404 research outputs found

    Utilization of Glucose and Volatile Fatty Acids by Canine and Caprine Brain

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    Population Structure of Mountain Plover as Determined Us ing Nuclear Microsatellites

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    Moountainuntai Plloverove (Charadrius montanus) is a specie s of conservation concern that has experienced significant habitat loss an d population decline. This, couple d with previous observation s that the species exhibits strong fidelity to breeding grounds, suggests that breeding population s may be genetically differentiate d an d possibly suffer from reduced genetic variation associate d with relatively small population sizes. A previous genetic study comparing mitochondrial DNA sequences of plover s in Montana and Colorado found high level s of genetic variability and very little genetic differentiation among breeding locale s. Because mitochondrial DNA can track only female movement s an d is sample d from only one locus, we used 14 nu clear micro satellite lo ci to further examine population structure, there by bot h documenting male movement s and providing a more comprehensive vie w of genetic structure. We found no significant differences among breeding population s. The most likely number of unique genetic clusters was one, suggesting that all sampled breeding locations comprise a single relatively homogenous gene pool. Level s of genetic diversity was similar across all four population s, with the greatest diver sit y in the southern plains population. We speculate that the lack of detectable genetic differentiation among population s is due to sufficient gene flow among breeding population s that might en sue if at least some pair bon ds are formed when birds form mixed flocks on wintering grounds. This study corroborate s and expands upon the findings of a previous mitochondrial DNA study providing a more comprehensive vie w of Mountain Plover population structure

    Decreasing net primary production due to drought and slight decreases in solar radiation in China from 2000 to 2012

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    Terrestrial ecosystems have continued to provide the critical service of slowing the atmospheric CO2 growth rate. Terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) is thought to be a major contributing factor to this trend. Yet our ability to estimate NPP at the regional scale remains limited due to large uncertainties in the response of NPP to multiple interacting climate factors and uncertainties in the driver data sets needed to estimate NPP. In this study, we introduced an improved NPP algorithm that used local driver data sets and parameters in China. We found that bias decreased by 30% for gross primary production (GPP) and 17% for NPP compared with the widely used global GPP and NPP products, respectively. From 2000 to 2012, a pixel-level analysis of our improved NPP for the region of China showed an overall decreasing NPP trend of 4.65 Tg C a−1. Reductions in NPP were largest for the southern forests of China (−5.38 Tg C a−1), whereas minor increases in NPP were found for North China (0.65 Tg C a−1). Surprisingly, reductions in NPP were largely due to decreases in solar radiation (82%), rather than the more commonly expected effects of drought (18%). This was because for southern China, the interannual variability of NPP was more sensitive to solar radiation (R2 in 0.29–0.59) relative to precipitation (R2 \u3c 0.13). These findings update our previous knowledge of carbon uptake responses to climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of China and highlight the importance of shortwave radiation in driving vegetation productivity for the region, especially for tropical forests

    Population genetics reveals bidirectional fish movement across the Continental Divide via an interbasin water transfer

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    Interbasin water transfers are becoming an increasingly common tool to satisfy municipal and agricultural water demand, but their impacts on movement and gene flow of aquatic organisms are poorly understood. The Grand Ditch is an interbasin water transfer that diverts water from tributaries of the upper Colorado River on the west side of the Continental Divide to the upper Cache la Poudre River on the east side of the Continental Divide. We used single nucleotide polymorphisms to characterize population genetic structure in cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and determine if fish utilize the Grand Ditch as a movement corridor. Samples were collected from two sites on the west side and three sites on the east side of the Continental Divide. We identified two or three genetic clusters, and relative migration rates and spatial distributions of admixed individuals indicated that the Grand Ditch facilitated bidirectional fish movement across the Continental Divide, a major biogeographic barrier. Previous studies have demonstrated ecological impacts of interbasin water transfers, but our study is one of the first to use genetics to understand how interbasin water transfers affect connectivity between previously isolated watersheds. We also discuss implications on native trout management and balancing water demand and biodiversity conservation

    An experimental comparison of composite and grab sampling of stream water for metagenetic analysis of environmental DNA

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    Use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess distributions of aquatic and semi-aquatic macroorganisms is promising, but sampling schemes may need to be tailored to specific objectives. Given the potentially high variance in aquatic eDNA among replicate grab samples, compositing smaller water volumes collected over a period of time may be more effective for some applications. In this study, we compared eDNA profiles from composite water samples aggregated over three hours with grab water samples. Both sampling patterns were performed with identical autosamplers paired at two different sites in a headwater stream environment, augmented with exogenous fish eDNA from an upstream rearing facility. Samples were filtered through 0.8 μm cellulose nitrate filters and DNA was extracted with a cetyl trimethylammonium bromide procedure. Eukaryotic and bacterial community profiles were derived by amplicon sequencing of 12S ribosomal, 16S ribosomal, and cytochrome oxidase I loci. Operational taxa were assigned to genus with a lowest common ancestor approach for eukaryotes and to family with the RDP Classifier software for prokaryotes. Eukaryotic community profiles were more consistent with composite sampling than grab sampling. Downstream, rarefaction curves suggested faster taxon accumulation for composite samples, and estimated richness was higher for composite samples as a set than for grab samples. Upstream, composite sampling produced lower estimated richness than grab samples, but with overlapping standard errors. Furthermore, a bimodal pattern of richness as a function of sequence counts suggested the impact of clumped particles on upstream samples. Bacterial profiles were insensitive to sample method, consistent with the more even dispersion expected for bacteria compared with eukaryotic eDNA. Overall, samples composited over 3 h performed equal to or better than triplicate grab sampling for quantitative community metrics, despite the higher total sequencing effort provided to grab replicates. On the other hand, taxon-specific detection rates did not differ appreciably and the two methods gave similar estimates of the ratio of the common fish genera Salmo and Coregonus at each site. Unexpectedly, Salmo eDNA dropped out substantially faster than Coregonus eDNA between the two sites regardless of sampling method, suggesting that differential settling affects the estimation of relative abundance. We identified bacterial patterns that were associated with eukaryotic diversity, suggesting potential roles as biomarkers of sample representativeness

