2,131 research outputs found

    Guia para a captura e o aproveitamento artesanal do tubarão em Moçambique

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    A summary is given of practical recommendations on materials and methods for the capture and main utilization of shark in Mozambique

    ASCA Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7582: An Obscured and Scattered View of the Hidden Nucleus

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    ASCA observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7582 revealed it was highly variable on the timescale of 2×104\sim2\times10^4 s in the hard X-ray (2-10 keV) band, while the soft X-ray (0.5-2 keV) flux remained constant during the observations. The spectral analysis suggests that this object is seen through an obscuring torus with the thickness of NH1.0×1023cm2_{\rm H}\sim1.0\times 10^{23}\rm cm^{-2}. The hard X-ray is an absorbed direct continuum from a hidden Seyfert 1 nucleus; the soft X-ray is dominated by the scattered central continuum from an extended spatial region. Thus we have an obscured/absorbed and a scattered view of this source as expected from the unification model for Seyfert galaxies. More interestingly, the inferred X-ray column was observed to increase by 4×1022cm2\sim4\times10^{22} \rm cm^{-2} from 1994 to 1996, suggesting a ``patchy'' torus structure, namely the torus might be composed of many individual clouds. The observed iron line feature near 6.4 keV with the equivalent width of 170 eV is also consistent with the picture of the transmission of nuclear X-ray continuum through a non-uniform torus.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To be appear in PASJ 50 No.5 (1998 Oct.25 issue

    Orbital phase resolved spectroscopy of 4U1538-52 with MAXI

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    4U 1538-52, an absorbed high mass X-ray binary with an orbital period of 3.73 days, shows moderate orbital intensity modulations with a low level of counts during the eclipse. Several models have been proposed to explain the accretion at different orbital phases by a spherically symmetric stellar wind from the companion. The aim of this work is to study both the light curve and orbital phase spectroscopy of this source in the long term. Particularly, the folded light curve and the changes of the spectral parameters with orbital phase to analyse the stellar wind of QV Nor, the mass donor of this binary system. We used all the observations made from the Gas Slit Camera on board MAXI of 4U 1538-52 covering many orbits continuously. We obtained the good interval times for every orbital phase range which were the input to extract our data. We estimated the orbital period of the system and then folded the light curves and we fitted the X-ray spectra with the same model for every orbital phase spectrum. We also extracted the averaged spectrum of all the MAXI data available. The MAXI spectra in the 2-20 keV energy range were fitted with an absorbed Comptonization of cool photons on hot electrons. We found a strong orbital dependence of the absorption column density but neither the fluorescence iron emission line nor low energy excess were needed to fit the MAXI spectra. The variation of the spectral parameters over the binary orbit were used to examine the mode of accretion onto the neutron star in 4U 1538-52. We deduce a best value of M˙/v=0.65×109\dot{M}/v_\infty=0.65\times 10^{-9} Myr1/(kms1)M_{\odot} \, yr^{-1}/(km \, s^{-1}) for QV Nor.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted to be published by A&A, corrected typos (changing bold font to normal one

    Quantitative Estimates of Environmental Effects on the Star Formation Rate of Disk Galaxies in Clusters of Galaxies

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    A simple model is constructed to evaluate the change of star formation rate of a disk galaxy due to environmental effects in clusters of galaxies. Three effects, (1) tidal force from the potential well of the cluster, (2) increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium, (3) high-speed encounters between galaxies, are investigated. General analysis indicates that the star formation rate increases significantly when the pressure of molecular clouds rises above 3×105cm3K\sim 3\times 10^5 cm^{-3} K in 108\sim 10^8 yr. The tidal force from the potential well of the cluster increases pressures of molecular clouds in a disk galaxy infalling towards the cluster center. Before the galaxy reaches the cluster center, the star formation rate reaches a maximum. The peak is three to four times larger than the initial value. If this is the main mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect, blue galaxies are expected to be located within 300\sim 300 kpc from the center of the cluster. However this prediction is inconsistent with the recent observations. The increase of external pressure when the galaxy plows into the intracluster medium does not change star formation rate of a disk galaxy significantly. The velocity perturbation induced by a single high-speed encounter between galaxies is too small to affect star formation rate of a disk galaxy, while successive high-speed encounters (galaxy harassment) trigger star formation activity because of the accumulation of gas in the galaxy center. Therefore, the galaxy harassment remains as the candidate for a mechanism of the Butcher-Oemler effect.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Ap

