33 research outputs found

    Victimisation in the lives of lesbian-identified women in South Africa : implications for clinical assessment and treatment

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    Few clinical studies have examined victimisation in the lives of lesbian women in South Africa and whether there are distinct implications for psychological treatment. This paper presents the assessment and treatment of a lesbian-identified South African survivor of childhood sexual abuse who, as an adult, was raped and later gang raped. Her victimisation in adulthood represented ‘corrective rape’ motivated by the prejudiced assumption that the sexuality of lesbian women is pathological and should be ‘corrected’ through rape. This paper lends insights into the role of heterosexism in shaping vulnerability to victimisation and the process of recovery. It provides recommendations for work with sexual minority clients and highlights the implications when there is an absence of safety and support in the external environment

    Efectos del enherbado en viticultura sobre la nutrición mineral, el rendimiento y el vigor

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    Se estudiaron las consecuencias del enherbado de la vid sobre la alimentación mineral, la cosecha y el vigor, en cuatro viñedos de la región bordelesa en Francia, haciendo hincapié en los aspectos concernientes a la nutrición nitrogenada. Este tratamiento fue comparado con el laboreo tradicional y / o con el no laboreo. Igualmente se analiza el efecto de la intensidad del enherbado, comparando vides enherbadas en cada calle con vides enherbadas cada dos calles. La presencia de hierba supuso una competencia importante por el nitrógeno, que implica una adaptación de la vid a las nuevas condiciones. El enherbado redujo la disponibilidad de nitrógeno en los suelos y en consecuencia las vides presentaron un menor nivel de este elemento tanto en hojas como en las reservas. Igualmente el vigor y, en menor grado, los rendimientos están muy reducidos. Estos efectos son más intensos cuando el grado de enherbado es mayor

    Specification of Logic Programming Languages from Reusable Semantic Building Blocks

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    We specify a logic programming language using a combination of modular monadic semantics and generic programming concepts

    LPS: A Language Prototyping System Using Modular Monadic Semantics

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    This paper describes LPS, a Language Prototyping System that facilitates the modular development of interpreters from semantic building blocks. The system is based on the integration of ideas from Modular Monadic Semantics and Generic Programming. To define a new programming language, the abstract syntax is described as the fixpoint of non-recursive pattern functors. For each functor an algebra is defined whose carrier is the computational monad obtained from the application of several monad transformers to a base monad. The interpreter is automatically generated by a catamorphism or, in some special cases, a monadic catamorphism. The system has been implemented as a domain-specific language embedded in Haskell and we have also implemented an interactive framework for language testing.

    Metamodel for integration of Internet of Things, Social Networks, the Cloud and Industry 4.0

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the world. Software for manufacturing industry is perceived as the new industrial revolution. It is creating new opportunities for both the economies and the society. Deployment of Internet of Things for development of Industry 4.0 changes processes and manufacturing systems while it also changes players in a wide variety of types and shapes. In that sort of systems, information is related to manufacturing status, trends in energy consumption by machinery, movement of materials, customer orders, supply data and all data related to smart devices deployed in the processes. This paper analyzes Internet of Things (IoT), its use into manufacturing industry, its foundation principles, available elements and technologies for the man-things-software communication already developed in this area. And it proves how important its deployment is. Describes a proposal of architecture of the Internet of things applied to the industry, a metamodel of integration (Internet of Things, Social Networks, Cloud and Industry 4.0) for generation of applications for the Industry 4.0, and the manufacturing monitoring prototype implemented with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer, a cloud storage server and a mobile device for controlling an online production process