3,090 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial variations of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn from 0.38 to 1.7 μ\mum with PlanetCam-UPV/EHU

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    We provide measurements of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn along their central meridians in filters covering a wide range of visible and near-infrared wavelengths (from 0.38 to 1.7 μ\mum) that are not often presented in the literature. We also give measurements of the geometric albedo of both planets and discuss the limb-darkening behavior and temporal variability of their reflectivity values for a period of four years (2012-2016). This work is based on observations with the PlanetCam-UPV/EHU instrument at the 1.23 m and 2.2 m telescopes in Calar Alto Observatory (Spain). The instrument simultaneously observes in two channels: visible (VIS; 0.38-1.0 μ\mum) and short-wave infrared (SWIR; 1.0--1.7 μ\mum). We obtained high-resolution observations via the lucky-imaging method. We show that our calibration is consistent with previous independent determinations of reflectivity values of these planets and, for future reference, provide new data extended in the wavelength range and in the time. Our results have an uncertainty in absolute calibration of 10--20\%. We show that under the hypothesis of constant geometric albedo, we are able to detect absolute reflectivity changes related to planetary temporal evolution of about 5-10\%.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, (in press

    Investigating the Role of the Retinoblastoma Protein in the Expression of Immunosuppressive Factors

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    Lung cancer remains one of the deadliest types of cancer, causing approximately 160,000 deaths per year in the US alone. Because of its poor detection techniques and highly invasive abilities, conventional treatments -such as radiation and chemotherapy- fail to improve long-term survival of patients. At the moment, the 5-year survival rate for all stages of lung cancer is only 16%. Recent breakthroughs in cancer research establish immunotherapy, which involves the stimulation of the immune system to target and attack cancer cells, as a highly promising alternative treatment against this deadly disease. However, the efficiency of this treatment varies on each subset of cancer. A more efficient therapeutic strategy should include the targeting of immunosuppressive factors along with key proteins that are responsible for lung tumor growth. A possible target is the Retinoblastoma protein (Rb). This well-known tumor suppressor regulates a diverse set of cellular processes such as cell cycle progression and cell adhesion. Inactivation of Rb results in uncontrolled cell proliferation, which is a major driving force behind tumorigenesis. Recent findings suggest a new role for Rb in regulating immune system function. To further characterize this emerging role of Rb in immune function, the protein expression of PD-L1, PD1, OX-40, OX40L, B7-H3 and B7-H4 was analyzed via immunoblotting in Rb-activated and Rb-inactivated lung cancer cell lines. Our hypothesis is that Rb will affect the expression of these immunosuppressive factors in tumor cells. Preliminary results show that PD-L1 and OX-40 expression is correlated to Rb active status, while PD1 and OX40L are expressed when Rb is inactivated

    Discrete regularisation of localised kinetic terms

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    We investigate the behaviour of 5d models with general brane kinetic terms by discretising the extra dimension. We show that in the continuum limit the Kaluza-Klein masses and wave functions are in general nonanalytic in the coefficients of brane terms.Comment: Presented at the 7th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory ``Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory'', Zinnowitz, April 25-30, 200

    Reading and writing direction effects on the aesthetic appreciation of photographs

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    Does reading and writing direction (RWD) influence the aesthetic appreciation of photography? Pérez González showed that nineteenth-century Iranian and Spanish professional photographers manifest lateral biases linked to RWD in their compositions. The present study aimed to test whether a population sample showed similar biases. Photographs with left-to-right (L-R) and right-to-left (R-L) directionality were selected from Pérez González's collections and presented in both original and mirror-reversed forms to Spanish (L-R readers) and Moroccan (R-L readers) participants. In Experiment 1, participants rated each picture for its aesthetic pleasingness. The results showed neither effects of lateral organization nor interactions with RWD. In Experiment 2, each picture and its mirror version were presented together and participants chose the one they liked better. Spaniards preferred rightward versions and Moroccans preferred leftward versions. RWD therefore affects aesthetic impressions of photography in our participants when people pay attention to the lateral spatial dimension of pictures. The observed directional aesthetic preferences were not sensitive to the sex of the model in the photographs, failing to support expectations from the hypotheses of emotionality and agency. Preferences were attributable to the interaction between general scanning strategies and scanning habits linked to RWD

    Predicting the energy consumption of heated plastic greenhouses in south-eastern Spain