    Negative Differential Resistivity and Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity effect in the diffusion limited current of ferroelectric thin film capacitors

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    We present a model for the leakage current in ferroelectric thin- film capacitors which explains two of the observed phenomena that have escaped satisfactory explanation, i.e. the occurrence of either a plateau or negative differential resistivity at low voltages, and the observation of a Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity (PTCR) effect in certain samples in the high-voltage regime. The leakage current is modelled by considering a diffusion-limited current process, which in the high-voltage regime recovers the diffusion-limited Schottky relationship of Simmons already shown to be applicable in these systems

    Influence of a dynamical gluon mass in the pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p forward scattering

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    We compute the tree level cross section for gluon-gluon elastic scattering taking into account a dynamical gluon mass, and show that this mass scale is a natural regulator for this subprocess cross section. Using an eikonal approach in order to examine the relationship between this gluon-gluon scattering and the elastic pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p channels, we found that the dynamical gluon mass is of the same order of magnitude as the {\it ad hoc} infrared mass scale m0m_{0} underlying eikonalized QCD-inspired models. We argue that this correspondence is not an accidental result, and that this dynamical scale indeed represents the onset of non-perturbative contributions to the elastic hadron-hadron scattering. We apply the eikonal model with a dynamical infrared mass scale to obtain predictions for σtotpp,pˉp\sigma_{tot}^{pp,\bar{p}p}, ρpp,pˉp\rho^{pp,\bar{p}p}, slope Bpp,pˉpB^{pp,\bar{p}p}, and differential elastic scattering cross section dσpˉp/dtd\sigma^{\bar{p}p}/dt at Tevatron and CERN-LHC energies.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; misprints corrected and comments added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Broad Band X-Ray Observations of the Narrow Line X-Ray Galaxy NGC 5506

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    We present a detailed analysis of broad band X-ray data of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC5506. 2-10 keV band are detected during a 1-day ASCA observation, while no significant change in the 2-10 keV continuum shape is found. The ASCA spectrum consists of an absorbed power-law, a 'soft excess' below 2 keV, and an Fe Kα\alpha emission line at 6.4 keV. The 'soft excess' can be well described by either thermal emission from very low abundance material at a temperature kT\simeq0.8 keV, or scattered/leaking flux from the primary power-law plus a small amount of thermal emission. Analysis of ROSAT HRI data reveals that the soft X-ray emission is extended on kpc scales in this object, and the extended component may account for most of the soft X-ray excess observed by the ASCA. The result suggests that in this type 2 AGN, the 'soft excess' at least partly comes from an extended region, imposing serious problem for the model in which the source is partially covered. Fe Kα\alpha profile is complex and can not be satisfactorily modeled by a single gaussian. Models of either double gaussians, or a narrow gaussian plus a line from a relativistic accretion disk viewed at an inclination of about 40±10\pm10^\circ provide good fits to the data. However, the inclination of the disk can be substantially larger if there is a small amount of excessive Fe K edge absorption. The intermediate inclinations for NLXGs are consistent with the ideas that the inner accretion disk is aligned with the outer obscuring torus.Comment: 8 pages, 5 postscript figures. to appear in Astrophy. J., 1999, April 2

