of water through the formed transit zones


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    Ceramic tiles and roof covers have been used in construction of architectonic structures from the earliest times. Their relatively simple production, as well as acceptable cost, contributed to the mass usage of these products.The paper presents a review of ceramic tiles and roof tiles, by laying out their development, shapes, physical properties and usage through history in various climates and time periods.The aim of the paper is understanding the importance of use and development of these products in architecture.Ā 


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    The fired earth products are from the dawn of time very readily used as a building material in architecture. Regardless of the geographical area, or era, both adobe and bricks have been often used because they are easy and cheap to manufacture.The paper provides the review of adobe and brick use, from the earliest times until nowadays. The evolution of their production, forms, physical properties and ways of their usage on the structures are presented.The goal of the paper is an analysis of development of use of these products which will certainly remain in use for many years to come.

    Characterization of Roman mortar from the Mediana archeological site

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    Ovaj rad prikazuje istraživanje rimske žbuke rabljene za konstrukciju poda u objektima koji su imali sustav podnog grijanja ā€“ hipokaust, u rezidencijalnim vilama s peristelom (Naisus, Srbija). Ispitano je i analizirano ukupno sedam uzoraka žbuke s različitih lokacija vile s ciljem dobivanja informacija o njezinim morfoloÅ”kim, mineraloÅ”kim, kemijskim i osnovnim fizikalnim karakteristikama. Za utvrđivanje ovih svojstava rabljena je: optička mikroskopija, skenirajući elektronski mikroskop (SEM), s EDS analizom, difrakcijska analiza s X-zrakama (XRD). Žbuka ima prilično ujednačene karakteristike preko cijele povrÅ”ine poda hipokausta. Žbuka dominantno čini karbonatno vezivo i agregat veličine zrna od 0,05 do 2 mm s rijetkom pojavom zrna dimenzija 10 mm. Kao agregat za žbuku rabljeni su dijelovi žbuke, zrna krečnjaka, kvarc, metamorfiti i vulkaniti. Uporaba drobljene opeke i prisustvo reakcijskog ruba, potvrđuje njezinu funkciju hidrauličnog vezivanja. Slaba veza između zrna agregata i krečnjačkog veziva omogućava transport vode kroz formiranu tranzitnu zonu.This paper presents the study of the Roman mortar used for construction of floors in the buildings which possessed floor heating system ā€“ hypocaust, in the residential villa with the peristyle (Naisus, Serbia). A total of seven samples of mortar from different locations of the villa were examined and analyzed for information about its morphological, mineralogical, chemical and basic physical properties. In order to determine these properties were used: optical microscopy, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The mortar is dominantly made of carbonate binder and the aggregate of grain size 0,05 to 2 mm with a rare occurrence of 10 mm grains. Fragments of mortar, grains of limestone, quartz, metarmorphite and vulcanite were used for the mortar aggregate. Usage of crushed brick and reaction rim confirms its function of hydraulic binder. The weak bonds between the aggregate grains and limestone binder facilitate transport of water through the formed transit zones

    Specificities of pregnancy and delivery in obesity

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    Promene senzornih karakteristika i pojedini parametri kvaliteta meŔavine mlečnog i kakao-krem namaza tokom skladiŔtenja do 180 dana

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    The main role of milk and milk products in the technology of confectionery products (chocolates, caramele-candy products, dairy products, spreads, etc.) is to increase the nutritional value of the final product and to influence some sensory characteristics of quality (appearance, consistence/texture, flavor). In this study, mixtures of milk and cocoa spreads of a new composition with increased content of milk components were produced, and then assessed for sensory quality traits, peroxide value, free fatty acid content and the content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium and copper) during storage from 30 to 180 days at room temperature (18-20 Ā°C). The samples were evaluated using the analytical-descriptive sensory analysis (point system) with description of the dominant properties (appearance- color, surface gloss, consistence-spreadability, dynamic property of melting, the consistence in the oral cavity-oiliness and flavor-odor and taste). The results of sensory analysis were statistically analyzed using two-way analysis of variance MANOVA, LSD and Levene's test. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the composition of mixtures of milk and cocoa spreads significantly affects all characteristics, whereas the storage time significantly affects the appearance, consistence, i.e., spreadability, and taste of the product.Primena mleka i proizvoda od mleka u tehnologiji konditorskih proizvoda (čokolada, bombonski proizvodi-karamele, mlečni krem namazi i dr.) ima za cilj povećanje hranljive vrednosti finalnog proizvoda i uticaj na pojedina senzorna svojstva kvaliteta (izgled, konzistencija/tekstura i aroma). U radu su proizvedeni uzorci meÅ”avine mlečnog i kakao krema, novog sastava, sa povećanim udelom mlečnih delova, na kojima su, potom, ocenjene promene senzornih svojstava, određen peroksidni broj, sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina i sadržaj teÅ”kih metala (olova, kadmijuma i bakra), tokom skladiÅ”tenja do 180 dana, pri sobnoj temperaturi od (18-20 Ā°C). Primenjena je analitička-deskriptivna senzorna analiza (bod sistem), uz opisivanje dominantnih svojstava (izgled-boja, oblik, sjaj povrÅ”ine, konzistencija-mazivost, dinamičko svojstvo topljenja, konzistentnosti usne dupljeuljavost i aroma-miris i ukus). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni primenom dvofaktorijalne analize varijanse MANOVA, LSD i Levene's testa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se konstatovati da sastav namaza (obrano mleko u prahu, surutka u prahu i njihova kombinacija, hidrogenizovana biljna mast (trans masne kiseline ispod 10%) i rafinisano suncokretovo ulje, kakao-prah sa redukovanim sadržajem kakao maslaca i leÅ”nik ) statistički vrlo značajno utiče na sva ocenjivana svojstva, dok vreme skladiÅ”tenja, statistički vrlo značajno utiče na izgled, konzistenciju tj. mazivost i na ukus

    Integrated process planning and scheduling using multi-agent methodology

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    Market growth and mass customization cause a need for a change in traditional manufacturing. Decentralized decision making and integration of process planning is necessary in order to become concurrent in the market. The paper presents decentralized decision making methodology using multi-agent systems. The model is used for integrated process planning and scheduling based on the minimum processing time under dynamic change of the environment. Two types of disturbance are used to represent the change: part arrival and machine breakdown. The proposed model comprises part agent, job agent, machine agent and optimization agent. Comparative analysis is conducted using simulation in AnyLogic software in order to verify the proposed approach