5,742 research outputs found

    The Effect of Zonally Asymmetric Ozone Heating on the Northern Hemisphere Winter Polar Stratosphere

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    [1] Previous modeling studies have found significant differences in winter extratropical stratospheric temperatures depending on the presence or absence of zonally asymmetric ozone heating (ZAOH), yet the physical mechanism causing these differences has not been fully explained. The present study describes the effect of ZAOH on the dynamics of the Northern Hemisphere extratropical stratosphere using an ensemble of free-running atmospheric general circulation model simulations over the 1 December - 31 March period. We find that the simulations including ZAOH produce a significantly warmer and weaker stratospheric polar vortex in mid-February due to more frequent major stratospheric sudden warmings compared to the simulations using only zonal mean ozone heating. This is due to regions of enhanced Eliassen-Palm flux convergence found in the region between 40°N–70°N latitude and 10–0.05 hPa. These results are consistent with changes in the propagation of planetary waves in the presence of ZAOH predicted by an ozone-modified refractive index

    The nature of the British soldier : warrior or weapons platform a philosophical framework

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    This thesis is an examination of how the nature of the British soldier is constructed/imagined in contemporary British society if a spectrum of meaning is imagined that posits a warrior existing at one extreme and a weapons platform at the other. Located within a philosophical setting and indebted to Charles Taylor’s modern social imaginaries, a number of sub-questions function as the mechanism used to explore the thesis question in the six research chapters which are: 2, Identity and Narrative; 3, Being and Doing; 4, Clausewitz, Trinitarian War and New Wars; 5, Selected Societal Factors (Death, Risk, and Post-heroicand Feminised Society); 6, The Future Nature of Conflict; and 7, Future Technology. This thesis provides a basis by which to evaluate the cultural, practical, philosophical and intellectual pressures affecting how the British soldier is envisaged in the UK social imaginary. It also offers a functional framework to understand those roles British society is prepared to tolerate and validate when deploying and utilising the generic soldier. The main conclusions of the research chapters are contained in the following six propositions: 1. The identity of the warrior requires a narrative of war(fare) validated by the society with whom he/she is in relationship. The identity of the soldier does not necessarily require a narrative of war. 2. The distinction between the warrior and the soldier is best framed in the language of ‘being’ and ‘doing’. For the warrior their ‘being’ is intuited in combat; whereas the soldier requires a narrative that validates the required/expected output. 3. New wars are non-Clausewitzian. Any Western narrative will suffer narrative deflation in the soldier’s daily experience in non-Western operational settings. 4. Post-modern, risk averse, post-heroic societies will struggle to generate a nonapocalyptic narrative capable of tolerating significant casualty numbers. 5. The question of intervention in a non-Western, non-permissive operational setting will examine the depth of liberal values in Western societies. 6. Though pragmatic, the development of robotic weapons stands in contradiction to the authenticity of the warrior and robs the West of the vitality of its liberal values

    Screening for health risks: A social science perspective

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    Health screening promises to reduce risks to individuals via probabilistic sifting of populations for medical conditions. The categorisation and selection of 'conditions' such as cardiovascular events, dementia and depression for screening itself requires prior interpretive labour which usually remains unexamined. Screening systems can take diverse organisational forms and varying relationships to health status, as when purported disease precursors, for example 'pre-cancerous' polyps, or supposed risk factors, such as high cholesterol themselves, become targets for screening. Screening at best yields small, although not necessarily unworthwhile, net population health gains. It also creates new risks, leaving some individuals worse-off than if they had been left alone. The difficulties associated with attempting to measure small net gains through randomised controlled trials are sometimes underestimated. Despite endemic doubts about its clinical utility, bibliometric analysis of published papers shows that responses to health risks are coming to be increasingly thought about in terms of screening. This shift is superimposed on a strengthening tendency to view health through the lens of risk. It merits further scrutiny as a societal phenomenon

    The astacin metalloprotease moulting enzyme NAS-36 is required for normal cuticle ecdysis in free-living and parasitic nematodes

