695 research outputs found

    Tenth-Order QED Contribution to the Electron g-2 and an Improved Value of the Fine Structure Constant

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    This paper presents the complete QED contribution to the electron g-2 up to the tenth order. With the help of the automatic code generator, we have evaluated all 12672 diagrams of the tenth-order diagrams and obtained 9.16 (58)(\alpha/\pi)^5. We have also improved the eighth-order contribution obtaining -1.9097(20)(\alpha/\pi)^4, which includes the mass-dependent contributions. These results lead to a_e(theory)=1 159 652 181.78 (77) \times 10^{-12}. The improved value of the fine-structure constant \alpha^{-1} = 137.035 999 174 (35) [0.25 ppb] is also derived from the theory and measurement of a_e.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Some numbers are slightly change

    Surfactant induced smooth and symmetric interfaces in Cu/Co multilayers

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    In this work we studied Ag surfactant induced growth of Cu/Co multilayers. The Cu/Co multilayers were deposited using Ag surfactant by ion beam sputtering technique. It was found that Ag surfactant balances the asymmetry between the surface free energy of Cu and Co. As a result, the Co-on-Cu and Cu-on-Co interfaces become sharp and symmetric and thereby improve the thermal stability of the multilayer. On the basis of obtained results, a mechanism leading to symmetric and stable interfaces in Cu/Co multilayers is discussed.Comment: 7 Pages, 7 Figure

    Cultural intermediation: cultural offer and cultural practices

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    With the desire to promote excellence in higher education in Portugal and develop the Alto Minho region, the positive association that exists between art education in improving individual skills, and increasing cultural participation and academic results and Viana do Castelo School of Higher Education (VCHSE) was establihed. The determination of importance that the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo [IPVC] has in the plan to comply with the cultural strategy of Europe 2020 initiatives was the starting point for a group of teachers and researchers of to consider the weight of school capital and cultural consumption, in relationship to the lack of correlation between increased cultural offerings and increased cultural consumption. Through these investigations, VCHSE began to inquire into the relevance of designing and implementing a program of cultural intermediation that could develop students? cultural practices through art education, improving the skills of professionals qualified by the Institute. The aim of this paper is to briefly present the VCHSE strategy to diagnosis the cultural practices of IPVC students in order to design a pilot program, Cultural Intermediation in Higher Education in Viana do Castelo, which will be implemented at the VCHSE.B416-43A6-419A | Adalgisa Castro Maia Pontesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Domin?ncia fiscal e o juro real no Brasil : uma an?lise emp?rica entre 2004 e 2018.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Economia Aplicada. Departamento de Ci?ncias Econ?micas e Gerenciais, Instituto de Ci?ncias Sociais e Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.O presente trabalho investiga o motivo da persist?ncia dos altos juros b?sicos praticados na economia brasileira no per?odo de 2004 a 2018. A escolha do per?odo deve-se ao maior distanciamento temporal desde a implementa??o do Plano Real, sendo posterior, tamb?m, ? mudan?a do regime cambial promovida no ?mbito do trip? macroecon?mico de 1999. Para tanto, investigar? se a condu??o da pol?tica fiscal entre janeiro de 2004 e dezembro de 2018, associada a uma pol?tica monet?ria em grande parte contracionista, contribuiu para a perman?ncia de elevados juros reais nesse per?odo, apesar da estabiliza??o monet?ria. O trabalho baseia-se nas teses de domin?ncia fiscal de Blanchard (2005) e Favero e Giavazzi (2005) para explicar a rigidez dos juros brasileiros. Os resultados sugerem que, no curto prazo, aumentos nos juros m?dios de mercado, os SWAPS DI de 360 dias, elevam a pr?pria SELIC, as expectativas de infla??o e o EMBI Brasil; essas eleva??es podem indicar que, no per?odo em que as estimativas foram realizadas, o mercado antecipou os movimentos de outras vari?veis observadas, tais como o aumento da oferta de SWAPS e a eleva??o da taxa SELIC por parte do BACEN, em rela??o ? expectativa de infla??o. No modelo de longo prazo, entretanto, os aumentos dos juros de mercado, da d?vida p?blica e das expectativas de infla??o t?m efeitos negativos sobre a SELIC. N?o podemos afirmar que os juros SELIC podem ser elevados e mantidos em altos patamares conforme a hip?tese de domin?ncia fiscal de Blanchard (2005), mas h? indicativos de que, no curto prazo, eleva??es do EMBI Brasil e desvaloriza??o cambial afetam positivamente a taxa SELIC, como sugerem Favero e Giavazzi (2005).This paper investigates the reason for the persistence of high basic interest rates in the Brazilian economy from 2004 to 2018. This period was chosen because it comes a considerable time after the implementation of the Real Plan and after the change in the exchange rate regime, promoted under the 1999 macroeconomic tripod. To this end, we investigate whether the conduct of the Brazilian fiscal policy from January 2004 to December 2018, which was coupled with a largely contractionary monetary policy, contributed to the persistence of high real interest rates in this period, despite monetary stabilization. This paper draws on Blanchard?s (2005) and Favero and Giavazzi?s (2005) theses on fiscal dominance to explain the rigidity of Brazilian interest rates. Our results suggest that, in the short term, increases in average market interest rates, the 360-day DI SWAPS, raise the SELIC interest rate, inflation expectations, and EMBI Brazil. These increases may indicate that, in the period in which the estimates were made, the market anticipated movements of other observed variables, such as the increases in SWAPS supply and in the SELIC rate by the Central Bank of Brazil. In the long-term model, however, increases in market interest rates, government debt, and inflation expectations have negative effects on the SELIC interest rate. We cannot claim that SELIC interest rates can be high and kept at high levels according to Blanchard?s (2005) hypothesis of fiscal dominance, but there are indications that, in the short term, EMBI Brazil increases and currency devaluation positively affect the SELIC interest rate, as argued by Favero and Giavazzi (2005)

