841 research outputs found

    Arc termination cracks in Inconel 718 and Incoloy 903

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    The welding of the nickel base, heat resistant alloys that are used extensively for welded Shuttle engine components revealed solidification cracking characteristics at weld termination points. If not detected and removed, these crater cracks may cause costly component failure. To better understand this characteristic, welding termination techniques were studied and methods developed to eliminate crater cracks. It was determined that weld termination solidification cracking can be eliminated by controlled decrease of welding current, welding voltage, wire feed, and travel speed

    Rapid generation of reaction permeability in the roots of black smoker systems, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus

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    The deep levels of former black smoker hydrothermal systems are widespread in the Troodos ophiolite in Cyprus. They are marked by zones of hydrothermal reaction in the sheeted dyke unit close to the underlying gabbros. These zones are characterized by the presence of epidosite (epidote-quartz rock). In the reaction zones, the dykes are altered to a range of greenschist facies mineral assemblages, from a low degree of alteration with a five to seven phase metabasaltic assemblage to a high degree of alteration with a two to three phase epidosite assemblage. Individual dykes may contain the full range, with the epidosites forming yellow-green stripes within a darker background, often extending for more than several metres, parallel to the dyke margins. Field relations show that the alteration took place on a dyke-by-dyke basis and was not a regional process. SEM petrography reveals that the epidosites contain millimetre scale pores. The minerals surrounding the pores show euhedral overgrowths into the free pore space, indicating a former transient porosity of up to 20%. We conclude that the epidosites formed by reaction between newly intruded basaltic dykes and actively circulating black smoker fluid leading to extensive dissolution of primary dyke minerals. This reaction generated the porosity in the stripes and transiently led to a much increased permeability, allowing the rapid penetration of the black smoker fluid into the dykes and flow along them in fingers. As the system evolved, the same flow regime allowed mineral precipitation and partial infilling of the porosity. This mechanism allows rapid recrystallization of the rock with release of metals and other components into the fluid. This explains the depletion of these components in epidosites and their enrichment in black smoker vent fluids and the relatively constant composition of vent fluids as fresh rock is continually mined

    Nanoelectromechanical Resonator Arrays for Ultrafast, Gas-Phase Chromatographic Chemical Analysis

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    Miniaturized gas chromatography (GC) systems can provide fast, quantitative analysis of chemical vapors in an ultrasmall package. We describe a chemical sensor technology based on resonant nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) mass detectors that provides the speed, sensitivity, specificity, and size required by the microscale GC paradigm. Such NEMS sensors have demonstrated detection of subparts per billion (ppb) concentrations of a phosphonate analyte. By combining two channels of NEMS detection with an ultrafast GC front-end, chromatographic analysis of 13 chemicals was performed within a 5 s time window

    The Expression and Roles of Nde1 and Ndel1 in the Adult Mammalian Central Nervous System

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Under a Creative Commons license Acknowledgments We thank Prof Angelo Sementilli, Department of Pathology, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, SP, Brazil, for the human sample collection. This study is funded by Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (HR07019 to S. Shen and C.D. McCaig), Medical Research Scotland (384 FRG to B. Lang, United Kingdom), Tenovus Scotland (G12/25 to B. Lang), Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies (C.D. McCaig and Y.Q. Ding) and Wellcome Trust (WT081633MA-NCE to P.J.A. McCaffery, United Kingdom).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A biomechanical evaluation of the combined elevation test

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    Objectives: To biomechanically evaluate the relationships between the outcome of the Combined Elevation Test, its component joint motions, and thoracic spine angles. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Laboratory. Participants: 18 elite swimmers and triathletes (11 males and 7 females). Main outcome measures: Combined Elevation Test outcome in forehead and chin positions. Individual joint contributions to test outcome. Results: No sex differences were found in test components, or between head positions. Test outcome was greater in the forehead position than the chin position (34.3 cm vs 30.2 cm; p0.05). Conclusions: The Combined Elevation Test is an effective screening tool to measure upper limb mobility into shoulder flexion and scapula retraction in both sexes, and thoracic extension in women. It is recommended that the test be performed in the forehead position. If a subject performs poorly on the test, follow up assessments are required to identify the impairment location

    Dasatinib inhibits CXCR4 signaling in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and impairs migration towards CXCL12

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    Chemokines and their ligands play a critical role in enabling chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) cells access to protective microenvironmental niches within tissues, ultimately resulting in chemoresistance and relapse: disruption of these signaling pathways has become a novel therapeutic approach in CLL. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib inhibits migration of several cell lines from solid-organ tumours, but effects on CLL cells have not been reported. We studied the effect of clinically achievable concentrations of dasatinib on signaling induced by the chemokine CXCL12 through its' receptor CXCR4, which is highly expressed on CLL cells. Dasatinib pre-treatment inhibited Akt and ERK phosphorylation in CLL cells upon stimulation with CXCL12. Dasatinib also significantly diminished the rapid increase in actin polymerisation observed in CLL cells following CXCL12 stimulation. Moreover, the drug significantly inhibited chemotaxis in a transwell assay, and reduced the percentage of cells able to migrate beneath a CXCL12-expressing murine stromal cell line. Dasatinib also abrogated the anti-apoptotic effect of prolonged CXCL12 stimulation on cultured CLL cells. These data suggest that dasatinib, akin to other small molecule kinase inhibitors targeting the B-cell receptor signaling pathway, may redistribute CLL cells from protective tissue niches to the peripheral blood, and support the investigation of dasatinib in combination strategies

    Wide Distribution of a High-Virulence Borrelia burgdorferi Clone in Europe and North America

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    We found substantial population differentiation and recent trans-Atlantic dispersal of a high-virulence B. burgdorferi clone