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    Nematodes represent one of the most abundant and species-rich groups of animals on the planet, with parasitic species causing chronic, debilitating infections in both livestock and humans worldwide. The prevalence and success of the nematodes is a direct consequence of the exceptionally protective properties of their cuticle. The synthesis of this cuticle is a complex multi-step process, which is repeated 4 times from hatchling to adult and has been investigated in detail in the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. This process is known as moulting and involves numerous enzymes in the synthesis and degradation of the collagenous matrix. The nas-36 and nas-37 genes in C. elegans encode functionally conserved enzymes of the astacin metalloprotease family which, when mutated, result in a phenotype associated with the late-stage moulting defects, namely the inability to remove the preceding cuticle. Extensive genome searches in the gastrointestinal nematode of sheep, Haemonchus contortus, and in the filarial nematode of humans, Brugia malayi, identified NAS-36 but not NAS-37 homologues. Significantly, the nas-36 gene from B. malayi could successfully complement the moult defects associated with C. elegans nas-36, nas-37 and nas-36/nas-37 double mutants, suggesting a conserved function for NAS-36 between these diverse nematode species. This conservation between species was further indicated when the recombinant enzymes demonstrated a similar range of inhibitable metalloprotease activities

    High temperature superconductors as a technological discontinuity in the power cable industry

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    The advent of superconductivity above 77 K represents to the power cable industry a technological discontinuity analogous to that seen in the copper telecommunications industry by the arrival of optical fibers. This phenomenon is discussed along with technical criteria and performance targets needed for high temperature superconducting wire to have an economic impact in transmission cables

    Genetic Variation in Clinical Varicella-Zoster Virus Isolates Collected in Ireland Between 2002 and 2003

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    Analysis of genetic variation in 16 varicella-zoster virus (VZV) isolates selected at random and circulating in the Irish population between March 2002 and February 2003 was carried out. A 919 bp fragment of the glycoprotein E gene (open reading frame 68) encompassing codon 150, at which a non-synonymous mutation defines the escape mutant VZV-MSP, and including two other epitope regions e1 and c1, was sequenced. No new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected, indicating stability of these epitopes in clinical isolates of VZV. However, when four informative polymorphic markers consisting of defined regions from genes 1, 21, 50, and 54 were sequenced 14 variable nucleotide positions were identified. Phylogenetic analysis showed the presence of three highly supported clades A, B, and C circulating in the Irish population. Approximately one third (6/16; 37.5%) of the Irish VZV isolates in this study belonged to genotype C, 4/16 (25%) to genotype A, and 4/16 (25%) to genotype B. A smaller number 2/16 (12.5%) belonged to genotype J1. This indicates remarkable heterogeneity in the Irish population given the small sample size. No evidence was found to suggest any of the 16 isolates was a recombinant. These findings have implications for the model of geographic isolation of VZV clades to certain regions as the circulating Irish VZV population appears to comprise approximately equal numbers of each of the main genotypes. This data is inconsistent with a model of strict geographical separation of VZV genotypes and suggests that VZVdiversity ismorepronounced in certain areas than had been thought previously

    Genetic Variation in Clinical Varicella-Zoster Virus Isolates Collected in Ireland Between 2002 and 2003

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    Analysis of genetic variation in 16 varicella-zoster virus (VZV) isolates selected at random and circulating in the Irish population between March 2002 and February 2003 was carried out. A 919 bp fragment of the glycoprotein E gene (open reading frame 68) encompassing codon 150, at which a non-synonymous mutation defines the escape mutant VZV-MSP, and including two other epitope regions e1 and c1, was sequenced. No new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected, indicating stability of these epitopes in clinical isolates of VZV. However, when four informative polymorphic markers consisting of defined regions from genes 1, 21, 50, and 54 were sequenced 14 variable nucleotide positions were identified. Phylogenetic analysis showed the presence of three highly supported clades A, B, and C circulating in the Irish population. Approximately one third (6/16; 37.5%) of the Irish VZV isolates in this study belonged to genotype C, 4/16 (25%) to genotype A, and 4/16 (25%) to genotype B. A smaller number 2/16 (12.5%) belonged to genotype J1. This indicates remarkable heterogeneity in the Irish population given the small sample size. No evidence was found to suggest any of the 16 isolates was a recombinant. These findings have implications for the model of geographic isolation of VZV clades to certain regions as the circulating Irish VZV population appears to comprise approximately equal numbers of each of the main genotypes. This data is inconsistent with a model of strict geographical separation of VZV genotypes and suggests that VZVdiversity ismorepronounced in certain areas than had been thought previously

    Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of the Quasi-Two Day Wave in the Northern Hemisphere Summer Mesosphere

