17,884 research outputs found

    Massive higher spins and holography

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    We review recent progress towards the understanding of higher spin gauge symmetry breaking in AdS space from a holographic vantage point. According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, N=4 SYM theory at vanishing coupling constant should be dual to a theory in AdS which exhibits higher spin gauge symmetry enhancement. When the SYM coupling is non-zero, all but a handful of HS currents are violated by anomalies, and correspondingly local higher spin symmetry in the bulk gets spontaneously broken. In agreement with previous results and holographic expectations, we find that, barring one notable exception (spin 1 eating spin 0), the Goldstone modes responsible for HS symmetry breaking in AdS have non-vanishing mass even in the limit in which the gauge symmetry is restored. We show that spontaneous breaking a' la Stueckelberg implies that the mass of the relevant spin s'=s-1 Goldstone field is exactly the one predicted by the correspondence.Comment: 8 pages, talk presented by M.B. at the "Fourth Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum gravity" held in Cala Gonone (Sardinia, Italy), September 12-16, 200

    Type IIB Orientifolds with NS-NS Antisymmetric Tensor Backgrounds

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    We consider six dimensional N=1 space-time supersymmetric Type IIB orientifolds with non-zero untwisted NS-NS sector B-field. The B-field is quantized due to the requirement that the Type IIB spectrum be left-right symmetric. The presence of the B-field results in rank reduction of both 99 and 55 open string sector gauge groups. We point out that in some of the models with non-zero B-field there are extra tensor multiplets in the Z_2 twisted closed string sector, and we explain their origin in a simple example. Also, the 59 open string sector states come with a multiplicity that depends on the B-field. These two facts are in accord with anomaly cancellation requirements. We point out relations between various orientifolds with and without the B-field, and also discuss the F-theory duals of these models.Comment: 13 pages, revtex, minor misprints correcte

    Three-Point Functions of Quarter BPS Operators in N=4 SYM

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    In a recent paper hep-th/0109064, quarter-BPS chiral primaries were constructed in the fully interacting four dimensional N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(N). These operators are annihilated by four supercharges, and at order g^2 have protected scaling dimension and normalization. Here, we compute three-point functions involving these quarter-BPS operators along with half-BPS operators. The combinatorics of the problem is rather involved, and we consider the following special cases: (1) correlators of two half-BPS primaries with an arbitrary chiral primary; (2) certain classes of and < quarter quarter quarter > three-point functions; (3) three-point functions involving the Delta correlators with the special quarter-BPS operator made of single and double trace operators only. The analysis in cases (1)-(3) is valid for general N, while (4) is a large N approximation. Order g^2 corrections to all three-point functions considered in this paper are found to vanish. In the AdS/CFT correspondence, quarter-BPS chiral primaries are dual to threshold bound states of elementary supergravity excitations. We present a supergravity discussion of two- and three-point correlators involving these bound states.Comment: 44 pages, Latex, eps figures, uses epsfig.sty; references adde

    On the spectrum of AdS/CFT beyond supergravity

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    We test the spectrum of string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 derived in hep-th/0305052 against that of single-trace gauge invariant operators in free N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Masses of string excitations at critical tension are derived by extrapolating plane-wave frequencies at g_{YM}=0 down to finite J. On the SYM side, we present a systematic description of the spectrum of single-trace operators and its reduction to PSU(2,2|4) superconformal primaries via a refined Eratostenes' supersieve. We perform the comparison of the resulting SYM/string spectra of charges and multiplicities order by order in the conformal dimension \Delta up to \Delta=10 and find perfect agreement. Interestingly, the SYM/string massive spectrum exhibits a hidden symmetry structure larger than expected, with bosonic subgroup SO(10,2) and thirty-two supercharges.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX2