    Kandungan Air pada Segmen Daun Tanaman Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Lokal Sulawesi Utara Saat Kekeringan yang Diinduksi dengan Polietilen Glikol 8000

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    KANDUNGAN AIR PADA SEGMEN DAUN TANAMAN PADI (Oryza sativa L.) LOKAL SULAWESI UTARA SAAT KEKERINGAN YANG DIINDUKSI DENGAN POLIETILEN GLIKOL 8000 ABSTRAKPenelitian ini telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji kandungan air sebagai respon fisiologi pada segmen daun tanaman padi lokal Sulut (varietas Temo, Ombong, Burungan, dan Superwin) terhadap kekeringan yang diinduksi dengan PEG 8000 secara in vitro. Segmen daun padi dipotong-potong 1 cm x 1 cm dan diberi tiga macam perlakuan PEG 8000 (dengan potensial air/PA medium 0; -0,25; dan -0,5 MPa), dan empat waktu pengambilan sampel (0, 4, 8 dan 12 jam) dalam tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa faktor varietas, faktor waktu perlakuan, faktor konsentrasi PEG 8000, dan interaksi antara ketiga faktor tersebut tidak menyebabkan perbedaan kandungan air segmen daun yang nyata.Kata kunci: Cekaman kekeringan, PEG 8000, Potensial air, Segmen daun LEAF WATER CONTENT IN LEAF SEGMENTS OF NORTH SULAWESI LOCAL RICE (Oryza sativa L.) UNDER POLYETHYLENE-GLYCOL- 8000-INDUCED DROUGHTED DROUGHTABSTRACTA study was conducted to evaluate leaf water content as one of physiological responses in leaf segments of North Sulawesi local rice (cv. Temo, Ombong, Burungan, and Superwin) under PEG 8000- induced-drought. The rice leaves were cut into 1 cm x 1 cm segments and treated withPEG 8000 solutions (medium water potential or PA of 0; -0.25; and -0.5 MPa),four sampling times (0, 4, 8 and 12 hours) and 3 replicates. The results indicated that factors of varieties, treatment period, concentration of PEG 8000, and interaction among these factors did not result in any differences in water content of rice leaf segments

