182 research outputs found

    The effective elastic thickness of the India Plate from receiver function imaging, gravity anomalies and thermomechanical modelling

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    The range and the meaning of the effective elastic thickness (EET) in continental areas have been subject to controversy over the last two decades. Here we take advantage of the new data set from the Hi-CLIMB seismological experiment to re-estimate the EET of the India Plate along a south-north profile extending from the Ganges basin to central Tibet. Receiver functions give a high-resolution image of the base of the foreland basin at similar to 5 km depth and constrain the crustal thickness, which increases northwards from similar to 35 km beneath the indo-gangetic plain to similar to 70 km in southern Tibet. Together with available data sets including seismic profiles, seismological images from both INDEPTH and HIMNT experiments, deep well measurements and Bouguer anomaly profiles, we interpret this new image with 2-D thermomechanical modelling solutions, using different type of crustal and mantle rheologies. We find that (1) the EET of the India Plate decreases northwards from 60-80 to 20-30 km as it is flexed down beneath Himalaya and Tibet, due to thermal and flexural weakening; (2) the only resistant layer of the India Plate beneath southern Tibet is the upper mantle, which serves as a support for the topographic load and (3) the most abrupt drop in the EET, located around 200 km south of the MFT, is associated with a gradual decoupling between the crust and the mantle. We show that our geometrical constraints do not allow to determine if the upper and lower crust are coupled or not. Our results clearly reveal that a rheology with a weak mantle is unable to explain the geometry of the lithosphere in this region, and they are in favour of a rheology in which the mantle is strong

    Seismic velocities in Southern Tibet lower crust: a receiver function approach for eclogite detection

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    Beneath the Tibet plateau, the deficit of crustal thickening with respect to what is expected from the plate tectonic constraints is thought to be absorbed either by lateral extrusion or by vertical rock-mass transfer. To nourish the unsettled debate of the relative importance of these two processes, we propose a new approach, based on the S-to-P and the P-to-S wave conversions, enabling the precise determination of the seismic velocities. The weighted amplitudes of the direct conversion and of reverberations are stacked at their predicted arrival times for various values of layer thickness and v(P)/v(S) ratio separately for two sets of P- and S-receiver functions. For each set of receiver functions, coherent stack gives the v(P)/v(S) ratio and thickness for the considered layer (the grid search stacking method). The values of v(P)/v(S) ratio and layer thickness are functions of the velocity used for stacking the set of receiver functions, but using the P- and S-receiver functions allows us to solve this indetermination and to find the effective parameters of the layer: velocity v(S), v(P)/v(S) ratio and thickness. We use a bootstrap resampling of the receiver function data sets to estimate the parameters uncertainties. For the Southern Lhasa Block, the migrated sections of both P- and S-receiver functions (Hi-CLIMB experiment data) show a layer in the lower crust that may be related to the lower Indian crust underplated beneath Tibet. With the grid search stacking method, high shear wave velocities (v(S) similar to 4.73 km s(-1)) and low v(P)/v(S) ratios (similar to 1.69) are detected in this layer. Such values are typical for high-grade eclogites, and the low v(P)/v(S) ratio precludes the confusion with mafic granulites. There is no evidence for partial eclogitization near and south of the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture, and the about 19 km thick eclogitic layer extends northwards only to about the middle of the Lhasa terrane

    Development of a Conceptual Chum Salmon Emergence Model for Ives Island

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    The objective of the study described herein was to develop a conceptual model of chum salmon emergence that was based on empirical water temperature of the riverbed and river in specific locations where chum salmon spawn in the Ives Island area. The conceptual model was developed using water temperature data that have been collected in the past and are currently being collected in the Ives Island area. The model will be useful to system operators who need to estimate the complete distribution of chum salmon emergence (first emergence through final emergence) in order to balance chum salmon redd protection and power system operation

    Thermal and tectonic consequences of India underthrusting Tibet

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    The Tibetan Plateau is the largest orogenic system on Earth, and has been influential in our understanding of how the continental lithosphere deforms. Beneath the plateau are some of the deepest ( ~ 100 ) earthquakes observed within the continental lithosphere, which have been pivotal in ongoing debates about the rheology and behaviour of the continents. We present new observations of earthquake depths from the region, and use thermal models to suggest that all of them occur in material at temperatures of ≲600 °C. Thermal modelling, combined with experimentally derived flow laws, suggests that if the Indian lower crust is anhydrous it will remain strong beneath the entire southern half of the Tibetan plateau, as is also suggested by dynamic models. In northwest Tibet, the strong underthrust Indian lower crust abuts the rigid Tarim Basin, and may be responsible for both the clockwise rotation of Tarim relative to stable Eurasia and the gradient of shortening along the Tien Shan

    Lower edge of locked Main Himalayan Thrust unzipped by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake

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    Large earthquakes are thought to release strain on previously locked faults. However, the details of how earthquakes are initiated, grow and terminate in relation to pre-seismically locked and creeping patches is unclear ^1-4. The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake occurred close to Kathmandu in a region where the prior pattern of fault locking is well documented ^5. Here we analyze this event using seismological records measured at teleseismic distances and Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery. We show that the earthquake originated northwest of Kathmandu within a cluster of background seismicity that fringes the bottom of the locked portion of the Main Himalayan Thrust fault (MHT). The rupture propagated eastwards for about 140 km, unzipping the lower edge of the locked portion of the fault. High-frequency seismic waves radiated continuously as the slip pulse propagated at about 2.8 km s-1 along this zone of presumably high and heterogeneous pre-¬seismic stress at the seismic-aseismic transition. Eastward unzipping of the fault resumed during the Mw 7.3 aftershock on May 12. The transfer of stress to neighbouring regions during the Gorkha earthquake should facilitate future rupture of the areas of the MHT adjacent and up-dip of the Gorkha earthquake rupture.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ngeo251