420 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic characteristics of several launch configurations utilizing the Titan 3 L booster and MMC DTO-7 Orbiter

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    The .00429 scale model Titan 3 booster was mated with the DTO-7 space shuttle orbiter with drop tanks and tested for aerodynamic performance in a 14 x 14 inch trisonic wind tunnel. Six component aerodynamic force and moment data were measured on several variations of the above component in a launch configuration over a Mach number range from 0.6 to 3.48. Angle of attack ranged from -12 deg to 12 deg at 0 deg and -6 deg sideslip angle and sideslip angle ranged from -12 deg to 12 deg at 0 deg angle of attack. Date are presented in plotted form in both the stability and body axis system

    Research of the Influence on the Modification of Beryllium in Al–Si Alloy

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    Modification of molten metal is performed for the eutectic and subeutectic silumins prior to its casting by using strontium, which has a time-limited effect up to 1–1.5 hours. Beryllium is used in order to prolong the modifying effect. The aim of the experiment is to examine both the distribution and the effect of beryllium in the structure on the temporary extension of the modification in the Al–Si alloys in combination with strontium modifier.Перед отливкой расплавленного металла выполняется модифицирование эвтектических и субэвтектических силуминов с помощью стронция, который имеет ограниченный 1–1,5 часами временный эффект воздействия. Бериллий используется для продления модифицирующего эффекта. Целью эксперимента является изучение распределения и влияния бериллия в структуре на временное продление модифицирующего воздействия в сплавах Al–Si в сочетании со стронциевым модификатором.Перед відливанням розтопленого металу виконується модифікування евтектичних і субевтектичних силумінів за допомогою Стронцію, який має обмежений 1–1,5 годинами тимчасовий ефект дії. Берилій використовується для продовження модифікувального ефекту. Метою експерименту є вивчення розподілу та впливу берилію в структурі на тимчасове подовження модифікувальної дії в стопах Al–Si у поєднанні зі стронційовим модифікатором

    The effect of area ratio on microjet array heat transfer

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    a b s t r a c t The heat transfer performance of five submerged and confined microjet arrays using air and deionized water as the working fluids was investigated. Both inline and staggered array arrangements of jet with diameters of 54 and 112 lm were investigated, and the area ratio (total area of the jets divided by the surface area) was varied between 0.036 and 0.35. Reynolds numbers defined by the jet diameter were in the range of 180-5100 for air and 50-3500 for water. A heat flux of 1100 W/cm 2 was obtained at a fluid inlet-to-surface temperature difference of less than 30°C. The results were compared with established correlations, and no evidence was found to suggest that the behavior of submerged and confined jets at the microscale is fundamentally different than at the macroscale. Reynolds number, Prandtl number, and area ratio were found to significantly affect the heat transfer performance, and a curve fit was developed, which correlated 290 of the 295 data points within ±25% with an MAE of 11%

    Extremes of Gaussian random fields with regularly varying dependence structure

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    Let be a centered Gaussian random field with variance function sigma (2)(ai...) that attains its maximum at the unique point , and let . For a compact subset of a"e, the current literature explains the asymptotic tail behaviour of under some regularity conditions including that 1 - sigma(t) has a polynomial decrease to 0 as t -> t (0). In this contribution we consider more general case that 1 - sigma(t) is regularly varying at t (0). We extend our analysis to Gaussian random fields defined on some compact set , deriving the exact tail asymptotics of for the class of Gaussian random fields with variance and correlation functions being regularly varying at t (0). A crucial novel element is the analysis of families of Gaussian random fields that do not possess locally additive dependence structures, which leads to qualitatively new types of asymptotics

    Surfactant phosphatidylcholine half-life and pool size measurements in premature baboons developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    Because minimal information is available about surfactant metabolism in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, we measured half-lives and pool sizes of surfactant phosphatidylcholine in very preterm baboons recovering from respiratory distress syndrome and developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia, using stable isotopes, radioactive isotopes, and direct pool size measurements. Eight ventilated premature baboons received (2)H-DPPC (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine) on d 5 of life, and radioactive (14)C-DPPC with a treatment dose of surfactant on d 8. After 14 d, lung pool sizes of saturated phosphatidylcholine were measured. Half-life of (2)H-DPPC (d 5) in tracheal aspirates was 28 +/- 4 h (mean +/- SEM). Half-life of radioactive DPPC (d 8) was 35 +/- 4 h. Saturated phosphatidylcholine pool size measured with stable isotopes on d 5 was 129 +/- 14 micro mol/kg, and 123 +/- 11 micro mol/kg on d 14 at autopsy. Half-lives were comparable to those obtained at d 0 and d 6 in our previous baboon studies. We conclude that surfactant metabolism does not change during the early development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, more specifically, the metabolism of exogenous surfactant on d 8 is similar to that on the day of birth. Surfactant pool size is low at birth, increases after surfactant therapy, and is kept constant during the first 2 wk of life by endogenous surfactant synthesis. Measurements with stable isotopes are comparable to measurements with radioactive tracers and measurements at autopsy

    AKT activity orchestrates marginal zone B cell development in mice and humans.

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    The signals controlling marginal zone (MZ) and follicular (FO) B cell development remain incompletely understood. Here, we show that AKT orchestrates MZ B cell formation in mice and humans. Genetic models that increase AKT signaling in B cells or abolish its impact on FoxO transcription factors highlight the AKT-FoxO axis as an on-off switch for MZ B cell formation in mice. In humans, splenic immunoglobulin (Ig) D <sup>+</sup> CD27 <sup>+</sup> B cells, proposed as an MZ B cell equivalent, display higher AKT signaling than naive IgD <sup>+</sup> CD27 <sup>-</sup> and memory IgD <sup>-</sup> CD27 <sup>+</sup> B cells and develop in an AKT-dependent manner from their precursors in vitro, underlining the conservation of this developmental pathway. Consistently, CD148 is identified as a receptor indicative of the level of AKT signaling in B cells, expressed at a higher level in MZ B cells than FO B cells in mice as well as humans