27 research outputs found

    Collyria seals in the Roman Empire

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    Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire


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    Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire.Rimski pečati kojima su se pečatili koliriji (lat. collyrium – kapi, losioni, voda za oči) daju vrijedan uvid u postupke njege i liječenja očiju u antička vremena. U ove su se male kamene pečate obično gravirala imena očnih liječnika i naziv kolirija koji se rabio za pojedinu očnu bolest. Pečati za kolirije pronađeni su posvuda u Rimskom Carstvu, a ponajviše na okupiranim keltskim teritorijima i to u vojnim logorima. U Hispaniji (na Iberijskom poluotoku) pronađena su tek tri takva pečata. Ovi nam nalazi govore o njezi očiju u ovoj staroj rimskoj provinciji i o životu u to doba. Cilj je članka razmotriti korisnost i društvenu važnost pečata za kolirije i pružiti čitatelju uvid u oftalmološku praksu u Rimskom Carstvu

    Relación entre el eje biométrico del ojo y las características de las estructuras oculares en la miopía

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    Objective: To establish a relationship between the biometric axis, the characteristics of the ocular structures and the state of fundus oculi in the myopic eye. Methods: We carried out a complete ophthalmological study with biometry in 301 myopic eyes. The results were analized by statistical studies. Results: We observed etiological differences in myopia according to sex. In men it was always axial myopia, however keratometry had influence in women. We verified that there is not relationship between the refraction degree and the changes in fundus oculi. Conclusions: The myopia was predominantly axial. The corneal dioptric power had influence in women but not in men. An inverse relationship exists between the axial length and keratometry. We do not consider ocular lengthening to be the main cause in alterations of fundus oculi.Objetivo: Establecer una relación entre el eje biométrico, las características de los dioptrios oculares y el estado del fondo en el ojo miope. Material y métodos: Estudiamos 300 ojos miopes, realizando un estudio oftalmológico completo y biometría. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Hemos observado diferencias etiológicas en la miopía según el sexo, siendo en los varones siempre de tipo axial, mientras que en las mujeres influyó la queratometría. Comprobamos que no existe una relación entre el grado de refracción y las alteraciones en polo posterior. Conclusiones: En general la miopía fue de tipo axial, influyendo el poder dióptrico corneal en las mujeres pero no en los varones. Existe relación inversa entre la longitud axial y la queratometría. No consideramos la elongación ocular la causa principal de las alteraciones funduscópicas