    From Ideal to Practice and Back Again: Beginning Teachers Teaching for Social Justice

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    The five authors of this article designed a multicase study to follow recent graduates of an elementary preservice teacher education program into their beginning teaching placements and explore the ways in which they enacted social justice curricula. The authors highlight the stories of three beginning teachers, honoring the plurality of their conceptions of social justice teaching and the resiliency they exhibited in translating social justice ideals into viable pedagogy. They also discuss the struggles the teachers faced when enacting social justice curricula and the tenuous connection they perceived between their conceptions and their practices. The authors emphasize that such struggles are inevitable and end the article with recommendations for ways in which teacher educators can prepare beginning teachers for the uncertain journey of teaching for social justice

    Developing approaches for linear mixed modeling in landscape genetics through landscape-directed dispersal simulations

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    Dispersal can impact population dynamics and geographic variation, and thus, genetic approaches that can establish which landscape factors influence population connectivity have ecological and evolutionary importance. Mixed models that account for the error structure of pairwise datasets are increasingly used to compare models relating genetic differentiation to pairwise measures of landscape resistance. A model selection framework based on information criteria metrics or explained variance may help disentangle the ecological and landscape factors influencing genetic structure, yet there are currently no consensus for the best protocols. Here, we develop landscape-directed simulations and test a series of replicates that emulate independent empirical datasets of two species with different life history characteristics (greater sage-grouse; eastern foxsnake). We determined that in our simulated scenarios, AIC and BIC were the best model selection indices and that marginal R-2 values were biased toward more complex models. The model coefficients for landscape variables generally reflected the underlying dispersal model with confidence intervals that did not overlap with zero across the entire model set. When we controlled for geographic distance, variables not in the underlying dispersal models (i.e., nontrue) typically overlapped zero. Our study helps establish methods for using linear mixed models to identify the features underlying patterns of dispersal across a variety of landscapes.Endangered Species Recovery Fund (WWF, Environment Canada, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)US Bureau of Land ManagementUS Geological SurveyWyoming Game and Fish Departmen

    Carbon‐Enriched Amorphous Hydrogenated Boron Carbide Films for Very‐Low‐k Interlayer Dielectrics

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    A longstanding challenge in ultralarge‐scale integration has been the continued improvement in low‐dielectric‐constant (low‐k) interlayer dielectric materials and other specialized layers in back‐end‐of‐the‐line interconnect fabrication. Modeled after the success of carbon‐containing organosilicate materials, carbon‐enriched amorphous hydrogenated boron carbide (a‐BxC:Hy) films are grown by plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition from ortho‐carborane and methane. These films contain more extraicosahedral sp3 hydrocarbon groups than nonenriched a‐BxC:Hy films, as revealed by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy, and also exhibit lower dielectric constants than their nonenriched counterparts, notably due to low densities combined with a low distortion and orientation contribution to the total polarizability. Films with dielectric constant as low as 2.5 are reported with excellent electrical stability (leakage current of 10−9 A cm−2 at 2 MV cm−1 and breakdown voltage of >6 MV cm−1), good thermal conductivity of 0.31 ± 0.03 W m−1 K−1, and high projected Young’s modulus of 12 ± 3 GPa. These properties rival those of leading SiOC:H materials, and position a‐BxC:Hy as an important complement to traditional Si‐based materials to meet the complex needs of next‐generation interconnect fabrication.Carbon‐enriched amorphous hydrogenated boron carbide films are demonstrated with dielectric constant (k) as low as 2.5—attributed to low densities combined with network‐rigidifying CH2 bridging groups—as well as excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, rivaling those of state‐of‐the‐art silicon‐based low‐k dielectric materials.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141869/1/aelm201700116_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141869/2/aelm201700116.pd

    Rapid Microsatellite Identification from Illumina Paired-End Genomic Sequencing in Two Birds and a Snake

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    Identification of microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), can be a time-consuming and costly investment requiring enrichment, cloning, and sequencing of candidate loci. Recently, however, high throughput sequencing (with or without prior enrichment for specific SSR loci) has been utilized to identify SSR loci. The direct “Seq-to-SSR” approach has an advantage over enrichment-based strategies in that it does not require a priori selection of particular motifs, or prior knowledge of genomic SSR content. It has been more expensive per SSR locus recovered, however, particularly for genomes with few SSR loci, such as bird genomes. The longer but relatively more expensive 454 reads have been preferred over less expensive Illumina reads. Here, we use Illumina paired-end sequence data to identify potentially amplifiable SSR loci (PALs) from a snake (the Burmese python, Python molurus bivittatus), and directly compare these results to those from 454 data. We also compare the python results to results from Illumina sequencing of two bird genomes (Gunnison Sage-grouse, Centrocercus minimus, and Clark's Nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana), which have considerably fewer SSRs than the python. We show that direct Illumina Seq-to-SSR can identify and characterize thousands of potentially amplifiable SSR loci for as little as $10 per sample – a fraction of the cost of 454 sequencing. Given that Illumina Seq-to-SSR is effective, inexpensive, and reliable even for species such as birds that have few SSR loci, it seems that there are now few situations for which prior hybridization is justifiable