    Pelayuan Daun Pada Padi Lokal Sulut Saat Kekeringan

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    Kekeringan merupakan faktor pembatas utama pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati skor kelayuan pada padi lokal Sulawesi Utara yang diberi cekaman kekeringan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca di Kelurahan Tingkulu, Manadao, Sulawesi Utara dari bulan April sampai Mei 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 varietas (Superwin, Ombong, Temo dan Burungan) yang diberikan 2 perlakuan pengairan dan 7 ulangan. Kedua perlakuan pengairan adalah diairi sampai kapasitas lapang dan tidak diairi selama 20 hari pada fase vegetatif tanaman. Skor kelayuan daun (1-9) dapat diamati dan ditentukan berdasarkan System of Standar Evaluation, IRRI. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kekeringan akan memicu pelayuan daun karena menurunnya potensial air di daun.Drought is a major limiting factor for plant growth and development. Leaf wilting in plant could indicate the drought stress. The objective of this experiment was to identify the leaf wilting score of North Sulawesi local rice cultivars as response to drought. The experiment was conducted in the glasshouse in April to May 2015 at Tingkulu, Manado, North Sulawesi. The experiment was a completely randomized design (CRD) of 4 cultivars (Superwin, Temo, Ombong and Burungan) grown in 2 water regimes, with 1 sampling times and 7 replicates. The two water regimes were well-watered (WW) and water deficit (WD) obtained by withholding water for 20 days at the vegetative phase. Leaf wilting score (1-9) could be visually determined based on the System of Standar Evaluation in rice by IRRI. The experiment showed that drought periode correlated with the increase of wilting score causes by low water potential

    More Evidence on the Presence of an Unknown Toxic Substance(s) in the Sagabean

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    Saga (Adenanthera pavonina Linn) tergolong kacang-kacangan (Leguminosae), maka diduga se­perti juga hampir semua kacang-kacangan, mengandung faktor-faktor "anti-nutrisi", seperti trypsin inhibitor, fitohaemagglutinin dan saponin. Telah diketahui bahwa ada beberapa kacang-kacangan, yang di samping faktor "anti-nutrisi", juga mengandung zat beracun seperti: koro wedus (Dolichos lablab) dan kratok (Phaseolus lunatus), yang mengandung sianida (HCN), lamtoro (Leucaena glauca) yang mengandung mimosine, dan saga (Abrus precatorius Linn) ycng mengandung racun abrin. Timbul pertanyaan apakah biji saga juga mengandung racun, di samping faktor anti-nutrisi tersebut di atas. Pada biji saga yang telah dikuliti, direndam, dicuci dan direbus dapat dianggap bahwa faktor-faktor anti-nutrisinya telah hilang. Tetapi walaupun demikian terbukti dengan percobaan tikus putih muda, bahwa biji saga yang telah diolah tetap hanya dimakan sedikit saja, juga bila ditambah dengan methio­nine dan threonine, dua asam amino yang sudah diketahui sangat terbatas kadarnya dalam protein biji saga. Dari percobaan ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa dalam biji saga juga terdapat suatu zat toksik (racun) yang tidak dapat dihilangkan dengan cara pengolahan tersebut di atas

    Os documentos do n?cleo de documenta??o e pesquisa da educa??o profissional: fontes para o ensino de temas transversais no etim do ifpb

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    A pesquisa objetiva identificar os documentos do N?cleo de Documenta??o e Pesquisa da Educa??o Profissional que possam subsidiar debates sobre temas transversais para serem desenvolvidos no contexto das disciplinas de Ci?ncias Humanas, junto aos discentes do ensino t?cnico integrado ao ensino m?dio. Para tanto foi necess?rio qualificar a opini?o de professores do Campus Jo?o Pessoa para inserir o assunto educa??o profissional como apoio aos temas transversais; descrever os documentos do acervo hist?rico do NDPEP; retratar os saberes existentes da educa??o profissional presentes nos documentos; e desenvolver um produto educacional no formato de um guia did?tico, apresentando os documentos do NDPEP para subsidiar as atividades do ensino de temas transversais. O produto educacional desenvolvido foi o ?Guia Did?tico da Educa??o Profissional da Para?ba: os documentos do NDPEP?, que demanda ser fonte de informa??o e instrumento did?tico pedag?gico de temas transversais da Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica nas Ci?ncias Humanas. Trata-se de pesquisa de campo com abordagem quantiqualitativa e pesquisas bibliogr?fica-documental, descritiva e explorat?ria com m?todo de observa??o sistem?tica e uso de entrevista semiestruturada e question?rio de avalia??o do produto educacional com cinco n?veis de escalas com perguntas afirmativas entre os aspectos conceitual, pedag?gico e comunicacional. Os resultados das entrevistas mostram, dentre outros dados, que 90% dos entrevistados concordam que veem potencial nos documentos do NDPEP para subsidiar debates sobre temas transversais relacionados ? Educa??o Profissional da Para?ba no ensino t?cnico integrado ao ensino m?dio. Ficou demonstrado que os aspectos conceitual, pedag?gico e comunicacional ficaram evidenciados no Guia Did?tico, onde o professor e os discentes s?o convidados ao debate sobre os temas transversais e ampliar o aprendizado cr?tico sobre a EPT e suas rela??es com o ensino e mundo do trabalho