42 research outputs found

    From "best practice" to "best fit": a framework for designing and analyzing pluralistic agricultural advisory services

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    "Agricultural advisory services play an important role in supporting the use of the agricultural sector as an engine of pro-poor growth and enabling small farmers to meet new challenges, such as accessing export markets, adopting environmentally sustainable production techniques, and coping with HIV/AIDS and other health challenges that affect agriculture...There is now renewed interest in agricultural advisory services in many countries.... The questions under debate include: What should be the roles of the public sector, private sector, and civil society? How can we ensure that agricultural advisory services are demand-driven and meet the diverse information needs of farmers? How can advisory services be made efficient and financially sustainable? How can we ensure that female farmers, the poor, and other marginalized groups have access to agricultural advisory services?" from Authors' SummaryAgricultural extension work, Pro-poor growth, Capacity strengthening,

    Enhancing innovation between scientific and indigenous knowledge: pioneer NGOs in India

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    Abstract Background Until recently, little attention has been paid to local innovation capacity as well as management practices and institutions developed by communities and other local actors based on their traditional knowledge. This paper doesn't focus on the results of scientific research into innovation systems, but rather on how local communities, in a network of supportive partnerships, draw knowledge for others, combine it with their own knowledge and then innovate in their local practices. Innovation, as discussed in this article, is the capacity of local stakeholders to play an active role in innovative knowledge creation in order to enhance local health practices and further environmental conservation. In this article, the innovative processes through which this capacity is created and reinforced will be defined as a process of "ethnomedicine capacity". Methods The field study undertaken by the first author took place in India, in the State of Tamil Nadu, over a period of four months in 2007. The data was collected through individual interviews and focus groups and was complemented by participant observations. Results The research highlights the innovation capacity related to ethnomedical knowledge. As seen, the integration of local and scientific knowledge is crucial to ensure the practices anchor themselves in daily practices. The networks created are clearly instrumental to enhancing the innovation capacity that allows the creation, dissemination and utilization of 'traditional' knowledge. However, these networks have evolved in very different forms and have become entities that can fit into global networks. The ways in which the social capital is enhanced at the village and network levels are thus important to understand how traditional knowledge can be used as an instrument for development and innovation. Conclusion The case study analyzed highlights examples of innovation systems in a developmental context. They demonstrate that networks comprised of several actors from different levels can synergistically forge linkages between local knowledge and formal sciences and generate positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is the revitalization of perceived traditions while the negative impacts pertain to the transformation of these traditions into health commodities controlled by new elites, due to unequal power relations

    The Economic Impact of Eradicating Peste des Petits Ruminants:A Benefit-Cost Analysis

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    Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an important cause of mortality and production loss among sheep and goats in the developing world. Despite control efforts in a number of countries, it has continued to spread across Africa and Asia, placing an increasing burden on the livelihoods of livestock keepers and on veterinary resources in affected countries. Given the similarities between PPR and rinderpest, and the lessons learned from the successful global eradication of rinderpest, the eradication of PPR seems appealing, both eliminating an important disease and improving the livelihoods of the poor in developing countries. We conducted a benefit-cost analysis to examine the conomic returns from a proposed programme for the global eradication of PPR. Based on our knowledge and experience, we developed the eradication strategy and estimated its costs. The benefits of the programme were determined from (i) the averted mortality costs, based on an analysis of the literature, (ii) the downstream impact of reduced mortality using a social accounting matrix, and (iii) the avoided control costs based on current levels of vaccination. The results of the benefit-cost analysis suggest strong economic returns from PPR eradication. Based on a 15-year programme with total discounted costs of US2.26billion,weestimatediscountedbenefitsofUS2.26 billion, we estimate discounted benefits of US76.5 billion, yielding a net benefit of US$74.2 billion. This suggests a benefit cost ratio of 33.8, and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 199%. As PPR mortality rates are highly variable in different populations, we conducted a sensitivity analysis based on lower and higher mortality scenarios. All the scenarios examined indicate that investment in PPR eradication would be highly beneficial economically. Furthermore, removing one of the major constraints to small ruminant production would be of considerable benefit to many of the most vulnerable communities in Africa and Asia

    A case for increased private sector involvement in Ireland's national animal health services

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    Non-regulatory animal health issues, such as Johne's disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and mastitis will become increasing important, with ongoing globalisation of markets in animals and animal products. In response, Ireland may need to broaden the scope of its national animal health services. However, there have been concerns about the respective roles and responsibilities (both financial and otherwise) of government and industry in any such moves. This paper argues the case for increased private sector involvement in Ireland's national animal health services, based both on theoretical considerations and country case studies (the Netherlands and Australia). The Dutch and Australian case studies present examples of successful partnerships between government and industry, including systems and processes to address non-regulatory animal health issues. In each case, the roles and responsibilities of government are clear, as are the principles underpinning government involvement. Furthermore, the roles and responsibilities (financial and otherwise) of the Dutch and Australian industry are determined through enabling legislation, providing both legitimacy and accountability. There are constraints on the use of EU and national government funds to support non-regulatory animal health services in EU member states (such as Ireland and the Netherlands)

    Contending with complexity: The role of evaluation in implementing sustainable natural resource management

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    Three case studies show that natural resource management (NRM) research aimed at sustainably improving the well-being of African small-holder farmers is complex, and that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is an essential tool in coping with this complexity, supported by an ‘innovation systems’ view of the adoption process. In the case studies, researchers adjusted their activities and outputs on the basis of learning from M&E. Many of the insights came through identifying farmer innovations, which also proved a source of improvements to the respective technologies. Together, better understanding and iterative improvements made eventual widespread impact more likely. Farmers also learnt from M&E exercises and this learning facilitated adoption. The understanding of the early adoption process provided by M&E can provide a foundation for more plausible impact assessment

    GCARD2. The state of foresight in food and agriculture and the roads toward improvement. Chapter F1, Foresight Report

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    Rapport disponible Ă  l'adresse : http://www.egfar.org/documents/gcard2-state-foresight-food-and-agriculture-and-roads-toward-improvement-chapter-f1-reportRapport