    A Chiral N=1 Type I Vacuum in Four Dimensions and Its Heterotic Dual

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    In this paper we consider Type I string theory compactified on a Z_7 orbifold. The model has N=1 supersymmetry, a U(4) \otimes U(4) \otimes U(4) \otimes SO(8) gauge group, and chiral matter. There are only D9-branes (for which we discuss tadpole cancellation conditions) in this model corresponding to a perturbative heterotic description in a certain region of the moduli space. We construct the heterotic dual, match the perturbative type I and heterotic tree-level massless spectra via giving certain scalars appropriate vevs, and point out the crucial role of the perturbative superpotential (on the heterotic side) for this matching. The relevant couplings in this superpotential turn out to be non-renormalizable (unlike the Z-orbifold case discussed in Ref [1], where Yukawa couplings sufficed for duality matching). We also discuss the role of the anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry present in both type I and heterotic models. In the perturbative regime we match the (tree-level) moduli spaces of these models. We point out possible generalizations of the Z_3 and Z_7 cases to include D5-branes which would help in understanding non-perturbative five-brane dynamics on the heterotic side.Comment: Revtex 3.0, 23 pages, 1 eps figure (to appear in Phys. Rev. D

    Simplifying one-loop amplitudes in superstring theory

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    We show that 4-point vector boson one-loop amplitudes, computed in ref.[1] in the RNS formalism, around vacuum configurations with open unoriented strings, preserving at least N=1 SUSY in D=4, satisfy the correct supersymmetry Ward identities, in that they vanish for non MHV configurations (++++) and (-+++). In the MHV case (--++) we drastically simplify their expressions. We then study factorisation and the limiting IR and UV behaviour and find some unexpected results. In particular no massless poles are exposed at generic values of the modular parameter. Relying on the supersymmetric properties of our bosonic amplitudes, we extend them to manifestly supersymmetric super-amplitudes and compare our results with those obtained in the D=4 hybrid formalism, pointing out difficulties in reconciling the two approaches for contributions from N=1,2 sectors.Comment: 38 pages plus appendice

    Cooperative damping mechanism of the resonance in the nuclear photoabsorption

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    We propose a resonance damping mechanism to explain the disappearance of the peaks around the position of the resonances higher than the Δ\Delta resonance in the nuclear photoabsorption. This phenomenon is understood by taking into account the cooperative effect of the collision broadening of Δ\Delta and N∗N^{*}, the pion distortion and the interference in the two-pion photoproduction processes in the nuclear medium.Comment: 11 pages, uses revtex.sty. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    On Exact Symmetries and Massless Vectors in Holographic Flows and other Flux Vacua

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    We analyze the isometries of Type IIB flux vacua based on the Papadopolous-Tseytlin ansatz and identify the related massless bulk vector fields. To this end we devise a general ansatz, valid in any flux compactification, for the fluctuations of the metric and p-forms that diagonalizes the coupled equations. We then illustrate the procedure in the simple case of holographic flows driven by the RR 3-form flux only. Specifically we study the fate of the isometries of the Maldacena-Nunez solution associated to wrapped D5-branes.Comment: 23 page

    Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models

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    Mrk 509 was observed by XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL in October/November 2009, with one observation every four days for a total of ten observations. Each observation has been fitted with a realistic thermal Comptonization model for the continuum emission. Prompted by the correlation between the UV and soft X-ray flux, we used a thermal Comptonization component for the soft X-ray excess. The UV to X-ray/gamma-ray emission of Mrk 509 can be well fitted by these components, pointing to the existence of a hot (kT ∌ 100 keV), optically-thin (τ ∌ 0.5) corona producing the primary continuum. In contrast, the soft X-ray component requires a warm (kT ∌ 1 keV), optically-thick (τ ∌ 10-20) plasma. Estimates of the amplification ratio for this warm plasma support a configuration relatively close to the “theoretical” configuration of a slab corona above a passive disk. This plasma could be the warm upper layer of the accretion disk. In contrast, the hot corona has a more photon-starved geometry. The high temperature (∌ 100 eV) of the soft-photon field entering and cooling it favors a localization of the hot corona in the inner flow. This soft-photon field could be part of the comptonized emission produced by the warm plasma

    Three-Family Supersymmetric Standard-like Models from Intersecting Brane Worlds

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    We construct the first three family N=1 supersymmetric string model with Standard Model gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y from an orientifold of type IIA theory on T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2) and D6-branes intersecting at angles. In addition to the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model particles, the model contains right-handed neutrinos, a chiral (but anomaly-free) set of exotic multiplets, and extra vector-like multiplets. We discuss some phenomenological features of this model.Comment: 4 pages, minor typos correcte