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    [ENG] Measurements of heat consumption in a parral type greenhouse, equipped with an air-heating system, were carried out in south-eastern Spain (Almería) during the 1998/99 winter. From the daily values of heat consumption (Qd, MJ m-2 d-1) recorded in five identical greenhouses heated to different night temperature set-points (Tc), and data of minimum outside air temperature (Te,min), relationships between Qd and the temperature difference (ΔTmin = Tc – Te,min) were established. Linear regressions between Qd and ΔTmin gave satisfactory fits (R2 ranging from 0.75 to 0.83), considering that Te,min was the only input data for the model. When all data were pooled, the correlation was curvilinear, the best fit to a 2nd order polynomial being Qd = 0.049 ΔTmin 2 – 0.001 ΔTmin + 1.107 (R2 = 0.89). Validation of this model was performed using data obtained during other years, giving a fair agreement at the daily (R2 = 0.86), 10-day (R2 = 0.95) and yearly (R2 = 0.99) time scales. This simple model could be of interest to growers for decision-making related to the choice of set-point temperature and crop planning in heated greenhouses.[ESP] Se realizaron medidas de consumo de energía de la calefacción por aire caliente en invernaderos tipo parral durante la campaña 1998/99 en el sureste de España (Almería). Se determinaron relaciones adecuadas, para cinco invernaderos calentados a diferentes temperaturas nocturnas de consigna (Tc), entre los valores de consumos diarios de energía (Qd, MJ m-2 d-1) y la diferencia (ΔTmin) entre la temperatura de consigna de calefacción y la temperatura mínima exterior (Te,min). La regresión lineal entre Qd y ΔTmin fue satisfactoria (R2 varió entre 0,75 y 0,83), considerando que Te,min fue la única variable de entrada para el modelo. Cuando se analizaron todos los datos en conjunto, la correlación fue curvilínea, siendo el mejor ajuste para un polinomio de 2º orden, Qd = 0,049 ΔTmin 2 – 0,001 ΔTmin + 1,107 (R2 = 0,89). La validación de este modelo fue realizada utilizando datos de otros años, mostrando un ajuste adecuado para los periodos diarios (R2 = 0,86), 10-días (R2 = 0,95) y anuales (R2 = 0,99). Este sencillo modelo puede ser de interés para los agricultores a la hora de tomar decisiones sobre el mercado, escoger la temperatura de consigna y programar el periodo de calefacción del invernadero

    Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmology from combined galaxy clustering and lensing validation on cosmological simulations

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMWe present a validation of the Dark Energy Survey Year 3 (DES Y3) 3 × 2-point analysis choices by testing them on Buzzard2.0, a new suite of cosmological simulations that is tailored for the testing and validation of combined galaxy clustering and weak-lensing analyses. We show that the buzzard2.0 simulations accurately reproduce many important aspects of the DES Y3 data, including photometric redshift and magnitude distributions, and the relevant set of two-point clustering and weak-lensing statistics. We then show that our model for the 3 × 2-point data vector is accurate enough to recover the true cosmology in simulated surveys assuming the true redshift distributions for our source and lens samples, demonstrating robustness to uncertainties in the modeling of the nonlinear matter power spectrum, nonlinear galaxy bias, and higher-order lensing corrections. Additionally, we demonstrate for the first time that our photometric redshift calibration methodology, including information from photometry, spectroscopy, clustering cross-correlations, and galaxy-galaxy lensing ratios, is accurate enough to recover the true cosmology in simulated surveys in the presence of realistic photometric redshift uncertaintie

    Evidencias del incremento en la movilidad de dunas costeras en el último medio siglo como respuesta a la intervención humana

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    Given the risk of two roads being buried by the sand of two highly mobile coastal dunes (Valdevaqueros and Bolonia, SW Spain), several measures have been taken over the last half century in order to stabilize them or at least slow their progress: installation of several rows of 1-m-high concrete structures, planting of species such as Pinus pinea, Retama monosperma and Ammophila arenaria, wicker and wooden fencing, and sand mining (only performed on the Valdevaqueros dunefield). The evolution of the two dunes was investigated through the interpretation of intensive topographical monitoring and aerial photography. Average migration rates of approximately 10 m yr–1 were detected and the burial of anthropic structures has eventually occurred. This process has caused a serious regional problem, making dune management of these areas a difficult challenge. The comparison of the evolution of these two dunes has been of great importance in assessing the effect of historical human intervention and has provided a new perspective for future dune management strategies. The results obtained show that management measures based on sand removal have been proven to be unsustainable. Moreover, the monitoring methodology presented herein has proven very useful in predicting dune advance rates. For instance, the Bolonia dune could reach the nearest road in approximately 12 years.Se han tomado diferentes medidas a lo largo del último medio siglo tratando de estabilizar o al menos ralentizar el progreso de dos dunas costeras de alta movilidad (Valdevaqueros y Bolonia, SW España) dado el riesgo de enterramiento de sendas carreteras: Entre las medidas tomadas cabe destacar la instalación de filas de estructuras de hormigón de 1 m de altura, la plantación de diferentes especies (como el Pinus pinea, la Retama monosperma o la Ammophila arenaria), vallas de madera y brezo, y la extracción de arena (sólo en la duna de Valdevaqueros). La evolución de ambas dunas se ha investigado a través de la comparación de levantamientos topográficos y fotografías aéreas. Se han detectado tasas medias de avance de aproximadamente 10 m/año hasta que, finalmente, se han enterrado estructuras antrópicas. Este proceso ha causado graves problemas convirtiendo en un difícil reto la gestión de dunas de estas áreas. La comparación de la evolución de estas dos dunas ha resultado de gran importancia a la hora de evaluar el efecto de la intervención humana, y ha proporcionado una nueva perspectiva para las futuras estrategias de gestión. Entre los resultados obtenidos, debería destacarse el que la gestión basada en la retirada de arena ha resultado insostenible. Además, la metodología de seguimiento aquí presentada ha probado ser de gran utilidad al predecir las tasas de avance de las dunas. Por ejemplo, la duna de Bolonia podría alcanzar la carretera próxima en unos 12 años