    ASCA observations of high redshift quasars

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    ASCA observations of 4 high redshift radio--loud quasars with 1.44<z<3.21 are presented. The spectral analysis for three of them (PKS 0332-403, PKS 0537-286, PKS 2149-306) reveals that their X-ray continuum emission is well represented by a simple power--law model plus absorption with photon indices of \Gamma =1.92^{+0.30}_{-0.20} (PKS 0332-403), \Gamma =1.63^{+0.14}_{-0.12} (PKS 0537-286) and \Gamma =1.57\pm 0.05 (PKS 2149-306). The fourth and most distant object, PKS 1614+051 at z=3.21, was detected, but a detailed spectral analysis is impossible due to the small number of photons. We find evidence for excess absorption above the Galactic N_H--value in the ASCA data of PKS 2149-306, which is not confirmed by the ROSAT All-Sky Survey PSPC spectrum of this source. This could probably be due to variable absorption. The ROSAT spectrum of PKS 0537-286, deduced from a 10 ksec pointed PSPC observation, is consistent with the ASCA results. Thermal bremsstrahlung models also give acceptable fits to the ASCA data with best fit (rest frame) temperatures of 10.4, 33.5 and 45.8 keV for PKS 0332-403, PKS 0537-286 and PKS 2149-306, respectively. More complicated models for the X-ray continuum are not required, in particular, tight upper limits on the strength of the Fe-K emission line are given. The broad band spectral energy distributions from the radio to the \gamma-rays are presented and discussed

    ASCA Observations of the Composite Warm Absorber in NGC 3516

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    We obtained X-ray spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC~3516 in March 1995 using ASCA. Simultaneous far-UV observations were obtained with HUT on the Astro-2 shuttle mission. The ASCA spectrum shows a lightly absorbed power law of energy index 0.78. The low energy absorbing column is significantly less than previously seen. Prominent O~vii and O~viii absorption edges are visible, but, consistent with the much lower total absorbing column, no Fe K absorption edge is detectable. A weak, narrow Fe~Kα\alpha emission line from cold material is present as well as a broad Fe~Kα\alpha line. These features are similar to those reported in other Seyfert 1 galaxies. A single warm absorber model provides only an imperfect description of the low energy absorption. In addition to a highly ionized absorber with ionization parameter U=1.66U = 1.66 and a total column density of 1.4×1022 cm21.4 \times 10^{22}~\rm cm^{-2}, adding a lower ionization absorber with U=0.32U = 0.32 and a total column of 6.9×1021 cm26.9 \times 10^{21}~\rm cm^{-2} significantly improves the fit. The contribution of resonant line scattering to our warm absorber models limits the Doppler parameter to <160 km s1< 160~\rm km~s^{-1} at 90\% confidence. Turbulence at the sound speed of the photoionized gas provides the best fit. None of the warm absorber models fit to the X-ray spectrum can match the observed equivalent widths of all the UV absorption lines. Accounting for the X-ray and UV absorption simultaneously requires an absorbing region with a broad range of ionization parameters and column densities.Comment: 14 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty To appear in the August 20, 1996, issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Strict Limit on CPT Violation from Polarization of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We report the strictest observational verification of CPT invariance in the photon sector, as a result of gamma-ray polarization measurement of distant gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are brightest stellar-size explosions in the universe. We detected the gamma-ray polarization of three GRBs with high significance, and the source distances may be constrained by a well-known luminosity indicator for GRBs. For the Lorentz- and CPT-violating dispersion relation E_{\pm}^2=p^2 \pm 2\xi p^3/M_{Pl}, where \pm denotes different circular polarization states of the photon, the parameter \xi is constrained as |\xi|<O(10^{-15}). Barring precise cancellation between quantum gravity effects and dark energy effects, the stringent limit on the CPT-violating effect leads to the expectation that quantum gravity presumably respects the CPT invariance.Comment: 4 pages; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; redshift estimates of GRBs changed (i.e z=0.382 was wrong for GRB 110721A) and calculations of \xi limit improved from the previous versio