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    This study uses global synoptic meteorological fields from a high-altitude data assimilation system to investigate the spatial and temporal characteristics of the quasi-2 day wave (Q2DW) and migrating diurnal tide during the Northern Hemisphere summers of 2007, 2008, and 2009. By applying a 2-dimensional fast Fourier transform to meridional wind and temperature fields, we are able to identify Q2DW source regions and to diagnose propagation of Q2DW activity into the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We find that Q2DW is comprised primarily of westward propagating zonal wavenumber 3 and wavenumber 4 components that originate from within baroclinically unstable regions along the equatorward flank of the summer midlatitude easterly jet. Amplitude variations of wavenumbers 3 and 4 tend to be anti-correlated throughout the summer, with wavenumber 3 maximizing in July and wavenumber 4 maximizing in late June and early August. Monthly mean Q2DW amplitudes between 30 50N latitude are largest when diurnal tidal amplitudes are smallest and vice versa. However, there is no evidence of any rapid amplification of the Q2DW via nonlinear interaction with the diurnal tide. Instead, variations of Q2DW amplitudes during July are closely linked to variations in the strength and location of the easterly jet core from one summer to the next, with a stronger jet producing larger Q2DW amplitudes. Linear instability model calculations based on the assimilated wind fields find fast growing zonal wavenumber 3 and 4 modes with periods near 2 days in the vicinity of the easterly jet

    Cholinergic suppression: A postsynaptic mechanism of long-term associative learning

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    Food avoidance learning in the mollusc Pleurobranchaea entails reduction in the responsiveness of key brain interneurons in the feeding neural circuitry, the paracerebral feeding command interneurons (PCNs), to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (AcCho). Food stimuli applied to the oral veil of an untrained animal depolarize the PCNs and induce the feeding motor program (FMP). Atropine (a muscarinic cholinergic antagonist) reversibly blocks the food-induced depolarization of the PCNs, implicating AcCho as the neurotransmitter mediating food detection. AcCho applied directly to PCN somata depolarizes them, indicating that the PCN soma membrane contains AcCho receptors and induces the FMP in the isolated central nervous system preparation. The AcCho response of the PCNs is mediated by muscariniclike receptors, since comparable depolarization is induced by muscarinic agonists (acetyl-ß -methylcholine, oxotremorine, pilocarpine), but not nicotine, and blocked by muscarinic antagonists (atropine, trifluoperazine). The nicotinic antagonist hexamethonium, however, blocked the AcCho response in four of six cases. When specimens are trained to suppress feeding behavior using a conventional food-avoidance learning paradigm (conditionally paired food and shock), AcCho applied to PCNs in the same concentration as in untrained animals causes little or no depolarization and does not initiate the FMP. Increasing the concentration of AcCho 10-100 times, however, induces weak PCN depolarization in trained specimens, indicating that learning diminishes but does not fully abolish AcCho responsiveness of the PCNs. This study proposes a cellular mechanism of long-term associative learning -- namely, postsynaptic modulation of neurotransmitter responsiveness in central neurons that could apply also to mammalian species

    CHEM2D-OPP: A new linearized gas-phase ozone photochemistry parameterization for high-altitude NWP and climate models

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    The new CHEM2D-Ozone Photochemistry Parameterization (CHEM2D-OPP) for high-altitude numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems and climate models specifies the net ozone photochemical tendency and its sensitivity to changes in ozone mixing ratio, temperature and overhead ozone column based on calculations from the CHEM2D interactive middle atmospheric photochemical transport model. We evaluate CHEM2D-OPP performance using both short-term (6-day) and long-term (1-year) stratospheric ozone simulations with the prototype high-altitude NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model. An inter-comparison of NOGAPS-ALPHA 6-day ozone hindcasts for 7 February 2005 with ozone photochemistry parameterizations currently used in operational NWP systems shows that CHEM2D-OPP yields the best overall agreement with both individual Aura Microwave Limb Sounder ozone profile measurements and independent hemispheric (10°–90° N) ozone analysis fields. A 1-year free-running NOGAPS-ALPHA simulation using CHEM2D-OPP produces a realistic seasonal cycle in zonal mean ozone throughout the stratosphere. We find that the combination of a model cold temperature bias at high latitudes in winter and a warm bias in the CHEM2D-OPP temperature climatology can degrade the performance of the linearized ozone photochemistry parameterization over seasonal time scales despite the fact that the parameterized temperature dependence is weak in these regions
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